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Another week over and how is everybody doing?


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Missing family is a biggie, I agree, but there’s nothing any of us can do but wait it out - and for those of us self-isolating, it’s a case of many months it seems.

We normally see our younger son every weekday, multiple times, as his office is in one of the spare bedrooms, so we normally see him and his cheery face a lot each day.

He isn’t self-isolating, but only goes shopping once each week or so to keep himself, his family and everyone else safe. He pops round by bike a couple of times a week as well as phoning each day (our elder son lives away but also phones daily) and we all skype at times.

It’s been lovely to have such warm, sunny weather up to now, helps keep the spirits up.

Hair - mine is normally cut to about ear length, but was last cut over 13 weeks ago; I was ill the day it should have been cut and started self-isolating a couple of days afterwards. It will be very long and unruly when we finally emerge from the house - maybe I’ll have found how to put it up by then, a chignon might be nice.
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Idun, we would have seen them all at least once, including visits here. It’s more the knowledge that if they needed us, or vice versa, it wouldn’t be possible.

I know there are plenty of others in the same boat, and I’m doing my best. However, now and then I feel quite bereft. I’m 75, my husband is 80.

Angela (who greets all other Angelas)
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[quote user="woolybanana"]But Lori, if you have a head shave it will expose your tattoo which will frighten anyone you meet.[/quote]

My daughter would laugh hysterically at that Wooly.  I gave her all kinds of hell for getting a tattoo. 

I can relate to the not seeing family issues.  Our daughter is only a 20 minute metro ride away and we miss seeing her very much.  So close, yet so far.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]A chignon is a sex toy. Say no more.

Hmmm, I will ask my son in law what that dream presages, auxadrets[/quote]

No it's not.

I see you are having no trouble keeping your spirits up.  Good job !

As I've said, if this building is in the slightest bit representative, the online websites will have either sold record numbers of sex toys or have an over-abundance of stock (due to no need).  These are rare times in which I could really benefit from a less than excellent sense of hearing.

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Gardian, and anyone who thinks it’s anything else, it’s a hairstyle - one which I think looks elegant. I’m not really into elegance and think I probably couldn’t manage to style my hair in a chignon very well as I can’t lift my arms very high nor for long.

example of a chignon:


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Youngest son is at home with us, as CRNS is closed. won't let his mother cut his hair, so she plaited it! Sent picture to eldest who in studying in Japan, (on very limited lockdown) he sent one of his very curly hair plaited for him by a colombian student during a picnic. Thank goodness for the internet.
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