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such simple pleasures


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I went shopping today and what joy........ I bought some wholemeal flour and white bread flour and best of all, some fresh yeast.

The happiness I felt when I saw the yeast on the shelf, well, priceless.

How quickly we will all go back to taking things for granted, I do not know, but I hope that I will continue to be so appreciative.

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Lucky you ?

I would like to see any flour available other than the odd bag of the very cheapest plain white flour.

Yeast ? What's that ?

Still .. all this does make one aware of the small pleasures in life.

Each day there is a sunrise and a sunset .. so all is good.

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Most flour seems in good supply along with dried yeast in my grocery deliveries.

I was very excited about 2 bags of compost our son dropped off for me yesterday, hadn’t asked for any but he knew I’d had no luck with ordering never mind delivery from B&Q and garden centres.

He went shopping at Costco, saw compost and thought of me! ?

He also brought us 40x packs of 4 toilet rolls - the garage needed a bit of reorganising today!

Sunrises and sunsets, yes, but the dawn chorus is fantastic just now!
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Insulation for next winter! ?

The 40x packs of 4 rolls are quite tightly packed and make up a big, heavy lump. Separated, they were easier to handle and are now stowed.

Our son shops at The Costco warehouse and as we’re self-isolating, have weekly deliveries from Waitrose, which didn’t have toilet rolls, kitchen rolls or boxes of tissues available online at the start of this changed way of life.

We still had a few toilet rolls as we normally buy a large-ish pack of Andrex. When our son asked about supplies I mentioned about those shortages at Waitrose and he dropped off a couple of packs of 4 rolls, which we’re still using...........

Then he went to stock up at Costco this week which he does regularly for his family, hence my delivery of compost and toilet rolls.

Actually, we’ll continue using Costco toilet paper in future (if our stock ever gets used up!) as it’s good quality and extremely cheap at £12.59 for the whole pack of 160 rolls!

There’s a new joke for our 2 sons - what does Mum remind you of? Compost and toilet rolls! ?

Bet none of you can top that! ?
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Still no flour or yeast round here.  Not on any of the online sites (for delivery in the 15eme) or in the local Franprix or Carrefour City shops closest to me.  I've not delved out to look in every single shop within 1km.  However there is a sign posted where the flour used to sit saying there is a rupture... 

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I wonder if it is the same thing as in the UK with flour, that only commercial sized bags were being bagged initially for bakeries and not the smaller ones for individuals.

As I was so literally thrilled with my purchases yesterday and told a few friends, they told me that not only Morrisons supermarkets, but other food shops were now selling flour in bags which they had made up themselves. So obviously commercial people can get these big bags and then bag it themselves.

Some I may add, are being a big greedy about the amount they charge, others are not, Morrisons supermarket was not.

Hope the pain in your shoulder is easing off Lori!

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Yes, Idun, yesterday our local news was interviewing the manager of a Carrefour Hypermarche (happened to be the manager of the store closest to me in the 16eme).  He said that they were doing the same thing that you said.  They were having to take the big commercial flour bags and separate them into 1kg bags to sell.  There is a limit of 3 1kg bags per customer to try to allow more people to buy some. 

He also said that they had to limit the number of boxes of dried pastas, rice, etc. as some clients were coming in and filling an ENTIRE shopping cart with boxes of pasta and cleaning out their entire supply.  They  now have signs in front of items with limits...  Good Lord, I don't even have the space to put a caddy full of pasta boxes away. 

Shoulder is better.  I took Aleve for about 4 days and it did seem to help lower the inflammation.  I still have to be careful with how I use it.  But, thank goodness I can carefully wash my hair, etc.  Thanks for asking.

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Re Lori, me too....that sounded like a really horrible pain.  Also, is your move still going ahead as planned, Lori?

I shall be thinking of you WALKING in your garden!

Tried to go for my usual walk today but it was really no pleasure and gave up after 15 minutes.  Rain driving straight into my face and the wind trying to blow my hood off.

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Kind of you to ask Mint.  Yes, the move is still scheduled for 15 June.  I guess the only thing that might change this would be if we are put on confinement again.  We've arranged a van to help us move the small bits we have (we're moving from a furnished apartment to an unfurnished house).  Our new telephone line has been connected at the new place.  The owner of our current apartment has put it up for sale.  Things progress.

Sorry you weren't able to make your walk.  We miss our daily walks so much.  We hope to resume around 15 May.  We will see how things go.

Yes, the pain was terrible.  The worst I have experienced and I have no idea what I did to get it started.  Thank you for asking and commiserating.

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Lori, lovely to have something so exciting to look forward to as a house move - I’m sure all will go well. Just about 6 weeks to go!

Not long for resuming your walks either. I do miss our walks, just little ones round the nearby woods and lake would be great.

We did escape from self-isolation (into our 7th week now) early last Sunday before anyone was up and about and walked in the woods behind our garden - the bluebells were just beautiful.

Sunday should be the annual dawn chorus at the nearby country park; if we’re in the UK I manage to get up in time to drive there for 04.30, but I’m not certain I’ll manage to go out into the garden by then! ?

Lori, I do hope that your shoulder pain clears up soon - how long have you had it?

Mint, it sounds nasty for a walk.

Edit - I’ve changed ‘tomorrow’ to ‘Sunday’; I’ve kept thinking it’s Saturday all day!
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Thanks GG.  Yes, we are looking forward to our move.  I hope we end up happy there as we sure are counting on it.

There is the Parc de Sceaux just 3 minutes walk from the house.  It is such a beautiful parc, so we look forward to walking it each day.

We spend a good bit of our time in confinement looking for things we'll need at the new house online.  Only issue there is whether the items will be in stock once the confinement is lifted and we get to the house.  Not sure how transportation of goods has been during the confinement.

As to my shoulder.  Well, the problems started a long time ago when we were living in Provence.  We had about fairly sizeable garden and I was the only one to do all the mowing, strimming, weed pulling, planting, digging, lugging sacs of soil, etc. for about 10 years. Husband was working in Saudi.

After year 10, we hired someone to do the work.  But, those 10 years really did a number on my shoulders.  It seems to have progressively gotten worse over the years, even though I no longer do yard work.  Age likely is an added contributor.  Still, this bursitis stuff is far worse than the annoying shoulder pain I normally had.  This is cry out scream pain.  Immobilizing.

I'll have it looked at at some point, just to make sure my self diagnosis is accurate.

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Lori, it could be bursitis, which I’ve never had, but which I understand is extremely painful. I think you really should have it checked out.

I know that overuse can lead to tendonitis, which is bad enough, and can lead to very painful rotator cuff tears, which can be helped by rest but surgery could be needed.

I had a fall a couple of years or so ago when at our place in the Gard and tore a tendon in my hip - the pain was just appalling, worse than anything I’d suffered previously.

I had to rest it, take strong painkillers and keep it elevated for quite some time and had to cancel our golden wedding anniversary trip. I had to use a stick to help my balance until this self-isolation started, don’t know if I’ll still need one after it’s over.

Do get it checked when you can go out and about more freely.
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That fall sounds pretty bad GG.  Sounds like a broken hip !

Isn't it amazing how much you use the various parts of your body without really thinking about it - until something falls into 'disrepair.'  You must have realized that with your hip.  I'm not sure a person can do anything without somehow using their hip(s). 

I remember back when we sold our home in Bedoin and we were moving out.  I somehow injured my back - even though I had finished all the heavy lifting/moving many days before.  I have no idea what I actually did to set it off, but I could not even wash myself in the shower.  I had to have help getting into and out of the shower.  I could barely, and not without pain, get to the toilet...  We were actually staying at a gite in Avignon that had all kinds of steps inside the house.  Plus, we had sold our car, so walking was required for everything.  A kind pharmacist put together a cocktail of things for me to take and after only about 3 or 4 days I had improvement.  I've not forgotten that.

Same with the shoulder, you don't realize how much you use your shoulder until you can't.  I could barely wash my hair, put deodorant on, no leg shaving, minimal food prep, etc.

Happiness and good health make you the wealthiest person in the world.

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“Happiness and good health make you the wealthiest person in the world.” - a maxim that those who haven’t had ill health or bad injury may not understand.

I can understand some of your problems with your very painful shoulder and your back injury. I can’t raise my arms as normal since breast cancer operations, which still causes me problems such as when drying my hair and even holding the steering wheel when driving, but at least I’m still going strongish, thank goodness. ?

Bedoin, we know it a little from various visits to Mont Ventoux from Uzès over many years.
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