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What is going on in London?


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[quote user="Simon-come-lately"]Your last post had me laughing out loud NickP - twaddle. Simon :-)[/quote]

Well I'm very happy to keep you amused Simon, and I'm very glad to see that your command of the English language is improving. [:P]

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[quote user="NickP"][quote user="Simon-come-lately"][quote user="NickP"]



Bit like people who can't express themselves without resorting to bad language.


Or insults:

Only an idiot like you PPP would think this situation is funny.


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[quote user="NickP"]If you took the trouble to read properly and understand what I wrote, you would realise that my comment  about Margaret Thatcher alluded to her being the architect and leader of the "I want it now brigade" But of course your right wing leanings wouldn't allow you to understand or believe that could be true. [:D][/quote]

That's disingenuous. Her philosophy could be said to be 'I want to work for it now' as opposed to 'I want someone to give it to me now'. Guess where the latter came from. [:D]

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[quote user="Chancer"][quote user="NickP"][quote user="Simon-come-lately"][quote user="NickP"]



Bit like people who can't express themselves without resorting to bad language.


Or insults:

Only an idiot like you PPP would think this situation is funny.




Woke up late today then chancer? [:D]

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[quote user="greyman"][quote user="NickP"]If you took the trouble to read properly and understand what I wrote, you would realise that my comment  about Margaret Thatcher alluded to her being the architect and leader of the "I want it now brigade" But of course your right wing leanings wouldn't allow you to understand or believe that could be true. [:D][/quote]

That's disingenuous. Her philosophy could be said to be 'I want to work for it now' as opposed to 'I want someone to give it to me now'. Guess where the latter came from. [:D]

Well said !

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[quote user="NormanH"]It's not doing the image of the UK any good.

Here is the advice given to French visitors by their diplomatic service:



A previous poster said that they saw nothing of the current riots, and having lived in the centre of London during the poll tax riots, when we saw nothing other than that shown by the news (and we were 15 mins walk away from Trafalgar Sq - that's all) it was very localised.... I must say that London is such a big place that most areas will not have seen anything other than in the relatively local areas in which the riots are taking place.

As with the UK media, the French diplomatic service in the report quoted by NormanH, whilst understandably concerned, is falling into the same trap.... frightening people unnecessarily.

I did read once that these types of riot happen during the summer.... though I have now forgotten the reason why.....but looking back in history, it is almost always summer when these riots happen ....

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[quote user="Joe"]Seeing that mugging makes you really angry. Why not introduce martial law?[/quote]

We used to have the SPG but unfortunately in the 'political correct' times of the the 1970's and early 80's it was not deemed to be a good thing for them to use baseball bats, sledge hammers and crowbars (not to mention the odd bit of 2x2 with nails in one end) to sort out riots. You can't go round hitting rioters with these sort of implements apparently even though its alright for you to stand there whilst morons and scum throw petrol bombs and bricks at you.

The issue of taking charge that I saw on the TV can be simply explained, they don't have anyone in charge. There is a temporary commander who has been in the job for 5 minutes but all the Met commanders keep having to resign. Seems a 'sandwich' job to me (i.e. the meat in the middle, got at by both sides and pretty thankless) and nobody is exactly jumping up to take the job.

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greyman wrote: That's disingenuous. Her philosophy could be said to be 'I want to work for it now' as opposed to 'I want someone to give it to me now'. Guess where the latter came from.


Disingenuous I don't think so. Remember Mrs Thatcher and her mates convinced any body mug enough to believe them that you could borrow as much as you like on your ex council house; to buy things that you couldn't afford. So go forward a few years. UK in recession housing market static, bankers not giving out loans, so the don't want to or can't work, when they want " a giant plasma TV" decide  on the flimsiest excuse to start looting. So to get back to the start of this discussion, Simon blames Labour, you cannot blame one political party as both are as guilty as each other. And the awful thing is that means you and me, as we voted for them. The people I feel sorry for are the majority of law abiding, tax paying members of these damaged communities who now have to live in an area that looks like downtown Beirut. 

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"The City was rocked by scandal as rough, tough upstarts pushed aside the

gentlemanly capitalists who had once given it its tone. An emblematic

moment came in 1987, when four private speculators were successfully

prosecuted for conspiring to force up the price of Guinness shares

during a takeover battle. The bonus culture, like the debt culture of

which it was part, was born under Thatcher, not under Gordon Brown."

"Free-market capitalism is, of its very essence, subversive. It is

restless, heaving, masterless, wonderfully dynamic and creative, but, in

itself, utterly amoral. The hot breath of the cash nexus dissolves the

ties of faith, community, family and tradition.
And, as Friedrich von

Hayek pointed out more vigorously than any critic of the free market,

entrepreneurial success has nothing to do with merit or fairness. It is

about satisfying wants and even at times about creating or manufacturing

them; and the wants are as likely to be bad as good.
The speculative

frenzies and spectacular frauds that have studded its history are of its

essence, too: among the forces that drive it, greed, credulity and the

herd instinct loom much larger than the rationality that most economists


Two quotations from an article in 2009 in the new Statesman in its "Thatcher Special"


Apologies if this seems to be thread drift, but I believe that as we see and condemn what is happening we should think about and discuss root causes, even if we disagree profoundly

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Are you really suggesting that the Communist alternative is a better option or that Socialism creates anything other than misery and lot of pen pushing shysters? Faith, family and tradition are just other terms for oppression anyway.

The problem is that change did not go far enough and Blair stuffed any chance of opportunity by massively expanding the non-productive, drone public sector which drained enterpreneurship dry and by creating levels of state employee corruption never seen before in British society. Welllllll, not for a good few decades anyway.

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What is happening in the UK is simply a high number of scum bags doing what comes naturally. There are really only two real issues/questions.

When the government will stop subsidising the production of these little darlings.

When will the public elect representatives who are mature enough to put running the country above playing out their imperialistic fantasies?
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NormanH - and anyone else with similar 'concerns' or views about the 'reasons' (aka excuses) for this type of anarchic behaviour - pack it in !

I for one am not in the slightest interested in any reasons or excuses - I'm simply interested in the utterly unacceptable end result.

ALL of the thuggish anarchic behaviours we are witnessing in the UK are criminal and illegal - end of!

Poor young little darlings have had a hard life in the UK (not!) - so have the people of Somalia and a myriad of other desperate places on the planet - REAL victims. Maybe UK thugs should go and take a look.

Pathetic scum.

Simon - blood boiling, not happy

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Actually, the Libyans begged for our help. Honour demands we respond if we can, unless you would prefer to allow the Hitler of Tripoli to slaughter his people.[/quote]

Exactly right – we sell the arms to ‘The Hitler of Tripoli’ and then we find a puppet(s) to claim as our good deed, In the mean time the UK has pot holed roads that would cause a scandal in third world countries.
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[quote user="Simon-come-lately"]NormanH - and anyone else with similar 'concerns' or views about the 'reasons' (aka excuses) for this type of anarchic behaviour - pack it in !

I for one am not in the slightest interested in any reasons or excuses - I'm simply interested in the utterly unacceptable end result.[/quote]

I don't condone the current looting etc. but...

Sorry, but count me as a supporter of those (NormanH's) views - until the underlying causes of the continuing and increasing inequalities in the UK encouraged by years of Thatcherism as espoused by both Tory and Blairs Labour governments are dealt with these problems will only get worse. (£14bn in bank bouses to be paid out this year??). Trouble is that the current political "leadership" are also not interested in the real reasons but exhibit the usual knee-jerk reaction.

Brian (again)

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

I wouldn't hesitate to pick someone out like that and shoot him.  The rest of the thugs would soon scatter, I can tell you!


Have you ever shot someone SW17? It can be pretty messy.

I'm not sure anyone in London has the means - or the stomach - to do it, but I've been expecting someone's innocent little darling to bite the dust.


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