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DSK, can we believe this?

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On France 2 this evening the defence lawyer requested any women in Africa or France who had been molested by DSK to come forward and make themselves known to the defence team for the plaintiff.

Kenneth Thompson, l'avocat de la victime présumée de Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Nafissatou Diallo, s'est exprimé mardi soir sur France 2. Le ténor du barreau américain a lancé un appel à d'éventuelles victimes de l'ex-patron du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) en France et en Afrique, afin qu'elles se fassent connaître.


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They ( France 2 . Journal de 20 heures ) also pointed out the fact that she will no doubt be accused to be a gold digger, since she has dropped her first lawyers to choose this man , who is well known for getting huge loads of money in case his client wins in court....

He usually takes 30 to 40 % for himself, to pay for his services, they said . 

 He's often described as :" un as des dommages et interêts ".

Don't know if this new strategy will help the alleged victim.


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Another strange revelation .

The man who is in charge of the enquiry in New York , Ray Kelly, is a person close to Nicolas Sarkozy, according to a journalist , ( Leonard Levitt ) , specialized in the NYPD .

Sarko and ray Kelly would have " very good relationships" .


We can tend to believe who we want, but it gets to  one person's truth against another person's one.

We will never know the truth, IMHO .

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

They ( France 2 . Journal de 20 heures ) also pointed out the fact that she will no doubt be accused to be a gold digger, since she has dropped her first lawyers to choose this man , who is well known for getting huge loads of money in case his client wins in court....

He usually takes 30 to 40 % for himself, to pay for his services, they said . 

 He's often described as :" un as des dommages et interêts ".

Don't know if this new strategy will help the alleged victim.



As is frequently the case the french media lose the plot by trying to compare apples and pears.

The "partie civile" procedure in france associated with a criminal trial does NOT exist in a common law jurisdiction as for example the United States of America.

The criminal and civil procedures are independent.

The trial of DSK is a CRIMINAL TRIAL of an alleged felon and sweet rock all to do with a Civil Trial.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

They ( France 2 . Journal de 20 heures ) also pointed out the fact that she will no doubt be accused to be a gold digger, since she has dropped her first lawyers to choose this man , who is well known for getting huge loads of money in case his client wins in court....

He usually takes 30 to 40 % for himself, to pay for his services, they said . 


And if he loses, how is this poor woman going to pay him?


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[quote user="Christine Animal"][quote user="Frenchie"]

They ( France 2 . Journal de 20 heures ) also pointed out the fact that she will no doubt be accused to be a gold digger, since she has dropped her first lawyers to choose this man , who is well known for getting huge loads of money in case his client wins in court....

He usually takes 30 to 40 % for himself, to pay for his services, they said . 


And if he loses, how is this poor woman going to pay him?



Who loses, DSK or the DA or whoever?

Which him might the poor woman have to pay?

Are you actually aware that Kenneth Thompson has taken on the case on a no fee basis in the wider interests of justice for a poor woman against a...add your own optional DSK epithets.

I am personally pleased to see that Ken is soliciting for additional brave females around the world. No Ken is not looking at clutch of criminal proseucutions as they would be outside the New York jurisdiction; albeit in some common law jurisdictions murder outside the jurisdiction is actionable. No Ken is planning a clutch of civil cases which would be actionable in the USA.[:D]

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Another strange revelation .

The man who is in charge of the enquiry in New York , Ray Kelly, is a person close to Nicolas Sarkozy, according to a journalist , ( Leonard Levitt ) , specialized in the NYPD .

Sarko and ray Kelly would have " very good relationships" .


We can tend to believe who we want, but it gets to  one person's truth against another person's one.

We will never know the truth, IMHO .


This is the sort of stuff 'The Sun' and 'Daily Mail' get off on. You could also try http://polymedia.skynetblogs.be/tag/leonard+levitt which is peddling this rubbish but then its also a Belgium website. You also need to look at Belgian politics at the moment which means anything that casts a black mark on anything French for some there is good news. This detective  also works on international terrorism and has visited Interpol many times, got a medal from Sarko, as did a few others, for their battle against terrorism. He goes to meetings on this subject in France and all over Europe. The minister for justice in France at the time was Sarko. Seems to me people are putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5. Don't forget it's not him prosecuting, he is not the judge and he is not the jury. Yes he could play with the evidence perhaps but then if caught he has an awful lot to loose including going to prison. Being the high profile of this case I think you will find everything is is above board. I think France flatters it's self in thinking that this is a Sarko driven conspiracy played out in another country. France may take illegal actions via it's secret service in other peoples countries (New Zealand - Green Peace) but they don't have the power to get a none French person to act on their behalf in another country like the US.

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On TV5 Monde tonight there was a program, I think an hour long about all this and the Strauss Khann couple.

It went over the events and timing. It discussed people with sex addictions. It tried to get information about the maid, in NYC and Africa. Then it discussed Anne Sinclair.

I could thankfully have throttled one old french journalist who was on the program. He was insisting that a private life was private and cited Mitterands illegitimate daughter and said that it was nothing to do with the public. And also discussed Anne Sinclair and had the audacity to compare her to those in the resistance, even though it is not a time of war. How dare he. Anne Sinclair, has lived a very priveleged life, she is filthy rich, she gave a  30 million euro painting to the state. He was very annoyed with the whole affair, and he left me feeling equally annoyed.

All I know is that DSK is a remarkable 62 year old. He was in the bathroom at noon and then managed to either negociate sex OR do what the allegations stated,  in a very narrow time line, not only get an erection and ejaculate, as far as I am aware the former is necessary for the latter. Then pack his bags, dress and get into the lobby for 12h28, that would include perhaps waiting for a lift. Amazing! (NB time lines on TV5 tonight.)

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[quote user="idun"]All I know is that DSK is a remarkable 62 year old. He was in the bathroom at noon and then managed to either negociate sex OR do what the allegations stated,  in a very narrow time line, not only get an erection and ejaculate, as far as I am aware the former is necessary for the latter. Then pack his bags, dress and get into the lobby for 12h28, that would include perhaps waiting for a lift. Amazing! (NB time lines on TV5 tonight.)[/quote]

I received an email from the US a few days ago, suggesting DSK had taken Viagra to do a little business with a female acquaintance of the paying kind, and found himself with enough after-effect from the lil'blue pill that he decided to put it to use at the soonest opportunity...

All vile rumours, of course... [Www]

How long does Viagra last?

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Small point from the french media today where the request of the defence for information including on the plaintiff is given prominent headlines.

Nothing in fact to get excited about just the normal procedure at common law for Demand & Disclosure & Motions.

New York State Law

Section  240.10  Discovery; definition of terms.
         240.20  Discovery; upon demand of defendant.
         240.30  Discovery; upon demand of prosecutor.
         240.35  Discovery; refusal of demand.
         240.40  Discovery; upon court order.

A Procedure adopted  in all cases, DSK is no exception.

There is every possibility that the Proseucution will not accede completely to the Defence Demands in which case the Defense will prefer Motions to the Court on the 18th july to resolve the outstanding issues.

All very confusing for the french and their media.

Typical 20minutes exagerated coverage.


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="idun"]All I know is that DSK is a remarkable 62 year old. He was in the bathroom at noon and then managed to either negociate sex OR do what the allegations stated,  in a very narrow time line, not only get an erection and ejaculate, as far as I am aware the former is necessary for the latter. Then pack his bags, dress and get into the lobby for 12h28, that would include perhaps waiting for a lift. Amazing! (NB time lines on TV5 tonight.)[/quote]

I received an email from the US a few days ago, suggesting DSK had taken Viagra to do a little business with a female acquaintance of the paying kind, and found himself with enough after-effect from the lil'blue pill that he decided to put it to use at the soonest opportunity...
All vile rumours, of course... [Www]

How long does Viagra last?

I was wondering if he had been chemically assisted, so could be, or not. [Www]

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

What, you mean even in England ?!   [:D]

Is there proof?


 Bailed and released and keeping a low profile after complaints from a 29 year old woman in the early hours, allegedly.

I don't think anyone ever tried to say it never happens here, of course it does, its the media's and publics attitude that is different.



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Normally in a New York Criminal Case the DA will take care of the prosecution.

One can be glad, contrary to customary practice, that the plaintiffs team are actively seeking information in the DSK case to strengthen the plaintiffs position.

The contact with the CRAN and Lozes is indicative of the good work being undertaken.


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