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warming infusion


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Winter has hit our bit of France with a severity and suddenness that has made me revive a tried and trusted infusion to warm up the body and put colour on the cheeks.

Yes, I know a large brandy does that and a glass of merlot cheers you up no end.

However, I am off alcohol until nearer Christmas as I don't want to be drinking alcohol for days on end until well into January.

I am talking about a fresh ginger infusion sweetened with a spoonful of good quality honey.

Bash about a largish piece of fresh peeled ginger and infuse that in hot water.  Honey from a local source is the extra to make the drink really special.

Lovely warm glow as you sip, wearing your warmest pair of slippers.  Mine are sheepskin ankle boots with soft soles..............hmmmm........

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I am full of cold at the moment, and my OH keeps saying that is what I should take for my sore throat. I know it shouldn't, but a ginger infusion gives me heartburn, and I don't like honey.

I like the infusions I can get in the UK and at the moment which are strong and fruity, and I have been enjoying some of Lipton's Thé  Mange Peche too.

Must add, I do love ginger in cooking, in my curries and some chinese recipes I have, as well as in cakes........ in a drink and I suffer.

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Rington doesn't er .....ring a bell, id;

Where and how do you get your hands on the nuts and teacakes?

Yes, I'd forgotten that you don't like honey but I am rather surprised that ginger gives you heartburn because I read everywhere that ginger is very good for the digestion!

Got my ginger tea again this evening.  I can't drink coffee at all after say mid-afternoon as it gives me insomnia.  I think tea in the evening is also not very good for me as I then need to get up in the night for the loo.  I do drink Rooibush (however you spell it) in the evening but this ginger tea seems to be just right as it's so warming and I even eat up all the ginger pieces after I've drunk all the liquid!

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A NE company, although I had thought that they were further afield these days. The sell some wonderful products.

Ginger tea, ginger beer, ginger ale, all give me terrible heartburn, always have all my life and I love the flavour. Just does not like me. I bought some Twinings Blackcurrent infusion today for a change.

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That Ringtons website looks very good.  In the NE, that's why I hadn't heard of them as anywhere north of Watford Gap, as they say, is foreign country to me.

Reminds me a bit of the things from Betty's of Harrogate.

I won't order now as I wouldn't want to pay the likely- to- be- costly postage.  Should be having visitors come in January and will order them in time for the visitors to bring over[I]

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