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[quote user="nomoss"]Here is a link to the welcoming and helpful responses to a new poster, which is not an isolated example


I think the responses to that opening post were perfectly

reasonable, Nomoss. I don't click on links provided by first time posters either and I suspect that few here were motivated to start figuring out a tax

regulations vs maths problem for someone who'd popped in just looking to

satisfy their curiosity. Did you research the problem yourself for the poster? What was the answer?

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[quote user="Catalpa"]

[quote user="nomoss"]Here is a link to the welcoming and helpful responses to a new poster, which is not an isolated example [/quote]

I think the responses to that opening post were perfectly reasonable, Nomoss. I don't click on links provided by first time posters either and I suspect that few here were motivated to start figuring out a tax regulations vs maths problem for someone who'd popped in just looking to satisfy their curiosity. Did you research the problem yourself for the poster? What was the answer?


I don't really care for your sarcasm.

However, I don't think the responses, apart from Norman`s, were reasonable. He was lectured a little, then the thread drifted away with no useful reply.

I didn't respond, as I have no up to date knowledge of the tax system here, and feel no compulsion to make flippant reponses to people's serious questions.



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[quote user="Russethouse"]

 Why do you think Catalpa's response was sarcastic..it seems perfectly reasonable to me.



"Did you research the problem yourself for the poster? What was the answer?" is pure sarcasm.

I regret you don't agree.

Sorry if I've ruffled the feathers of a clique.





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Well I guess my post is the object of criticism here so I won't stand clear while others take the flak.

Sorry if my response offended, but a lot of forums don't allow first time posters to post links, for very good reasons. This link didn't even display the url of the destination page. Some people are way too trusting on forums, and the post looked bizarre enough, and the link suspicious enough, to prompt me to warn them off, believe it or not I was trying to be public spirited. OK I was wrong, now I look paranoid, and next time I will keep my suspicions to myself and ignore the post the same as everyone else had, will that be better?
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ET. It is not that your post offended, but I frequently feel that many people on this forum (and many other forums) are unconsciously xenophobic about new contributors, who may not necessarily be used to their robust responses.

Especially if they are young students asking questions "purely for research", rather than hardened early retirees looking for solutions to their problems with the French authorities.

Even if they are only students, they might still become valuable contributors if received rather more warmly.



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Nomoss, , the problem regarding students is very often in the past their genuiness ( is that a word) has been questioned....others feel they are just being used ...forums like this work best when there is a degree or possibility of give and take....yes some may be generous spirited but others not.

It's a shame but I wasn't surprised by the reaction, or lack of it to the post you sight..

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There is no clique on here, really there is not...... or I am really dense, because I don't see it. You can pm me about this if you prefer not to say on the board.

And I don't mind anyone getting uppity about a link, believe me the link Mr Idun clicked on and xxggered my computer up  has made me very cautious about links.

Life would be very dull if we all thought the same thoughts and had the same tastes.

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[quote user="Catalpa"]
Some people view it as interfering! but equally, a French family who were having dreadful problems with EDF and getting nowhere (and were about to enter a third winter month with two kids under the age of 4 with no electricity in their all electric new build) were absolutely thrilled that she waded in, bashed official heads together, and got the problem sorted within a few days.[/quote]

I have had a big problem with ERDF for over 9 months, I finally got things moving by going to see the deputé of the region, he whipped out his mobile speed dialled the regional director and the division that had been avoiding me for months had phoned before I even got home.

Anyway at the start he said "this really is a matter for your Maire" I didnt want to bad mouth our Maire so said to him "etes -vous serieux?" he smiled and said "yes I understand!", that said the number one secretary at our mairie is highly competent but just doesnt carry the clout of an elected official especially the deputé

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[quote user="tinabee"]New Year's resolution - less lurking and more posting[/quote]

Hey, TB, did you see my post on the thread re internet spectacles where I followed your advice and bought from glasses2you?  I really wanted to say "thank you" as it was getting to be quite a big problem, what with the frequent "discussions" (read arguments), chez sweet about buying glasses.

You always sound to me like a person who knows what they are talking about so it would be good if you'd post more often.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

[quote user="tinabee"]New Year's resolution - less lurking and more posting[/quote]

Hey, TB, did you see my post on the thread re internet spectacles where I followed your advice and bought from glasses2you?  I really wanted to say "thank you" as it was getting to be quite a big problem, what with the frequent "discussions" (read arguments), chez sweet about buying glasses.

You always sound to me like a person who knows what they are talking about so it would be good if you'd post more often.


I did Sweet - and thanks.

I will try to post more often, and it is possible that I will be needing the help of the contributors on here more often this year. Firstly, I have just spent the day bouncing emails to and fro, answering and translating from French to English, as we are the owners of a leaseback property that is in some financial difficulty and the syndicate are trying to get owners to send proxy voting forms for a meeting on Friday. To date all of the communication with English-speaking owners has either been in legalese French or completely unintelligible automatic translations[blink].

Secondly, the Maire has asked me to stand for the local council - probably to liaise with the international residents of the village (English, Irish, Russian, Dutch and German apparently) since some don't speak French. I am hoping that the Riff Raff element will be able to pass on some pointers from his wife [:)] - and all other contributions gratefully welcomed . . .

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[quote user="idun"]And I don't mind anyone getting uppity about a link, believe me the link Mr Idun clicked on and xxggered my computer up  has made me very cautious about links.


idun I don't know if this will help but Malwarebytes is a free download at least for 30 days and made my PC wiz after it got rid of a load of malware from websites I had visited and caused the PC to slow to the point of near un usability.

That with system mechanic for about £12 year have brought the PC back to life and they now advise if any site is trying to put stuff on your PC which is re assuring, I have re scaned the PC several times and the build of this stuff is quite quick but the program is very easy to use so I will be buying a copy soon


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Yes idun, always easy to give advice but it's not the same as actually trying to fix it. [:D]  sometimes easier to get a new drive which are not expensive these days and start again loading on what you want. Still malwarebytes does seem to be one of the better recommendations passed on to me.
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Tinabee Wrote:

Secondly, the Maire has asked me to stand for the local council - probably to liaise with the international residents of the village (English, Irish, Russian, Dutch and German apparently) since some don't speak French. I am hoping that the Riff Raff element will be able to pass on some pointers from his wife Smile [:)] - and all other contributions gratefully welcomed . . .

I am just coming to the end of my first 6 year mandate on our local council. First get the votes to get in, canvassing does not do any harm. I have been quite surprised by the "politics" involved both within our group, and the wider issues in the canton. Oh and develop a strong liver, alcohol with everything be it the voting day breakfast at 0900, off site lunch meetings or (as today) new building inauguration. I have resisted all but the evening drinking session, and they still, after 6 years, ask if I am ill! PM if you want anymore info

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I am just coming to the end of thirteen years on council here and won't be standing again in march because I have had enough to be honest.Time to let some others take some of the responsability and many hours given over to attending and speaking at meetings all over the place. Hope all you first time would be councillors are fairly fluent in french and confident to speak in front and at many meetings to come as there is a fair bit to get involved in. My son has been asked by both parties to stand but has declined as he hopes to move down south this year and six years is a long time to tie yourself up with. There are no politics in our council, only the needs of the commune,canton and agglomeration and government issues are never discussed unless it affects us directly although in reason you should be swaying towards the ideals of the party you are invited to join and here is a very militant socialist/communist mix.
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Thanks Lehaut and Val_2 for your replies - I suspect that there won't be much politics here, it is a very small village, and the Maire assures me there are only 4 meetings a year, since most local responsibilities have now been transferred to the Communauté des Communes.  I'll get practicing on the alcohol side of things, although my previous background delivering week-long management/sales development courses across Europe gave me a good grounding in that, as well as the public speaking aspect [Www]
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[quote user="nomoss"]

ET. It is not that your post offended, but I frequently feel that many people on this forum (and many other forums) are unconsciously xenophobic about new contributors, who may not necessarily be used to their robust responses.

Especially if they are young students asking questions "purely for research", rather than hardened early retirees looking for solutions to their problems with the French authorities.

Even if they are only students, they might still become valuable contributors if received rather more warmly.



[/quote]As a mod on a technical forum dealing with a well-known database product it is surprising how many posts we get from students who are due to hand in an assignment. They seem to want to have the answer spoonfed to them. This invariably produce a number of replies telling them they will learn nothing if they do not do the work. IMO it was reasonable for the student in this case to receive robust responses not only for the reason given by ET.

When I first joined this forum I was struck by the very friendly and helpful responses I got from the vast majority of members some of whom to judge by their post count are among the longest serving.  

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[quote user="tinabee"]I suspect that there won't be much politics here, it is a very small village...[/quote]

It's the same in our village - and the same as small village parish councils in England for that matter. The party allegiances only really start to matter at the next level. Upthread someone mentioned that with the new regulations, there has to be 50/50 gender representation on lists this year - I believe that's only true for communes with a population of 3,500 upwards so that change is unlikely to affect your council either.

Best wishes for a successful election! [:)]

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Oh no, our village and it was a village, initially well under 2000 inhabitants,  now just over 2000............had 'politics' and sides that hated one another and still do. Battle lines, I always suspected, were drawn beyond living memory and as far as I could tell, there was never a Romeo and Juilliet scenario to bring both sides together, at least not to date.

Both sides believed that they wanted what was best for the village, that I will agree on, but both sides wanted quite different things and some ideas, from one side, went well against the grain for many of us. And I suppose it was vice versa too[:)]

In knew some 'good' and lovely people who were elected.  Still, there were some Maires and elus that I never trusted, never wanted to know other than in a, 'know thy enemy' sort of way.  Politics everywhere isn't it. Some people really want to be  elected, and it is no indication that they are 'good' or 'honest'.

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[quote user="tinabee"]

Secondly, the Maire has asked me to stand for the local council - probably to liaise with the international residents of the village (English, Irish, Russian, Dutch and German apparently) since some don't speak French. I am hoping that the Riff Raff element will be able to pass on some pointers from his wife [:)] - and all other contributions gratefully welcomed . . .


I asked. She echoed what Val said - be sure that your French is very good. Otherwise,  be prepared for quite a lot of hard work (particularly if you take on any committee work), don't expect to be able to remain neutral,  however much you might think you can, and accept that quite possibly there will no recognition at all for what you do! It is quite astounding the extent to which France runs on volunteers.

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