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What are you doing/have done today to mark the première étape of déconfinement?

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Today determined to do something to mark this auspicious occasion, I have made phone calls!  If you have phonephobie as I do, you will appreciate the immensity of this[:D]

So far, have managed to arrange a hair appointment, for next Wednesday.  Was told must have mask, be as lightly dressed as possible and to carry just un tout petit sac.  But, oh, the joy of having my hair cut!  It feels like having won the lottery[:D]

 No success yet at getting through to the ophthalmologue but I shall live to try again another day[:D]

Off now for the FIRST walk of the day!  May not walk far but I shall go out at least TWICE, just because I can......!

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Not going anywhere, although we had planned a trip to the coast.

It seems to have been raining forever here, and even more rain and thunderstorms are forecast for the next 10 days.

Frogs are probably moving into the new pond, which used to be a lawn.

Two of our 4 skylights, installed 9 years ago, are leaking, causing water to drip through t&g joints in the OSB covering under the tiles. Our builder obviously can't do anything until the rain stops.

He says he has found that the Velux skylights (model VLT 0000Z) always seem to leak around the outer frames after 5 or 6 years, as the side seals/gaskets deteriorate.

Ours were about the second ones he installed, and since then he has found another material to replace the seals. Hopefully it is a straightforward job, which he says is should only take a morning.

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When we can do stuff, I won't be.

In fact, things will have to change a lot before I change what I am doing now to more like I used to do.

My hair is fine, I have cut it twice now, I have over the years often cut my own hair with success. I used to do friends' too when we were young and have cut OH's since the lockdown and his is fine.

In fact he dropped something off at a friends a couple of weeks or so ago, (ie put the stuff on the door step, ring the bell or knock and stand well back) and just about the first thing the friend said was stating, 'you've had your hair cut'.

Think I will trim his again this week, if my shoulders are up to it, that is the only reason why I don't cut his all the time, I get really really painful shoulders when I lift my arms for more than a few minutes at a time.

We want for nothing else.

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Idun, I'm sorry about your shoulders.  I can now really relate.

What did we do today?  Well, I toasted walnuts for a beet/walnut/goats cheese/salad for dinner.  Husband did 2 miles in steps.  I cleaned the shower door with liquide de rincage lave vaiselle; it really does remove all the water (calcaire) stains and removes the cloudy - ness.  What excitement !

We did not go out.  Won't tomorrow either.  Might on Wednesday.  We'll see.

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Norman wrote : I did the same as I have been doing and it's likely to stay like that given the insane behaviour of people in the street.

Exactly the same here .. apart from the fact that our local déchettetie opened up, using the last 2 numbers of the car's number plate as a control, so this pm my OH hared off with 4 concertina-type containers full of green stuff.

Then he returned and viewed the very long queue for an approved (albeit sewn locally) mask and decided to try again tomorrow ..

Mostly, this type of outing apart, we intend to hunker down and review the situation over a period of time ..
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Nothing really.

We had two masks delivered last week. Not exactly the most exciting moment of the year.

Plus, somebody was supposed to come by this afternoon. He rang at 18.30 to say that he was “running a bit late”. I suggested that he leave it until tomorrow ! Complete plonker.

Not a good day really. Surrounded by idiots.
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Nothing really.

We had two masks delivered last week. Not exactly the most exciting moment of the year.

Plus, somebody was supposed to come by this afternoon. He rang at 18.30 to say that he was “running a bit late”. I suggested that he leave it until tomorrow ! Complete plonker.

Not a good day really. Surrounded by idiots.
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Nothing yesterday - it was too wet, but messaging and emails have been alive ... hair appointment soon, I can live with it pro tem, all organised by email, but the lady who cuts my toenails (as I cannot reach them now so stiff as I am), is coming this afternoon, organised by messenger, and boy, do they need doing.  Luckily, as I've not been going out except for necessary things, I've been able to wear sandals which has helped.  I won't change much, I suspect, though I have said that I will begin to get out for a walk each if I can .. and if the weather plays ball.

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[quote user="nomoss"]
Not going anywhere, although we had planned a trip to the coast.

It seems to have been raining forever here, and even more rain and thunderstorms are forecast for the next 10 days.

Frogs are probably moving into the new pond, which used to be a lawn.

Two of our 4 skylights, installed 9 years ago, are leaking, causing water to drip through t&g joints in the OSB covering under the tiles. Our builder obviously can't do anything until the rain stops.

He says he has found that the Velux skylights (model VLT 0000Z) always seem to leak around the outer frames after 5 or 6 years, as the side seals/gaskets deteriorate.

Ours were about the second ones he installed, and since then he has found another material to replace the seals. Hopefully it is a straightforward job, which he says is should only take a morning.


I found the Velux guarantee on line and sent it to our builder, as it says that the installation hardware is covered for 10 years.

He replied that that is true, but it's the gaskets (joints) which have failed, and these are only covered for 2 years.

How on earth can an installation kit be guaranteed if a gasket included in it is not?

So much for the "best name in roof windows"[:-))]

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