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This could be important

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Let no one ever forget the appallingly misleading statement from Macron a few weeks ago about AstraZeneca.

Had he been Trump he would never have been allowed to get away with it,   and yet in daily watching of the news on France 3 and TF1 I have not once seen anyone dare to call him out for his lie.

I really hope those in France - and all on this forum - who need the vaccine get it soon.   I say that as a 61 year old who was vaccinated three days ago as part of a well-organised and efficient national vaccination programme.   I leave you to work out in which country that took place.   I genuinely hope that Macron's petty idiocy does not lead to unnecessary deaths.

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Often things are said and I can't help but feel often it is just a PR exercise. Yes, Chemists may be able to give the vaccine but do they have it to give! That is more to the point thanks to Mr. Macron!!
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[quote user="Ken"]Often things are said and I can't help but feel often it is just a PR exercise. Yes, Chemists may be able to give the vaccine but do they have it to give! That is more to the point thanks to Mr. Macron!![/quote]

Precisely, you can't give what you don't have.

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 If and when it comes to pass, the pharmacies "giving" the vaccine suggests to me a similar situation to the flu jab where you will get an ordonnance from the MT (that bit might be cut out) and the nurse will administer the jab.

Might be wrong but I can't see any pharmacy having the facilities to do otherwise.

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[quote user="anotherbanana"]The government has accepted a proposal by the HAS that pharmacies should be able to give ALL types of vaccines approved so far.

About bl**dy time too.

This might make things go much quicker but it might increase the queues at the pharmacy[/quote]

Wools, I didn't know the govt has ACCEPTED the HAS proposals. If what you say is correct, then it is even better news than I thought.

When I asked at one of our local pharmacies on Monday, I had a long explanation from the owner and chief pharmacien and he said the vaccine was indeed in his pharmacie.

At this moment, I choose to stay focused and hopeful if only because I am fed up of feeling depressed and hopeless!
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The pharmacy does know about it all but has not yet received the vaccine, and there are still some,problems. Obviously the one of storage temperatures and, apparently, the Astrazeneca one should not be shaken, which is why delivery is not so easy.

Pictures I saw of it being delivered in UK were not gentle to it though, so what?

She confirmed that some doctors will not give vaccinations, either because they cant be bothered or because they are too busy.

But, she thinks my doctor has a stash which is why I have an appointment on Monday afternoon.

The pharmacy is establishing a list of those waiting with me at number four.

Some light at the end of the tunnel? More like a pinprick but better than nowt.

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Shaken, know who needs a good shaking, bet the president has had his, and by a Dr.

Britain sometimes gets things horribly wrong, but for some reason, some people with the authority to do so, have decided that as this needs doing and quickly, that they were going to organise it.... and blow me down, they did.

Good luck Wooly and I hope that your toubib manages to vaccinate you.

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[quote user="idun"]
mint, which vaccine do they have?

The pfizer doesn't keep does it?


Id, they have the astra zeneca and in fact OH's doctor started vaccinating at 1.00 yesterday.  We hared off straight to his doctor but the receptionist said it wasn't for someone of OH's age.

The pharmacien did explain that it was for saignants of 50 to 75 with comorbidities.  But, after I explained about OH's predicament, he said his doctor should give it to him.

So, what could we have done?

I am seeing my own doctor on Monday and I shall ask him.  If he agreed to do me, then I shall ask him to do OH as well (for vax, it does not have to be your own doctor).  BUT I am not holding my breath.  I have written before about this doctor and I shall not repeat those remarks.  Let's just say, he does not inspire confidence in me.

You know, thinking about it, I have been MOST unfortunate with my MTs.  The first one didn't last more than a visit.  She was a snooty, patronising b...h and got my first prescription wrong.  The second one was lovely, dedicated and good-natured but we moved département.  Anyway, soon after, I heard that she had to retire with some sort of nervous breakdown (worked herself so hard till her mental health broke down, I reckon).  The third was good but then she lost her only child to a serious illness and she was never the same after that.  The fourth was excellent, approachable, good-natured, good-humoured and you could have a good old chat with him about anything under the sun.  But last year, he killed himself.  And now I have this......this.....donkey of a doctor.

I'll have to see if he redeems himself in my eyes on Monday.  Keep your fingers crossed for me, id, I am at the end of my tether.[:@]

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