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Another week over

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Anyone done anything really different or interesting?

The highlight of our week.... OUR MONTH was fish and chips from a really good fish and chip shop tonight. I can only say it was a wonderful, un FESTIN.

We had them with tea, bread and butter and mushy peas. Ah the simple pleasure that was so special........ and we ate hours ago and I am still well and truly repue!

We have done our Boris Walks, some shopping, and I have read a lot, when I should have been doing important 'stuff', but preferred reading.

I must get a grip and catch up with correspondence if nothing else this week.

Tonight was our last Clap for Key Workers, and I am a little sad about it. It was obviously the right moment as I had a  sign, I have been hitting the bottom of a big pan with a wooden spoon, and the spoon broke tonight. Just goes to show.

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[quote user="chessfou2"]Yesterday I went to my podologue. First time in more than 3 months. Bliss! Next Thursday it's my coiffeuse for first time in 4 months.[/quote]

Yes!  Feet the first week they were allowed to open again .. desperately needed, and it's hair cut time next week.  Amazingly, still looking good, though longer than I like, my hairdresser will love it this length, but agree it does need trimming as it is looking "endy".  I'm going shorter for the summer, though, that might eventually decide to stay longer next time. Beautiful last week here, now rain and cloud forecast for the next week (again, and again .. lost track this year of how many times it's now done that!). And guess what I was thinking of doing today - the washing, of course.  Typical.

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I don't suppose we have done anything exciting this week.  However, in the current situation, just about anything outside the apartment seems rather exciting.

We walk outside now each day for about 3 hours.  We take different routes in the 15eme and the 7eme, sometimes delving further out.  The walks are really wonderful.

Yesterday I guess I did something exciting.  I went back to dry my clothes at the laverie for the first time since the confinement.  No one was there...  I wore a mask and rubber gloves..  Still, it was so nice not to have to turn on that Go* awful condenser dryer to try to dry clothes (takes hours and hours).  I took two large loads of washed clothes, set the dryer for 32 minutes, left and returned to perfectly dry clothes.  How nice.  There was no one there when I went back to get the clothes either.

During our walk today, I was very curious what I would see as most everything has reopened.  The large Beaugrenelle shopping mall has reopened.  There were about a dozen people lined up at 1 meter distances waiting to go in.  So, I presume the regular guards are only allowing so many people in at one time.  Can't imagine how that will work as it is a huge mall with dozens of stores.  Once in, I wonder if each store is then controlling how many people go into their shop(s).

The stores on rue du Commerce are individual shops, so they have been open for a week or so.  They only allow so many people in at one time, require masks and ask for distancing.

Today, there were SO many more people out.  Many carrying various shopping bags.  Salons seemed very busy all over town.  Both nail and hair salons.  Saw less people wearing mask and more people out.  It is what I figured we would see.  It will likely be very crowded tomorrow along the river.  It had already gotten very busy there last Sunday.  So, we will avoid it.  Not difficult to do.

We've made a list of the items we'll order for our new home (quite a list).  We ordered and have received our new FREE fiber box.  The current FREE account here is in our daughter's name.  So, even though we pay for it, names on the account cannot be changed (short of divorce, marriage, death).  So, we have to cancel here and start new service in our names at the new address.  Appointment for fiber line to be installed at new address is set for 9 june.

I've written out the resiliation letter to EDF and to FREE.  So, things progress.  Exciting?  Well, yes to us, but I doubt to anyone else.

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We’re into our 12th week of self-isolating here in Berkshire and it’s very difficult to tell one day from another, never mind each week.

On Tuesdays we have to remember to put the rubbish and kerbside recycling out (no glass though!), every other Thursday we put the brown bin out with the green waste, and up to this Thursday we went out to clap for carers, so those days have stood out.

The clapping was one of the 2 highlights of the week, as we went to the wall of our front garden, clapped, waved to neighbours who were out clapping and had a brief chat to our next door neighbours across the hedge.

The other highlight of the week is our Waitrose delivery with our supplies of food, booze etc.

I’ve mostly managed to book Saturdays; quite exciting to read early on Saturday morning what they don’t have in stock and what substitutions they’ve made. Today no organic broccoli or salmon fillets, and they substituted Charlie Bigham’s fish pie as they had no Waitrose fish pie.

It’s the only day we have a newspaper (free if you choose one of the right titles) and it is very well read.

Thank goodness my husband and I get on really well and don’t go in for shows, cinema visits, pubs etc and are quite happy pottering or sitting in the shade of the old apple trees in the garden, especially during these weeks of lovely sunny weather.

I can’t imagine anything worse in this mini-lockdown here than not getting on well with your other half, possibly even mental or physical abuse and perhaps not having a house to yourselves, the lot of so many, and no garden or even a balcony.

We’re content with our current unusual life and plan to continue for quite a while yet, although my husband will be venturing out to see the podiatrist on Thursday as his feet are extremely painful. He should have gone the week we started self-isolating and usually has them done every 6 weeks or so.

He’s being seen as an emergency, has to wait in the car until he’s called in, his temperature will be taken before he enters the clinic and must use hand gel before entering and leaving and has to wear a mask. Sensible precautions.

Chessfou2, your 2 visits must have given you a boost. Enjoy your haircut next week, Judith, a good boost for you too. Lori, your walks sound lovely and your clothes-drying session sounds an excellent idea. Things seem to be coming together nicely for your move.

We have hair appointments for mid-July; mine was last cut in mid-January due to a stomach upset the day it was due in March, and then we started self-isolating , so it’s going to be very long after 6 months! We visited Alan’s salons for years before he decided to only do home visits; if it meant a visit to a salon I wouldn’t be doing that. He’s going to be wearing a mask and using hand gel - a bit tricky to do fine cutting in gloves, I think.
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Had my hair cut, paying 3 euros extra for "sanitaire".  For that I got a big gown with zip closure and had my hair washed as that was "obligatoire".  I don't usually have my hair washed at the salon because I can only use products that are surgras.  Thankfully, no reaction to the champoing which I was assured was "très doux".  Plus, she was washing every chair that had been sat on.  They were also taking only half the number of clients.

Wish I could say I was thrilled with my haircut but, alas, my hair is now very thin on top, not having grown back since chemo.  So it was just a case of looking a bit tidier.

Had 2 nordic walks with 6 others, well distanced from each other and talking at the top of our voices.  Must have sounded like ignorant, ill-mannered types[+o(]

Then, looking for bras (surgeon has stipulated firm control!) and thought I'd buy some new pyjamas so as not to look too shabby when they call me to go to hospi for the op that was cancelled in April.  Has anyone seen the cost of these essential items of wear that no one even sees?[:-))]

As for traditional pyjamas with a proper jacket with collar and buttons, they appear to be as rare as  hen's teeth. Tant pis for me as I have NEVER been a Marilyn Monroe type who only sleeps wearing nothing other than Chanel No 5.  Still, I don't think the pyjamas can possibly cost more than 10 ml of Chanel No 5?

Lori, you will be walking soon in a PARC in Sceaux[:)]

Next week, ah....next week.....I am supposed to be having my first Pilates lesson in a park (had to be open air to meet requirements) but guess what, the méteo says next Wednesday, it will be raining.....damnation!

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Link should be live

There seem to be traditional ones on this site. There are summer ones and winter ones, is this what you are after?

I love Landsend night wear, chemises not pyjamas though.

edit, looks like there is a lack of sizes on the french site, quite shocked, thought it would be better.

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Thank you very much, Id, yes there are some nice ones in there.  I have now bought a pair from Ebay but I have put aside a pair from your link.  As I already have a big order made to Amazon yesterday, I shall wait to see how long things take to be delivered before ordering anymore.

I had a very generous birthday present of money from my sister so I am in the mood to indulge myself[:D]

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Yes, another week gone; they do seem to pass quickly, I must say.

I had a friend to tea ( in garden) twice - different friends; braved south London traffic to drive to deliver something to my daughter - and had to cope with a parking meter. Yikes! Forgot to sanitise after bipping all those keys with a finger, until I got home. It shows what an isolated life I have been leading.

A couple of Zoom gathering; and an online local charity quiz last night, which was quite fun even though my “team” was placed 72nd (out of 90-odd).

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I have plenty of winter nightwear here, but only 1 cool nightdress, the rest are all in France. That happens with other clothes, but that us just silly.

I sent for a some nightdresses from M&S a couple of weeks ago and they are awful; just as well they have extended their returns limit.

Mint, if I fancied indulging myself with some lovely nightwear, there are a few I like at David Nieper:

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I bought a couple modal light summer short sleeved night dresses from M&S,  and they are OK.

The rest of my night dresses are Landsend, all cotton and lovely. Love it when I can get them in a sale.

I have pyjamas, because I bought them to take camping, thought it would be better, but I really have a problem with the legs. I have never bought them with ankle cuffs and so they are just straight legged.

I move a lot when sleeping and I wake up to find that the hems of the jammas are up above my knees cutting my circulation in my thighs.

I have no idea how anyone else manages, but I cannot be doing with them.

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I can recommend David Nieper, I have some of their nightclothes (via my deceased aunt), which only get worn when hospitalised etc ..inlcuding the beautiful flowery dressinggown which I think is still available.  Pure cotton and so comfortable. I am like Marilyn though no Chanel no 5 for me ..

I am even more partial to David's Nieper's dresses, of which I have several.  I have visited them twice now, on my UK visits, and it pays to try them on as though good, the fit, as ever, varies.  Made on their site in Derbyshire, and so, so friendly.  I even bumped into the MD who was eating in the staff canteen when I went in for a coffee and cake, I was there that long.They were very impressed that I had come all the way from France to visit them.

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I have that same problem Idun.  Cannot wear pj's with pants or even shorts.  They just jumble up too much and make sleeping uncomfortable.  Only sleep dresses.  I'll need to order a nice winter robe as I did not keep my old one (donated many old clothes prior to leaving U.S.).  No idea where to look for that as the ones I see here seem to be flimsy thin and over priced.

I hope you like the things you chose Mint and that they arrive without too much delay.  We've gotten all our Amazon items within 2 to 3 business days, including 2 new memory foam pillows (made in France) delivered yesterday. 

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Thanks for the DN link, GG.  But I only like pyjamas AND I only like traditional ones with a jacket with collar and buttons.  None of these flimsy t-shirts with legging type trousers.

I managed to bag a pair of cotton ones with short-sleeved jacket.

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I have brightened up and no longer care about weeks passing at a snail's pace.

Diary filling up again with entries....dates, times, just lovely[:D]

Back to hill walking tomorrow; very select band, about 7 or 8 at most.  In a place with hills like those in Wales and uncertain weather conditions[:D] 

Even the hospital rang to re-arrange RVs and a date for my operation.  And I am sooooooo excited..... must remember not to catch the virus though!!!

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Excellent that your social whirl is picking up ? One day we’ll have some entries in our diaries too, such as our grandgirls’ sleepovers rather than just our grocery delivery dates!

My husband actually started the ball rolling today, had an emergency appointment with a podiatrist - the first person either of us has been close to, other than our family and next door neighbours across the drive and neighbours across the road when out clapping on Thursday evenings.

Really good that you’ve got dates from the hospital - just behave yourself, no virus allowed near you! ?
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Well, if nothing else this 'going nowhere, seeing no one' is having a positive effect on our finances. No meals out, no popping off here there and everywhere so no way to spend.

Went off to do a 'big shop' on Wednesday and filled the car up with fuel. The last time I filled the car was just over 10 weeks ago. Less than £30 to fill the tank, normally at least £60 every other week.

A little spent on online shopping.

We have got hooked on jigsaws and days can just vanish.
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I agree about being financially better off.

Never the less we could have saved more, but I have bought a few things that were in sales, and we did order some stuff for a biggish job here, which is keeping my husband busy.

My shopping bills have been ok, only when I go to one supermarket every week or ten days, I buy quite a lot for the food bank. I haven't sent money off for any other charity, but probably will at some point, helping very locally is currently my 'thing'.

I haven't filled up the car for a long time either. It could do with a good run out.......... and I think I could too![Www]

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Paul, do you not have to drive the car a bit to turn the engine over?

When OH was doing that when we still had to have the attestation, he was always preparing what he was going to say should he be stopped![:-))]

We have 2 cars so we had to take them out in turns so as to be sure they would go OK.  In fact, we were stuck in a village near us when the older car's battery conked out.  Looking at previous bills, it hadn't had a new battery for over a decade!

If I was built as well as a car battery, I reckon I might have a few years left in me[:D]

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