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We don't want your stinkin' rules & we don't care who we infect


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For me, something absolutely must be done.  I don't see how any of the current 'rules' have slowed anything down.  Cases are approaching USA daily numbers and before long, under the current 'rules' daily deaths will likely do the same.

I forget which 'expert' yesterday said that France should expect daily death numbers to reach 600 within one month.  Of course, who knows if he will be right or not, but it certainly looks like that is where we are going.

Hospitals cannot function under these pressures.  So many non Covid sufferers are going to die because they cannot get treatment because the hospitals are saturated with Covid patients.

And ALBF has been saying all along that the schools should be shut.  Now weeks down the road the government has to see that he was right.  Experts have acknowledged that schools are now hot clusters spreading the disease.

Only a TRUE confinement will slow the cases down while we wait for vaccine doses to arrive and be given to the masses.  Even that will take at least 2 to 3 weeks to begin to take affect.

If Macron continues on the current path, far too many people will die.

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There is one good thing though now Lori, and that is that the Drs have learned so much in the last year, and how to deal with Covid,and there are some drugs which have been seen to help avoid people ending up on ventilators.

My biggest problem is that HOW DARE PEOPLE ignore rules and expect medics to care for them if they get ill. I have friends with their children or grandchildren who are front line medical staff and some friends who are still working in the NHS and this just is not on.

Maybe these despicable folk should be carted off somewhere and left to their own devices, seeings as they care not one iota for anyone else but themselves. And the anti vaxers, honestly. These people are threats to decent society, does it count as  domestic terrorism, feels like it.

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Yes, we just returned from out outdoor walk.  Weather is exceptional as it was yesterday too.  Huge swaths of people out and about in the park and on the streets.  Vast amount of picnicking people in the park (all over the place).  90% of adults (not eating) had no masks in sight. 

I hope they are holding a special place in Hell for those who refuse to mask / distance.

P.S.  At this point, seeing people wearing a mask anywhere here (except Auchan) is now a rare thing.  And it is required in all outdoor/indoor public places and clearly  noted all over the parc...

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Thought it rather nice of the President to give everyone the chance to get away by announcing the lockdown will take place from Saturday for 4 weeks. I wonder if it has occurred to him, or anyone for that matter, that the spread of this disease is because people are moving about? Remember the traffic jams a few weeks ago when Paris was 'locked down' and they all left? Two weeks later Bordeaux was in trouble!

In any event, given the huge gatherings that have taken place in the so called 'locked down' regions I doubt this lockdown will make much difference. Still, as he said, the whole population will be vaccinated by the end of June so no problem really. Just as well he said it yesterday and not today!!!!
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[quote user="Ken"]Just as well he said it yesterday and not today!!!![/quote]

Exactly my sentiments when I heard what he had to say.

Had he chosen to make the announcement during 'poison-jour' it would have given more credibility to the incredibility of the announcement, if you get my drift?

Here within the western world, the absolute first and foremost responsibility of any leader and their government is to the safety and well-being of its citizens and residents.

'Napoleon wannabe' will be judged, yet again, of failing miserably both in his policies to assist the control of covid-spread and the perpetrators of the spreading.

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I get your drift Cajal and agree with you.

So, 'bout 60,000 cases in France yesterday.  The U.S. had 'bout 69,000. 

I seem to have been right about Macron's decision making since the first true confinement.  I said he'd never do it again and he has made that clear. 

I honestly don't think it would matter how many dying people are lined up in the streets around hospitals OR how many non-Covid patients die because of his decisions.  He doesn't care and can't  be made to.

I have to say though that whatever dream world Macron is living in, I see a lot of other people around me who seem to live in the same strange place, seemingly with the same lack of concern.

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I'm sure it has occurred to many people that the partial lockdown that has been operating in France for several weeks had failed to slow down the virus spread. I'm just totally perplexed that Macron, imposing virtually the same 'lockdown' on the whole of France, thinks it will now work. Has he never heard the term 'don't re-enforce failure'?

Quite patently the regional lockdowns were a waste of time, and lives. Now we have just a bigger waste of time and even more lives. As for the 10K nonsense, so someone with the virus can travel 10k, give the disease to someone living there and that person can then move on for another 10K—ad infinitum!!! The mind boggles!!!!
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