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How many kisses.....

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There you go a map. This doesn't always work though as people move regions and some families do one way  and others do another. Is the little white one the Ile de France, don't they bise there?????


Five, that sounds excessive,................... if people want to get that cosy, maybe they should just get a room!

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When at a village "do", our 85-year-old neighbour (who has lived in this commune or the adjacent one since birth) greets some people with two kisses, some with 3 (including us) and others with 4. She knows what she's doing, most of the kissees seem to know what they're doing and we just watch the ritual, fascinated.

Here it seems to be that both parties lead with the right cheek if it's going to be 2 or 4 kisses but with the left cheek if it's going to be 3. However, if you don't know in advance...


Plenty of French people say they get confused too, though.

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[quote user="idun"]



There you go a map. This doesn't always work though as people move regions and some families do one way  and others do another. Is the little white one the Ile de France, don't they bise there?????


Five, that sounds excessive,................... if people want to get that cosy, maybe they should just get a room!


que un bisou 79

and the white department on the seine?

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In general I would never greet someone especially for the first time with a kiss, for me that is reserved for when we tutoyer one another, the exception seems to be many  clubs and associations where everyone seems to tutoyer and kiss from the first introduction, - word not used in the French sense [6]

Being effectively blind in one eye I find it sefer to wait and see what cheek is presented to me first, I have made the occasional error always in front of a crowd of people, a friend from the diving club presented his wife to me, she either did a last minute change of direction or had a nervous tick as I managed to plant a smacker straight on her lips.

My neighbours thankfully no ex wife was a real salope, someone in whoms company that I really felt uneasy, if it had been up to me, and in hindsight as the elder it should have been, I would never have tutoyered or greeted with a kiss, she always managed to brush her lips against mine and rub herself up againts me whilst in his company, if I saw her alone in town I would look the other way, after a while I realsied that many people would tutoyer him and vousvoyer her. 

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[quote user="Frecossais"][quote user="idun"]

LOL and it is worst if the person opposite has a big nose, can end up with an unseemly clash.




Or clashing glasses can be embarrassing, or funny depending on who you're kissing.

Yes, lots of whipping off of specs before our 3 around here!

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[quote user="NormanH"]I have never found a rule tied to place. Some women do it twice, some three, and some four...but in my case usually never..

It's cheek kissing Norm and tongues are definitely not involved, this might, coupled with the lecherous look, be where your going wrong. [;-)] [:-))]

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At my first soirée réveillon as it was approaching midnight I mentally prepared myself for some tongue action with the ladeeyz, or at the very least some passioanate kisses, I did indeed recieve a few but from les mecs, wet sloppy and with stubble [:P]

Thank god most French men dont shake hands like they kiss.

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