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DSK, can we believe this?

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[quote user="Christine Animal"][quote user="5-element"]

Christine, you are absolutely right. I can't imagine letting this happen to me either, I would probably have made a lot of noise  and told the boss where to get off. But then again, I don't have a very submissive mentality, and mostly, I am not a single parent who is afraid of losing my job. Some women are more passive and fearful, afraid of displeasing the boss, afraid of the qu'en-dira-t-on if they speak up, etc... They would rather put up with it!


Yes, I understand that fact.  But why come out with it now then?


Chancer here's the latest.




Now that took me by surprise... he could have intimated that DSK hadn't got a snowballs chance...but then perhaps the Schwarz lady might have tightened the purse strings.[:P]

On the anniversary of the Longest Day DSK will make a formal plea ONLY THEN will the defence learn the basis of the Prosecution evidence.

Glad to see that the impecunious maid will have a top class legal defence for FREE.[:D]

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Last night,  "Zone Interdite" (M6):

"Amour, sexe et pouvoir: de la séduction au harcèlement"


How a complaint of sexual harassment takes on average, 4 years to process, and then,  8 out of 10 are dismissed in the end, as it is hard (especially by then!) to produce proof or evidence, even when there is a witness.

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OK a not guilty plea and next hearing on the 18th July.

Discovery process commences and the defence will finally discover the weight of the forensic and medical evidence.

Vociferous welcome from those maids of little or no "CALIBRE" at all on his arrival and presumably his departure from the court house.

@ 15:34 a positive roar![:)]

Nice dramatic touch with the thumbs down arm movement...very bread & circuses!

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Very impressed with Ken Thompson in the press conference outside court house and glad to hear that the plaintiff will take the stand and tell the WHOLE TRUE STORY!

Also of interest the implied jab that french witnesses are ready to testify in the Big Apple...presumably on character of DSK.[:P] 

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I have just watched FR2 news, still on in fact and I am feeling disgusted. He has said that he is not guilty and if there was any sexual act it was consensual, doesn't he know if there was or not? Naturally with a 64 year jail sentence possible, who would not say they were 'innocent'.

And now I am thinking about a book, l'histoire d'O. And am wondering if powerful french men believe that any woman they want to use, control and abase are expected to submit instantly and completely and if they do not,  will suffer the consequences, as resistance is futile.

Please let everything get better peu à peu.[:'(]

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[quote user="idun"]... He has said that he is not guilty and if there was any sexual act it was consensual...[/quote]

My understanding is that he defence is going to claim say she agreed to have sex for money, then attempted to extract more dosh by threatening blackmail.

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[quote user="Russethouse"] And so instead of rape he is only guilty of stupidity ? Which would be fine if was Joe Bloggs, but he wasn't [6][/quote]

No no no..!

He would be the gullible man, maybe a bit of a rogue, but a charming one, who thought he was involved in a straight-forward transaction and didn't expect to be trapped in a get-rich-quick scam by a hooker... [Www]

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[quote user="idun"]

I have just watched FR2 news, still on in fact and I am feeling disgusted. He has said that he is not guilty and if there was any sexual act it was consensual, doesn't he know if there was or not? [/quote]


I can vouch for the fact that after a certain age you can't actually be sure, certainly not the next day.

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Frenchie and I am starting to think that that is all we will ever get with this, words, words,words. His lawyers will try and obliterate this woman.

I am haunted by that list. It is the list that stops me from making sense of all this. It stops me believing him, quite simple, that list stops 'me' from believing him and 'I' fear for that woman and how she will be treat in court. I realise I may be quite wrong about it all too, but those are 'my' gut feelings at the moment.

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It seems DSK has a famous lawyer  who was not only  a District Attorney but also a stand up comic . ... I cant wait to see how he is going to prove a maid from a poor african village who never went to school was able to plot and scheme to cause the downfall of the head of the IMF..... if that is his tack .  


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 Frenchie, They may be words, words, words and Just John may make pithy remarks about Defarge - guilty or innocent makes no odds..... frankly my feeling is DSKs reputation is shot, whatever the outcome,  his judgement is demonstratably poor, and the idea that he had consentual sex with a maid does nothing to enhance his reputation, as if this was the case he has clearly left him self open to blackmail.

 If you want to bandy words - try Profumo! Just shows how sexual indescretion can damage a career and leave you open to all sorts of problems.

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Affaire DSK : la lourde tâche du procureur



What your quoted article seems to slip over is the fact that there are 7 counts for the jury to consider. These will be taken separately, it would surprise me if there was unanimity on all 7 counts, it would not surprise me if he is found unanimously guilty on one charge. I hope for my peace of mind perhaps two.

Of course the common law principle of unanimity amongst a jury of 12 is there to protect the defendant.

I hesitate to make invidious comparisons with the french jury system; the current Yvan Collona case is a good example of how easy it is for the Procureur de La République to get a conviction.

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[quote user="Weedon"][quote user="idun"]

I have just watched FR2 news, still on in fact and I am feeling disgusted. He has said that he is not guilty and if there was any sexual act it was consensual, doesn't he know if there was or not? [/quote]


I can vouch for the fact that after a certain age you can't actually be sure, certainly not the next day.



Exactly, after a certain age things can slow down, but not always. Remember he was arrested that afternoon. He was the head of an incredibly powerful organisation, who I feel would have booted him out long ago if his brain was not razor sharp, others would have been after his job and a dithering old man losing his mental faculties would have stood no chance against them. So I don't believe that that is the case with him. I don't doubt he has an excellent and calculating brain, of which part seems to have taken residence up in his trousers. 


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[quote user="idun"][quote user="Weedon"][quote user="idun"]

I have just watched FR2 news, still on in fact and I am feeling disgusted. He has said that he is not guilty and if there was any sexual act it was consensual, doesn't he know if there was or not? [/quote]


I can vouch for the fact that after a certain age you can't actually be sure, certainly not the next day.



Exactly, after a certain age things can slow down, but not always. Remember he was arrested that afternoon. He was the head of an incredibly powerful organisation, who I feel would have booted him out long ago if his brain was not razor sharp, others would have been after his job and a dithering old man losing his mental faculties would have stood no chance against them. So I don't believe that that is the case with him. I don't doubt he has an excellent and calculating brain, of which part seems to have taken residence up in his trousers. 



The penultimate post had reinforced my sentiment that he was a good candidate for the French Presidency....now I am not so sure![8-)]

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[quote user="Russethouse"] guilty or innocent makes no odds.....[/quote]
That's where I've been at odds with this post, I believe it does; I think it is with indecent haste people make a judgement in this case, (rightly or wrongly), I also take issue with the way men are treated in Sex cases, guilty or innocent they are named and shamed, never to recover, despite in very many cases of malicious false accusations by women subsequently convicted, the man does not recover, despite the injustice and acquittal.

[quote user="Russethouse"]  frankly my feeling is DSKs reputation is shot, whatever the outcome,  his judgement is demonstratably poor, and the idea that he had consensual sex with a maid does nothing to enhance his reputation, as if this was the case he has clearly left him self open to blackmail. [/quote]

Absolutely RH, what is clear however, is that this woman spoke out and that the law have listened and made charges, rightly so, it is a pity that more do not where behaviour has transgressed their rights. Had others done so, then perhaps he would have had his position removed rather sooner and not been able to continue in this manner, (if indeed these accusations are proven);

[quote user="idun"]   I don't doubt he has an excellent and calculating brain, of which part seems to have taken residence up in his trousers. [/quote]
[:D][:D] this reminded me of  Wicked-Willies-Guide-to-Women by Peter Mayle, Gray Jolliffe

[quote user="Russethouse"]  If you want to bandy words - try Profumo! Just shows how sexual indescretion can damage a career and leave you open to all sorts of problems. [/quote]

Well sortof, but this at the very least was consensual, if not a complete set-up, and the same judgments would probably not apply today.


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That's where I've been at odds with this post, I believe it does; I think it is with indecent haste people make a judgement in this case, (rightly or wrongly), I also take issue with the way men are treated in Sex cases, guilty or innocent they are named and shamed, never to recover, despite in very many cases of malicious false accusations by women subsequently convicted, the man does not recover, despite the injustice and acquittal.

 To some extent I agree with that, however in this instance the current case has been something of a catalyst,(as I have said before) I find it hard to believe that the women who have come forward are all making it up.......its like taking the lid off a bottle of pop...all the indescretions have spewed out.

 As far as I remember ( I was just a youngster then !) Profumo had put himself in a position where blackmail was a possibilty and indeed there was concerns about secrets being passed.....

If you are sexually active and in a position of trust surely you have to be especially careful......?

 The days of 'boys will be boys' nudge, nudge, wink, wink have long gone and those left behind risk paying a hefty price...

The pity of it is that DSK probably had a lot to offer, its not just him that has lost out

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 As far as I remember ( I was just a youngster then !) Profumo had put himself in a position where blackmail was a possibilty and indeed there was concerns about secrets being passed.....

[/quote]John Profumo was a Defence Minister and there were allegations that his "girlfriend" Christine Keeler was also seeing a russian diplomat. Profumo categorically denied in a statement to the House of Commons that he was having a affair. When  this was shown to be a lie he had to resign.
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