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two views of the necessity for a 3rd confinement


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ET, Alpes-Maritime going into partiel confinement and maybe it will be the same for other coastal places.[6]

Here is a link:  [url]https://www.lefigaro.fr/confinement-partiel-commerces-ce-qu-il-faut-retenir-des-mesures-de-restriction-dans-les-alpes-maritimes-20210222[/url]

There are other places in France where the infection rate is even higher, eg Dunkerque.

I am hoping that when the French see how the vaccination programme is rolling out in the UK and the new data about efficacy, lowering of deaths, grave cases, hospital admissions and infection rates, they will finally roll up their sleeves and get people vaccinated quickly.

Still no slots for RVs in the Dordogne that I could see this morning and I tried all of the Dordogne's vaccination sites, that is, all SIX of them!

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Checked the local vaccination centre today and guess what, it was closed.

Mysteriously, when the Dunkerque outbreak was announced a reserve of several thousand doses was found and rushed to the area. Could it be that my local centre is shut because of this pr just because it was Monday?

Am gonna try and get a priority certificate from my doctor on Wednesday.
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Wooly, some centres do not open all week.  Our nearest one is only open three and a half days a week and Monday is not one of those days.

OH went to see his MT who wouldn't give him an ordonnance and not even some verbal encouragement.  A friend's son, who lives near boulogne sur mer has a compromised immunity and, despite a priority ordonnance from his doctor is still unable to get vaccinated.

I do not want to discourage you, but thought you might wish to know how utterly impossible it is and, as I understand it, there is simply not enough doses in large areas of France.  Swathes of elderly people in the first group to be vaccinated (75+) have been on their phone daily for hours on end trying to get an answer without success.

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Not if you are over 75. You just book online if you can get a slot.
It's worth trying at odd times such as 3 a.m. to pick up any places that may have come free.

Mint posted
"I am hoping that when the French see how the vaccination programme is

rolling out in the UK and the new data about efficacy, lowering of

deaths, grave cases, hospital admissions and infection rates, they will

finally roll up their sleeves and get people vaccinated quickly."

The data yesterday:
UK Deaths : 217 f ully vaccinated : 615,148         total deaths: 120,810

Fr  Deaths:  159  fully vaccinated:   1,155, 637     total deaths: 84,430

Of course the UK is coming out of a lockdown and France may be going into one..

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Is the French government (i.e. Macron) in some sort of denial mode? The vaccination programs a complete shambles, infections and deaths are rising as are hospital admissions, patients being transferred to other hospitals because some are full and partial lockdowns in place with almost certainly more to come. And yet they are saying that will limit public gatherings to 10,000 in the summer! It beggars belief that anything will be allowed to happen at this rate for the coming year, let alone summer!
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A follow-on from Norman’s post with figures; excellent news about the first jab reducing hospital admissions by 85% and 94% for the Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs respectively.

Covid vaccines - 'spectacular' impact on serious illness:


This news can’t change the horrific number of deaths in the UK from Covid-19 due to our government’s very poor, very late action against it in the first few months. But it gives great hope about fewer deaths now and in the future.
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Well, judging by the number of folk on holiday round here and at the coast now we are in for a total lockdown pretty soon. This is entirely down to the Government playing politics with peoples’ lives and not taking hard decisions..

Just look at Dunkerque which could well spread along the coast with the influx from high infection areas such as Lille.
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GG - there has been a great deal of discussion, in the press AND medical journals about the UK's death figures compared to other countries.
The problem is the way the UK has recorded deaths is completely different to many other countries, and includes the phrase 'with Covid' - whereas many other countries use the phrase 'from Covid' - and which has led to an over-reporting of the UK's figures and/or under-reporting of other countries figures.
Only in a year or so will it be possible to do a full depth, forensic examination of the figures and unpick the truth.
Some medical actuaries are in fact doing that in the UK - and their preliminary, ad hoc, judgement is that by removing what might be called 'normal death' figures from those that have been reported the UK's figures compare favourably (and I use that word with reluctance but it is one that was used) but the UK figures are nowhere near as bad as they would appear to be on first reading.   Sadly, those initial numbers are all that the media pick up on - and run with - and then the UK gets tarred with having the 'worst' numbers.

Final scientific analysis could well prove the UK hasn't had such high numbers compared to other countries.
But whatever the numbers, each number is a personal tragedy and a family tragedy.

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Chessie, I think you should read the figures published by the Office of National Statistics regarding the last 5 year average reported deaths and the current deaths. These figures give a much more accurate indication of what's happening.
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The trouble is the ONS figures are based on the 'with' figures - and that's why the UK figures appear to be so high.
I may be wrong, but I didn't think the ONS figures had been able to analyse the break-down yet; if I'm wrong I apologise - but that was the latest news I heard.

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