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Which poster will be the first to get the vaccine!


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Yes, I'm afraid we are not high up on the priority list, so we wait.

Most of my husband's family members in Israel have been vaccinated already, in fact most before Christmas.  None of them have experienced a bad reaction from the vaccination so far.  Some have just received their second dose.

I don't know anyone in France who has been vaccinated.  I know many elderly folks in the USA who have not been vaccinated yet either.

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You are right, G & B, looks like one hell of a long wait.

Lots of discussions on tv and bucket loads of criticism and Véran stood there today and said a million vacs would be achieved by the end of January.

As someone else on the panel said loudly that that was no great ambition. Could have kissed that chap who said it.

I am getting VERY wound up about this. So totally unacceptable and, as yet, no one has resigned, nothing's been put right AFAIK. Meanwhile, all they seem to be thinking about is exending the stricter couvre feu countrywide.

As though THAT was going to save all our lives....
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[quote user="nomoss"][quote user="idun"]
I keep waiting for someone to post that they have had the vaccination, but as yet, no one has.


The way things are going here I don't think it will be anyone in France.


There seem to be more members living in the UK than in France these days, even if they show a location in France.

I find it confusing that people talk about things going on "at home" and "here" and other happenings, when it eventually turns out they are in another country.

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 Yes, we live in England now. But majority of our income is from France, so we are absolutely tied to France, and could end up moving back if the pensions become affected by Brexit.

Family in France and a handful of friends, you know the ones who are proper friends with whom I am very close, malgre the distance between us these days.

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Well Nomoss, as you know, we are alive & well in the Gard !

We haven’t been fussing about it, but have learned this evening that there’s a number to ring from Thursday in order to book a vaccination at our local hospital.

You’d expect the number to be inundated. It may well be, but since a large percentage of the French have a problem with vaccinations, it mightn’t be. We’ll see.

Will report back ......... but this isn’t an all consuming part of my life, I may assure you.
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First I want to send New Year wishes to everyone, may it be a less harsh, worrying year and bring everyone hope now that vaccines are becoming available.

I’ve been missing from here again as I couldn’t access the forum using my ipad, but I had a tip to try Edge- and it worked! I do pop in to read from time to time, so know a bit about what’s been happening.

Now back on topic.

I had a call from our GP practice on Monday to go for Covid vaccination yesterday, along with my husband, so we’re both very pleased; we’re fairly early due to our age, medical problems and our very efficient GP practice.

They have developed an extremely good way of working, with 4 teams of doctor/nurse plus admin person in both the surgery and the adjacent Salvation Army hall vaccinating 1 patient every 5 minutes.

Government background checked volunteers manage the meeting, greeting, directing, squeezing hand gel, enquiring about Epipens, overseeing those who need to sit for 15 minutes etc. It’s all efficient but friendly.

We feel very lucky to have had our first vaccinations, the Oxford/Astra Zeneca vaccine and will be called back in about 12 weeks for our second jab.

Our behaviour won’t change now or after our second vaccination, we’ll still only go out for a short, very local daily walk, (we have groceries delivered each week), still won’t spend time with our son and granddaughters who we’ve only seen from a distance since March even though they live just round the corner. No visits to our place in France for a long time yet.

Good luck with your vaccinations everyone, whenever you get them. Stay safe.

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Congrats GG and OH !!!  Yes, tea and cakes absolutely.  I know I'll be celebrating when I get my vaccine.  Though  no alcohol as they say it can interfere with the reaction.  Otherwise, it would have been a glass of champagne.  Cake sounds just as special.

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Tea and cake would gave been very lovely, but unfortunately no cafés other than take away here either. I did josh with the volunteer in the sitting area about whether there were there refreshments like when donating blood.

Were they still serving glasses of wine after donating blood in France à la Peter Mayle when life was still nirmal? I used to think that was a tall story until we lived part time in the Gard, where I saw it in action a few years ago. Not the amounts Mayle wrote about, though.
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It has been so long since I read Mayle's books, I'd forgotten about the wine after blood donations. 

It takes me back to when we were doing a huge renovation of our house in Bedoin.  Nearly all of the artisans would bring huge layouts of food and wine each day for their lunch.  It was an enormous spread.  I was always amazed by it.

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No, I don't expect frills just the bloody vaccine will do. I'll happily sit in a corner until the 15 mins is up and leave quietly.

And to hear Castex saying he is not at all embarrassed by the lack of decisive action makes me angrier than ever. I just KNEW first time I saw him and Véran speak on tv that they wouldn't amount to much. Hélas, it appears I am a better judge of character, even with social distancing (!) than whoever it is who appointed them.

Cannot do emoticons on Opera so you'd just have to imagine the expression on my face!
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Quelle surprise! The Santé site is overloaded and not working.

Who'd have thought that would happen, with only a few million people eligible for a jab.

I realise it isn’t an all consuming part of their life for some, but we're over 80, I have a chronic respiratory condition, and we would just like to be able to go out again with some chance of surviving a couple more years.

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yes,I have also been trying the sante.fr site which is down, not unexpected, for my OH.  I thought they might allow the spouse (same household) to be done the same time if under 75 as has happened with our family in UK but, from what I have read, even if he can get done, I won't be eligible until end Feb/beginning of March.

Amazing that the UK seem to be streets ahead with the programme.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
I think you are both being a little unfair to Castex who is by nature a 'back-room' boy projected into the public eye.

I find him and his strong regional accent a refreshing change from the bombastic bluster of some...


No, I don't particularly like his regional accent.  Hear enough of it around here and, yes, took me a while to interpret and "hear" it in "normal" French.  I MUCH preferred Philippe.  I did give Castex a chance, for the sake of fairness, but he has not come up to MY expection......lol, as though that mattered

As for Véran, not impressed from the very beginning and, in the interests of fairness, perhaps I didn't wait too long before making up my mind!

PS Norman, I am sending you a PM, no not about this subject.

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