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DSK, can we believe this?

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This article raises several points which have been discussed here before: the difficulty for a woman to be believed, for the complaint to be taken seriously, the fact that some women welcome attention and that some women are able to make clear the point that such attention is not welcome.

[quote]It's pretty easy to say 'give up the job' from behind a keyboard - implying: admire my intransigence. What about the baby? What will he eat tomorrow? And what about the rent? This is the real crime: they take advantage of a person's needs in exchange for sexual favours. It is an economic rape, a social rape.[/quote]

Harcèlement sexuel au travail, parlons-en

Sexual harassment at work, let's talk about it

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Il y aura toujours des hommes qui en profiteront car il y a des femmes que cela arrange


Unless my french has really gone further down the toilet than I think it has, then that little statement describes consensual liasons or whatever? Have I misunderstood. 

Is that a good 'headline'. Thought it would be better simply as part of the paragraph. I believe it to be a true statement, just don't like the way journalists make certain sentences prominent. This is a serious issue which requires discussion.

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[quote user="idun"]

Il y aura toujours des hommes qui en profiteront car il y a des femmes que cela arrange


Unless my french has really gone further down the toilet than I think it has, then that little statement describes consensual liasons or whatever? Have I misunderstood. 

Is that a good 'headline'. Thought it would be better simply as part of the paragraph. I believe it to be a true statement, just don't like the way journalists make certain sentences prominent. This is a serious issue which requires discussion.


But sluts would know when the time was right.

Takes two to tango.

Cécilia Attias: «Des femmes approchaient Nicolas Sarkozy pour lui donner leur numéro de téléphone alors que j'étais juste à côté»


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I agree and disagree with these women.

Poor hetrosexual men, they are hard wired to look at women and desire women, keeps the world turning. So why wind men up so completely and say that if they 'crack' it is all their fault. Most men restrain themselves remarkably well, but I believe that women should also be reasonable and use basic common sense too.

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="idun"]

Il y aura toujours des hommes qui en profiteront car il y a des femmes que cela arrange


Unless my french has really gone further down the toilet than I think it has, then that little statement describes consensual liasons or whatever? Have I misunderstood. 

Is that a good 'headline'. Thought it would be better simply as part of the paragraph. I believe it to be a true statement, just don't like the way journalists make certain sentences prominent. This is a serious issue which requires discussion.


But sluts would know when the time was right.

Takes two to tango.

Cécilia Attias: «Des femmes approchaient Nicolas Sarkozy pour lui donner leur numéro de téléphone alors que j'étais juste à côté»



IF what has been reported about him over the last year or so, is true, then he has had affairs, so why are the women sluts. Just women, with, in my opinion, extremely bad taste, who fancy him and have heard he is up for it. If the thing about affairs is true, then he is a male slut too, if that is the word we're going to use.

Consenting adults can do what they want as long as there neither is pressured into doing whatever they do.


EDIT, I can write 'so why are the women sluts' and it is ok. But I cannot write 'then he is a male s l u t ' without xxx's coming up.

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[quote user="idun"][quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="idun"]

Il y aura toujours des hommes qui en profiteront car il y a des femmes que cela arrange


Unless my french has really gone further down the toilet than I think it has, then that little statement describes consensual liasons or whatever? Have I misunderstood. 

Is that a good 'headline'. Thought it would be better simply as part of the paragraph. I believe it to be a true statement, just don't like the way journalists make certain sentences prominent. This is a serious issue which requires discussion.


But sluts would know when the time was right.

Takes two to tango.

Cécilia Attias: «Des femmes approchaient Nicolas Sarkozy pour lui donner leur numéro de téléphone alors que j'étais juste à côté»



IF what has been reported about him over the last year or so, is true, then he has had affairs, so why are the women sluts. Just women, with, in my opinion, extremely bad taste, who fancy him and have heard he is up for it. If the thing about affairs is true, then he is a male slut too, if that is the word we're going to use.

Consenting adults can do what they want as long as there neither is pressured into doing whatever they do.


EDIT, I can write 'so why are the women sluts' and it is ok. But I cannot write 'then he is a male s l u t ' without xxx's coming up.


Dont get too incandescent![:P]

I just apocopated an earlier post....This is a slutwalk.[:)]

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At breakfast France Info are running the DAs deposition on the left mobile event.

Rather amusing.

I bet DSK would have been more careful, if he had realised that the fuzz were listening in.

I got a diplomatic passport. What a card!


If you have time it is worth reading the VDF deposition, PDF link below.




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[quote user="Cathy"]I'm confused.  Does he have two passports, one with diplomatic immunity and other not or was he just making it up?[/quote]

He does have 2 passports, a French one and another, issued on behalf of the IMF.

The IMF does offer diplomatic immunity when the passport holder is carrying out official IMF business. DSK was in New York on private business.

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If I was having a sandwich for breakfast it would be bacon sandwich or a fried egg sandwich. Which I usually call: bacon sarnie and  egg banjo. Both of which I tend to have if camping. I always feel like something substantial after a night under canvas.
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[quote user="Gardener"]Has that document been abridged or is it usual for people in the US to be detained and handcuffed without being informed that they are under arrest or even why they have been stopped?[/quote]

Which document?

I dont know but it was quite usual in France for PPP to be handcuffed to a railing opposite the Hôtel de Ville in Paris.

Indeed the Parigots passing by regarded it as normal, expected and really rather amusing; an essential complement to their celebrations of the Millenium.

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Strange, yesterday the prosecution announced they would definitely be introducing DNA when they get to court (BBC News) and today I read in Le Figaro that his defence attorney is going to invoke diplomatic immunity on the basis that whilst his visit to the US was private when he was arrested he was on his way to a business meeting and his flight ticket was paid for by the IMF. Whilst I agree with Frenchies initial comment of something along the lines of "innocent until proven guilty" one can't also help thinking about the other old English saying "If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck it's normally a duck" and that when things like this come out you can't help but think he may actually be guilty. What I also found interesting is the readers comments (in Le Figaro) now as compared to before, there seems to be quite a big movement from defending him to thinking he is guilty.


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If I get pulled off a Ryan Air flight at Stansted at the departure gate, I would of course expect the immediate production of a fax with full details of the alleged offence and due notification of the relevant particulars of the magistrate supervising the detention.[:)]
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Just two small flaws in your comment, it was not Ryan Air and it was not in the UK. [:D] [:D]

Edit.: Actually it's three flaws as he was not actually on an aircraft he was in the departure lounge according the the story now being peddled around by Le Figaro. Allegedly if your on a French aircraft and you are French, according to them, then your on French 'soil' and therefor an extradition order would have to be made to extract you from the aircraft which I find hard to believe.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Just two small flaws in your comment, it was not Ryan Air and it was not in the UK. [:D] [:D]

Edit.: Actually it's three flaws as he was not actually on an aircraft he was in the departure lounge according the the story now being peddled around by Le Figaro. Allegedly if your on a French aircraft and you are French, according to them, then your on French 'soil' and therefor an extradition order would have to be made to extract you from the aircraft which I find hard to believe.


True indeed!

In fact four flaws in the argument; reference was made to diplomatic immunity. He did not claim to be PPP.

The post was rather metaphorical to keep the thread on the back burner until G has had his brunch.[I]

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Strange, yesterday the prosecution announced they would definitely be introducing DNA when they get to court (BBC News) and today I read in Le Figaro that his defence attorney is going to invoke diplomatic immunity on the basis that whilst his visit to the US was private when he was arrested he was on his way to a business meeting and his flight ticket was paid for by the IMF. Whilst I agree with Frenchies initial comment of something along the lines of "innocent until proven guilty" one can't also help thinking about the other old English saying "If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck it's normally a duck" and that when things like this come out you can't help but think he may actually be guilty. What I also found interesting is the readers comments (in Le Figaro) now as compared to before, there seems to be quite a big movement from defending him to thinking he is guilty.



DSK on board!! And you think the NYPD would have let the plane move from the ramp.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Reasonable resumé of the three immunity options open to the DSK defense team.


More on Hollis.



I am probably being a bit naive here but if the man is, as he claims, innocent then why would he want to try and get immunity? Surely as an innocent man of such high position and also, one day wishing to be President of France, the opportunity of proving his innocence would strengthen his position no end and answer finally all his critics? 'Hiding' behind immunity, if that is what he ends up doing, does him no favours what so ever.

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The following seems to be one of the officially believed stories in some Socialist circles:

DSK did ring for a call-girl, and when the chambermaid arrived, he mistook her for the call-girl he was expecting.

No idea what happened to the real call-girl? or if he had asked for one dressed as a chambermaid?

Many theories around. We will probably never know the truth.

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[quote user="Quillan"]I am probably being a bit naive here but if the man is, as he claims, innocent then why would he want to try and get immunity? Surely as an innocent man of such high position and also, one day wishing to be President of France, the opportunity of proving his innocence would strengthen his position no end and answer finally all his critics? 'Hiding' behind immunity, if that is what he ends up doing, does him no favours what so ever.[/quote]

In his position, even if innocent, I would not wish to put my faith on justice being done, and if I could avoid having to face justice, even if I knew myself to be innocent, I would take steps to do so. We are already seeing this process being used by some as a "trial by media" - you could be found not guilty and yet still have your reputation and business dealings in tatters. The French, British and US systems are not infallible and innocent people have been locked up in the past. Equally, guilty people have got off scot-free.



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