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We can stay - don't panic - Hollande says....

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Friday's Telegraph (22 July) - Mr Hollande also said that British people living and working in France

can stay "as long as they like", adding that he expects a reciprocal

agreement to be reached for French citizens in the UK.


No need to worry about Irish pasports, or french nationality - don't panic - we'll be fine.

Ms May probably gave him 'the look' and he buckled !!!!

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He doesn't say anything about retiring to France though.

The issue re nationality is not really about whether we would be allowed to stay or not, but an issue of rights. At the moment as EU citizens we have the same rights as a French person and these are protected by EU law..without that we are more vulnerable to future whims of government.

Of course everyone has a different perspective. For me taking the Nationality of the country I plan to spend the rest of my life in is no big deal, and I'll probably do it anyway. This has just focused my thoughts. I emigrated to Canada when I was 25 and I would have happily taken Canadian citizenship if I had stayed there 5 years. The reason for not thinking about French nationality sooner was that there was no need.
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Yeah, as if he is staying?

The french election is going to be interesting too. The FN are certainly the joker in the pack and I do worry about them

I have not seen the likes of Envoye Speciale in ages, has there been any reports about the right wing elements of the FN? Some getting up to very very naughty extremist things?

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You beat me too it, I have got more chance of growing t*ts than he has of retaining power, my moobs are pre-existing [:D]


When the proverbial hits the fan his reassurances wont be worth a lot, better to be paying attention to what Marine says.

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I am not worried about anything or anyone, que sera, sera. I love change and febrile situations.


There are enough other people to do all the worrying.


Editted, I should have said, "better to be ^paying attention to what Marine says if you are a worrier"

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Read what the FN has to say about immigration, remembering that the British here are usually immigrants not 'ex-pats'

A few 'gems'


Pour ce qui est de l’immigration légale, l’objectif

est d’aboutir à un solde de l’ordre de 10 000 étrangers par an dans

notre pays. Cet objectif est aisément atteignable et se décline en deux

volets :


– l’obligation de quitter le territoire pour les étrangers au chômage depuis plus d’un an ;

3) Réduire la durée maximale de la carte de séjour de 10 ans actuellement à

3 ans renouvelable avec un strict contrôle des conditions d’obtention.

4) Application de la priorité nationale. Les entreprises

se verront inciter à prioriser l’emploi, à compétences égales, des

personnes ayant la nationalité française. Afin d’inciter les entreprises

à respecter cette pratique de priorité nationale, une loi contraindra

Pôle Emploi à proposer, toujours à compétences égales, les emplois

disponibles aux demandeurs d’emploi français


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Nearly choked on my cuppa reading that........... as if the french do not already prioritise employment for the french and I would go as far as to say........... usually the 'white' ones. Well that is just how I found it where I lived and still know about.

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Chancer wrote

I should have said, "better to be ^paying attention to what Marine says if you are a worrier"

Marine is on BBC record as saying she has no problem with European immigrants.

Do I trust her? Of course I do. Just like I trust BoJo with his 350m increase in NHS payments.

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  • 1 month later...
Mrs May appears increasingly less credible with every indecisive day that goes by IMHO

The idiot Tories dragged us into this mess and a General Election would either ive them a full Parliament to sort matters out or kick them out and perhaps allow a Cntrl Alt Delete referendum.
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