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French Presidential Election Result.

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And Bernardette was there supporting Sarko last week.


I can see Sarkozy winning again, all he needs is Marine Le Pens supporters voting for him.


Cannot say I like the idea of Hollande winning either, he always seems wet to me.

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I thought the following link interesting


Seems a bit like the 2002 election with the Penn votes transferring to Sarkozy this time. Probably why he made all the comments he did about immigration (and no doubt will continue to do). Anyway they (Le Figaro) seem to think Sarkozy will get around 58% of the vote. Looking around at the other newspapers the 'guestimate' seems all over the place which I guess is quite normal. I still think, not that I like the man, that Sarkozy will just scrape through but we would see.

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Aisne, Pas-de-Calais, Ardennes, Meuse, Aube, Haute-Marne, Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin... all departmenst where M**** L*P** came second with over 20% of the votes.

Gard, where M**** L*P** came first with over 25% of the votes.

Dismayed of the Lot [:'(]

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Sarkozy here but walk twenty meters down the road and I'm in Hollande country.  Very close run thing here, much as the national results.


A friend of mine is marrying an Eastern European at the weekend.  We were just reflecting upon the fact that one in five of the  adults you meet here is likely to be a fascist.  Scary stuff.  Clearly there are some short memories about.  It said on the BBC news during the night that it was the highest percentage of the vote for the far right anywhere in Europe, since the war.

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[quote user="cooperlola"]Clearly there are some short memories about.  It said on the BBC news during the night that it was the highest percentage of the vote for the far right anywhere in Europe, since the war.[/quote]

Short memory indeed...

Instead of a rerun of Titanic Week yesterday, I should have asked for a weekly rerun of Lanzman's Shoa.


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[quote user="Quillan"]

I thought the following link interesting


 Anyway they (Le Figaro) seem to think Sarkozy will get around 58% of the vote. 


I am now just starting to understand why in an earlier thread you stated categorically in reply to a post of mine that of course sarkozy will win.

In this thread your rationale is impeccable in using a 58% "vote d'adhesion" by sarko voters in the first round, as the basis for a prediction for a 58% sarko vote in the second round.

I rest my case.

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36% for M.L.P. in many of the communes around me.

Its interesting to look at the colours on the map and you actually see definite groupings of blue, black and whatever the other colour was, looking at the communes that I know, the peoples nature does not hide their politics at all.

I watched all the debates on TF1 last night and was struck by just how bloody rude they all were, all talking at once trying to shout down the others, was it my imagination or were the women actually worse than the men? - Shamefull.

The other thing that clicked with me is how all parties were trying to exploit peoples fear, they all repeatedly said that you (the population) feel insecure, you feel anguish, you are frightened by mondialisation, immigration, peu importe, and then went on to say, we will take care of all that for you, we are the good guys, the other partys are the enemy just like the bankers and the foreigners, it was to me extremely unsubtle brainwashing only likely to succeed on the dim witted and weak willed who would never consider taking charge of their own destiny, those who always look to blame someone else.

But having spent the day in very close confined company with a varied group of French people, I can see that all parties know exactly what they are doing [:@]

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I eventually got pished orf and switched to BFM, there they have a link with two contenders so it stays under objective control.

But back to TF1, amongst the men I cant stand Juppy and Copey, however with the women I thought Ségo & Duflow were polite and OK. But the UMP trio exemplified brutish coarse ill mannered loutesses, I refer of course to Paycress, Moran and kocsucu-morizet who is my particular bête noire.

The midget in his swansong address to the meeting of his 58% "votes d'adhesion" demanded THREE DEBATES; completely pointless it would just upset potential voters due to his lack of culture and ill manners, pov kon,; anyway he has had a whole Quinquinat to explain himself ineffectively.


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My old village was just about the national averages, sauf (love that word) Sarkozy and Hollande  had their figures the other way round. I was pleased to see that only 17 point something people voted for Le Pen.

The department itself had Hollande in the lead.


EDIT I have just been looking at the figures and I'm really not sure who will get in. Who has Bayrou backed? that could count. And the truth is that people who vote for Le Pen do not automatically vote for the right wing. I know people who use their first vote to protest and have voted left wing in the following election.


A lot to play for really.


Sorry to bring this up here, but did Mrs President's face look 'odd' to anyone else? Has she been have surgery?

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="Quillan"]

I thought the following link interesting


 Anyway they (Le Figaro) seem to think Sarkozy will get around 58% of the vote. 


I am now just starting to understand why in an earlier thread you stated categorically in reply to a post of mine that of course sarkozy will win.

In this thread your rationale is impeccable in using a 58% "vote d'adhesion" by sarko voters in the first round, as the basis for a prediction for a 58% sarko vote in the second round.

I rest my case.


Your not reading it right. I am repeating what Le Figaro said in that for the second round Sarkozy will win by 58%. My 'gut feeling' is that this will be a replay of 2002 and Chirac. If it follows the course then Sarkozy will be out at the next election because people will have worked out he only said all this stuff to get the vote then did nothing. Since Sarkozy started all this stuff on immigrants etc you could see who he was aiming at should he get through to the next stage based on the fact that Le Penn would not get through. This is why I predicted that he would win.

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="Quillan"]

I thought the following link interesting


 Anyway they (Le Figaro) seem to think Sarkozy will get around 58% of the vote. 


I am now just starting to understand why in an earlier thread you stated categorically in reply to a post of mine that of course sarkozy will win.

In this thread your rationale is impeccable in using a 58% "vote d'adhesion" by sarko voters in the first round, as the basis for a prediction for a 58% sarko vote in the second round.

I rest my case.


Your not reading it right. I am repeating what Le Figaro said in that for the second round Sarkozy will win by 58%. My 'gut feeling' is that this will be a replay of 2002 and Chirac. If it follows the course then Sarkozy will be out at the next election because people will have worked out he only said all this stuff to get the vote then did nothing. Since Sarkozy started all this stuff on immigrants etc you could see who he was aiming at should he get through to the next stage based on the fact that Le Penn would not get through. This is why I predicted that he would win.


I have read the article referenced in the link and entitled..

58% de votes d'adhésion pour Sarkozy

...and can find no mention of the deuxième tour.

Please post the Le Figaro link to the second round prediction.

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Prior to the premier tour, when the opinion polls had the dwarf and Hollande neck and neck, every single opinion poll, without expection, had Hollande to win in the deuxieme by between 8-20%.

Traditionally the left wing vote sticks with the left wing candidate, and the centre and the right fracture. Mde Le Faciste's vote is shown as 40% for the dwarf in the deuxieme, 27% Hollande. Bayrou's is 50-50.

That would put the dwarf on 44% max. as it stands at the moment.

In the words of my dearly bewildered, never underestimate the selfishness of french voters, and their lack of economic education.

She voted for Bayrou.......................that was 2 hours of her life wasted. And Hollande in the 2ieme. Not from conviction. Just hates her mother's party. Therefore hates the dwarf.

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The result was seen as a slap in the face for Sarkozy.

Traditionally a candidate who is already the President wins the first round, in fact I think that this is the first time one hasn't.

Although the extreme right did better than the extreme left there is still a body of opinion that expects Hollande to win the second round.

The Euro price is just a foretaste of what the markets will unleash if he does.....

As for the 58% adhesion; surely that means that 58% of those who voted for him in the first round did so because they are his supporters (or party members) as opposed to 49% in the case of Hollande, not that this a prediction for the second round?



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[quote user="pachapapa"]


But back to TF1, amongst the men I cant stand Juppy and Copey, however with the women I thought Ségo & Duflow were polite and OK. But the UMP trio exemplified brutish coarse ill mannered loutesses, I refer of course to Paycress, Moran and kocsucu-morizet who is my particular bête noire.


I agree completely Madame Royale was how I would hope a public figure would behave but the others [:(]

The ginger one you refer to is also my bête noire, there seems something so shifty about her and I would not trust her at all (god I sound like my dear departed mother!) whenever I have seen her public appearances before sho looked very ill at ease, lacking in self assurance, like a rabbit caught in headlights, or someone desperately trying to hide something, she wasnt like that last night, perhaps she is more at home being a spitefull ***** against equally ill mannered people

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Interestingly, of the 305 voters in our village/commune, Hollande  (99 votes) came first, then Mélenchon (66) and then Sarkozy (62). Marine le Pen - had 35 votes! I also note François Bayrou also got 19 votes! So a right mix around here, even Eva Joly got 7 votes and Dupont-Aigan/Poutou and Cheminade had a few each .
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