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The FO an CDT, a pair of self serving commy unions whose influence has been waining for years are attempting to subvert the real cause of the gilets jaunes by calling transport workers out on strike later this week, to defend le pouvoir le pouvoir d’achat, so they say. Opportunistic scum.
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No one knows the 'real' cause of the gilets jaunes not even themselves.
It has  developed disparate and contradictory demands but still continues its bully-boy methods

The movement  was sparked by car-owners disliking small tax rises on diesel intended  as an ecological measure, opposed of course by the car lobby who don't care about the future of the planet just the price they at the pump.

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Usually to people like me as they make good compost bins.

But recently I have seen some being sold suspiciously cheaply near the main roundabout in the area so you can draw your own conclusions as to their possible uses.

It is true though, Norman, they dont know what they want now, just a series of perceived greivances being shouted around, some of which are already being addressed in reforms that have been going through the system for some time, eg pensions.
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You yourself know about the Aude and I have posted about what has been happening at this end of l'Hérault (and Sète too)

I have noticed that the hard core of the GJ has been coming more and more into the spotlight and now they have tasted blood with Macron backing down there will be other people jumping on board.

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We have also heard about other groups joining in.

Our house is on a minor route which is often quite busy, as

it carries convois exceptionnels avoiding the low bridge on the N113

east of Carcassonne.

Recently it has become busier, with both heavy and

light traffic apparently avoiding the main roads blocked by demonstrators and

traffic jams due to the Autoroute problems, and occasional groups of cars and

motorcycles with conspicuous yellow jackets excitedly sounding horns and

sirens, presumably en route to demonstrations. 

There are apparently demonstrations on all the Autoroute

access points, and several have been burned out, causing traffic to move to

other roads, which have become congested.

We were planning to go to our usual shopping centre on the

outskirts of Carcassonne, but it seems to be regularly picketed, and blocked with

palettes and bonfires. The main mail sorting depot was barricaded. Vandals

are beginning to destroy property in the city, students are joining in. The

mobs are gaining confidence in their power, and we wonder how and when this is

going to end. According to L'Indépendant various activities began early this morning.

It does not seem to be calming down, and we are beginning to

develop a siege mentality. We  have not been further than the village

centre for two weeks. We lived several years in countries where riots were not

unusual, and have a lasting fear of mobs. It is scary to be isolated and out of control.

My wife has about 60 Christmas cards written and ready

to post. She writes notes on every one, to keep in touch with family and old friends,

which takes her many hours each year, but she is afraid to post them since she

heard that they are beginning to interfere with the post. I can't, and don't

wish to persuade her otherwise. We already lose some of our mail, and in one

place we lived there was a long postal strike, and they eventually decided to

simply burn all the accumulated mail which couldn't be handled.
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Rowdy student demo in Béziers this morning which meant my hallowed resto had had to dismantle its terrace and in the Auchan Complex shops had to close the steel shutters

Les lycéens ont rejoint la grogne des "gilets

jaunes". Ce jeudi 6 décembre dans la matinée, quelque 300 d'entre eux

défilaient en ville. La manifestation a vite dégénéré : entre le

centre-ville et la Voie domitienne plusieurs voitures ont été incendiées

ou dégradées, des abribus saccagés, des poubelles brûlées...

Les forces de l'ordre ont été caillassées ; elles ont répliqué

par des tirs de grenades lacrymogènes et de flashball. Un élève a

d'ailleurs été blessé à l'oeil par un projectile. Huit lycéens ont été


I have said from the start that all this feels serious; certainly the worst atmosphere I have known since I  have lived here

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Something similar seems to be going on in Carcassonne, with students now deciding to join protests.


Our problem is that my wife has a hospital appointment on Tuesday morning, and every route we can take there passes though one or more of the favourite trouble spots.

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Thanks again for the suggestions.

Unfortunately, the (new) hospital is situated near Montredon, on the other side of the River Aude, within a large loop, which has no bridges between Carcassonne and Trèbes.

I have looked carefully at the map (again), and it is not possible to get to this area without passing through one or more of the blocked roundabouts outside Carcassonne or the same, plus the Autoroute tailback on the R113 at Trèbes. Both trouble spots are about half an hour from here and five minutes from the hospital, so even if clear when we leave they could be blocked when we arrive.

So we'll just leave early and take pot luck.

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Thank you. We'll make it one way or another.

I don't blame the original GJ's for trying to get their message over, but movements like that, anywhere, are doomed inevitably to be joined by the mob who are out for excitement and what they can get out of it, which eventually takes away support for the cause.

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We use Google maps on our phones, with the function that shows traffic density in red, black etc. The black generally shows where the blockages are. We have found it reliable.

We have fuel shortages from time to time, a few goods in short supply and problems on Saturdays when roundabouts are closed and the GJs walk backwards and forwards across pedestrian crossings (rural Normandy).
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