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David Beckham at PSG


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I don't think Beckham has done much for people to be ashamed. It's not like he's John Terry or Steven Gerrard, he's a pretty good ambassador for what he does, although he appears a bit thick.

I also think he was very overated, and most certainly is past his best, even when he first joined Galaxy.

I don't even know why PSG wanted him. Would he have been that much of an attraction for them? They can afford the best.

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The UK should be quite proud of what he has done outside of playing football and how he has aspired many youngsters to take up the sport and even follow their dreams of being selected for a club. Very few of the post 1990's names in the game have done much outside the sport apart from poor old Gazza promoting the drink
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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]I don't think Beckham has done much for people to be ashamed. It's not like he's John Terry or Steven Gerrard, he's a pretty good ambassador for what he does, although he appears a bit thick.

I also think he was very overated, and most certainly is past his best, even when he first joined Galaxy.

I don't even know why PSG wanted him. Would he have been that much of an attraction for them? They can afford the best.

Whatever else he is (or isn't) he is a bit savvy financially, even if he involves an  -agent-confirms-talks-with-PSG to do the deals; and of course they wouldn't enter into negotiations with either side without having some options and leverage.

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I quite like the chap. He always seemed to put a bit of effort into the game whilst he was wearing an England shirt. He does seem a bit thick, but then whilst the rest of us were learning to read and write, he was kicking a ball against a wall.

The reason for the move was because the owners of PSG (Qatar investment authority, who also own most of Sainsburys, Harrods and ArcelorMittal amongst others) could make some money out of him. Brand Beckham is quite big wherever you go, surprisingly, even in France.

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