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What movie are you looking forward to this year


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Polanski?????  WB? If you mean him, it was rather worse that statutory rape....... or are you talking about someone else?

The last three times I have been to the cinema I have left feeling let down, fleeced, and the films getting too much hype and meant that I had seen the few good bits on the pub before I saw the film.

So looking forward to any specifically, no I am not, in spite of watching the Film Review on BBC news quite often. The good thing about tv is that if a film isn't up to much, then I can just change channels or switch off.

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Dominic Strauss-Kahn?

I have it on good authority that there's a strong likeness between the two of them, so inspired casting!

p.s. Been waiting two days to say this, but the 'outage' stopped me in my tracks. Have been anxious to be the 1st to make this suggestion as the above is a well known fact.
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