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What happened to common sense?


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I guess I know the answer to my question, but still, I have to ask.

I have not been out in a week, not once.  I am in perfect health, as far as I know.

I washed ALL my laundry at the apartment today so I could take it all to the dryer at one time, lessening the amounts of trips out I would need to make for laundry.

I walk in the laverie and what do I see, a man looking to be in his 30's who appears to be sick.  Snifling and blowing his nose.  He was already in the laverie before I walked in.  So, I dump my laundry in two dryers, pay and leave as quickly as possible.  Staying as far from him I as could.  It just made me mad.

Anyone who is sick should not be out.  Send someone else with your laundry.  Don't have anybody else, well then no one to offend by wearing your dirty clothes until you are well.

Of course I have no idea what maladie this person had, but it certainly appeared respiratory in nature. 

I would never go out right now if I was sick. 

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What a great idea Idun.  I have never seen these before.  So smart !

If for some reason we are not able to move in mid June (NOOOOOO), we will have to buy one of those.  Thank you so much for posting the link.

In our new location, we will have a proper washer and a proper dryer...  Much nicer, much bigger place.

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Don't know what size place you are in, but I find my washing dries overnight, using a standard clothes horse, no heating at all ... stands in the lounge .. where, OK, we do still have heating on.

In London, I had an airer which was pulled up to the ceiling, likewise dried overnight (and you could exercise your arms when pulling it up!). 

As for people going out when they are ill .. well you know that there's nowt so daft as folk (as well as queer!).

Common sense went flying away long ago it seems to me, to answer other posters ...

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Thanks Judith.  That would normally be my system too.  Clothes horse and dry in about 24 to 36 hours. 

Not in this apartment.  This building has a mold problem.  There are multiple insurance claims pending.  An "expert" from this apt. owner's insurance company was scheduled to visit this apartment the week the confinement started.  So, we can forget that.

It is a lovely little apartment, but mold creeps up almost all the walls.  I can clean them with strong cleansers, but in two weeks, the mold returns.  We bought one of those gadgets that measures humidity and it stays between 70 and 82% inside the apartment.

So,,,  laundry does not dry in the apartment.  I can leave it for 4 or 5 days and it still doesn't dry.  So, I've learned not to try.  The condenser dryer just makes the humidity issue worse as it emits a lot of moisture into the apartment when it is being used.  So, I never use it.

We were pleased to find the new place before the confinement began.  Otherwise, we'd be stuck here with no hope of moving.  The new place is so lovely.  I really hope we get there as planned...

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Ask 10 different people 'what is common sense' and I guarantee you will receive 10 different answers.

Unfortunately, what we individually believe is common sense does not necessarily transfer to someone elses perception of logic, particularly in times of crisis.

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Common sense is diluted by selfishness. Or many people might say the opposite. Whichever, time to bring on les gros moyens.

Why the governments have not simply declared a time limited State of Emergency I dont know, then they can do what the like immediately, like shut down parks, beaches, countryside parks etc, scoop up the rough sleepers and bed them down in gyms, well spaced out.

Bring back the Green Goddess on telly so older folk can do exercises ........!
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Depends on age. You probably mean this Green Goddess: https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/green-goddess-diana-moran-80-14209060 but when I hear Green Goddess I always think of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Goddess but Diana Moran definitely looked 'looked better (and probably still does https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diana_Moran)
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