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How does your area fare in the proposed map of déconfinement?

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Provisional map - the final map will bevdecided on 7th May.


(Sorry, I can’t make this live on here.)

Odd that the Lot is red and the Gers, Dordogne and Tarn are yellow.

To be green there are 3 givernment thresholds to be met and all must be cleared:

1. Circulation of the virus is not active

2. Hospital resuscitation is not up to the threshold

3. Testing for the virus cannot meet the required numbers
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The Gard is  green

A possible complication was mentioned yesterday. A department green next to one in red might have  restrictions imposed to avoid the temptation of 'cross-border' visits..so for example  a supermarket in the Dordogne might  have to continue with restrictions because it is a neighbour of the Lot.

These colours aren't fixed either and will be adjusted in as things develop.

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Pleased to say that we are in green, as is the next door dept, where we would normally go, as we are on the border, but for my hospital treatment I have to cross a yellow, to go to a green, which is adjacent to a red!  However, my visits are from now reduced to every 6 weeks, but still necessary, and we go by car, on the autoroute, and only get out at the other end which is pretty countryfied .... so will still be allowed, though I'll need a form still as it's over 100km!  Small blessings however .. just to be able to go to another shop in a different town will be so nice!

Yes, I noticed that Lot was red, which surprised me ..

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The orange was an afterthought.  Certainly, in the link that Norman provided on another thread, the C dans l'air discussion did not touch on oranges!

Yesterday, in the le Monde article, there were in fact 2 maps, one for the "activity" of the virus and the other for the hospital bed occupancy situation.  Pour autant que je sache, as the French commentators put it (!), orange means the status has not yet been established and that it could be basculé either way.

I was indeed most surprised that the Dordogne was orange because, I look in on Sud Ouest every couple of days and the figures have always been very low. 

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Some of you will already know, but a friend has mentioned in an email that there were mistakes on the map regarding figures. So the Cher and the Haute-Corse will be changed and not be red.

There may be other mistakes and in any case, orange/yellow areas will no doubt change to green or red, depending on whether or not they can pass all 3 government thresholds.

1. Circulation of the virus is not active

2. Hospital resuscitation is not up to the threshold

3. Testing for the virus cannot meet the required numbers

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There are at least 2 articles about this in Sud Ouest this morning. 

One says that the placing of the Dordogne in the orange category has "suscité l'étonnement en Périgord" and another that the president of the Dordogne was "stupéfait".

The criterion on testing is said to have been 300 a day and that the capacity (yes, that tricky word again) is 1000 a day.

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The Cher should be red because two English rip off merchants live there selling houses to Brits. LOL.

God awful people. Should be sent packing back to the UK.


Don't know what colour we are. Kinda yellowy green.

It does not really matter. You have to adapt regardless of where you live.

But I will be having a haircut in 11 days time. I look like chewbaccca. LOL.
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[quote user="idun"]Is it my screen, or 'me' but isn't that 'orange' actually yellow in colour?[8-)]


In the French news, they call it orange.

It's currently my favourite colour; I have a beautiful leather handbag in orange and a watch with an orange strap, face and casing.

I suddenly decided that my wardrobe needed a pop of colour and I have since acquired a couple of orange tops and a jumper in orange.

I used to have 2 Dutch friends (now both dead[:(]) who were always in orange as it is the national colour of Holland.

It has a touch of cheerfulness and boldness, in my opinion[:D]

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But mint,  would you call that colour 'orange'??

I too have orange in my wardrobe, I also have yellows and lemons too. In fact, at the moment I have plenty of citrusy things thinking about it.

I used to wear too much black, but for all I mainly accessorize  with black I have lots and lots  of bright colours in my wardrobe these days.

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Tarn, Lot & Dordogne now changed to green*. Surprised to see Cantal orange and L'Hérault & Gard green - maybe they will be next to change.

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Yes, in the Lot at least, there has been an explanation for the error.  Apparently people admitted to les urgences on suspicion of having the virus were counted as hospital admissions for covid.

I always knew the first map to do with movement of the virus was wrong as regards my département.  I have been following the local news and there had never been any suggestion of more than a handful of infections and a mere 10 or 12 en réanimation.

Didn't know the testing situation but that has now apparently been modified.  Personally, I didn't much care for such strict measures for our rural areas.  It always seemed ridiculous that I could only walk for an hour and no more than 1 km from my home.  I literally could walk 10 kilometres and not meet a soul!

I don't want to go to cinemas or restos but I do want to walk on my own, not posing a threat to anyone and not having to have the attestation on me at all times. 

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Ah no  surely amber is darker?

Yes mint, with regards to fruit, then a lemon is yellow, but in clothing/accessorie terms, I would say that lemon was usually classed as pale yellow.

RE these maps, I can only think that this is all going to be very complicated. My son lives in one department and works in another. IF they are dealt with in different ways, surely it will get very complicated when they start on the pathway to come out of the lockdown. Daresay it will all get sorted eventually.

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