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Prince Philip

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Very sad to hear the news, my condolences to the Queen and the family. During my lifetime, a man who has always been there, someone whose humour and comments the mob who can't wait to get up in the morning to be offended will not be sorry to see go. All I can say is most of us will miss him, for the effort and work he did to support the Queen, including my son who along with thousands of youngsters benefitted from the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme. RIP Phillip.
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Nick ........

I agree with everything you’ve said. He was ‘royalty’ as a young man, but it was a pretty tenuous connection. Quite surprising that he was considered to be OK to marry HRH back in the 40’s.

However, (and in saying this, I hope that I won’t offend too many people), the media coverage since midday has been completely absurd.

Wall-to-wall, with no other news mentioned and no other programmes allowed to intervene.

Ridiculous IMO. The over-the-top coverage on every channel just plays to the cynics.

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There won't be another like him, unfortunately! In these days of 'correctness' he stood out. I think he epitomised what loyalty and honesty stood for. Some might say that the coverage of his death is 'over the top' but I disagree. The most insignificant of 'celebrities' these days have coverage that goes on for weeks. I never see criticism of them!!!

I have no doubt 'Royal knockers' will come out of the woodwork to try and find some way to denigrate him or his family but for me he was an incredible man and a role model that many would do well to follow.
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I met him when I was working at HMS Excellent. One of the training officers had the effrontery to claim our training scheme was leagues ahead of anything in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme. I will never forget as the Dukes head swivelled and his nostrils flared, like looking down the barrels of a 12 bore. The training officer concerned shrivelled on the spot. Not a word was spoken!
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He has been there literally for all my life .. it will be strange without him, but that is also true for the Queen.  A life of service to his adopted country, to his wife, his sovereign and the mother of his children.  His gaffes can surely be allowed.

I did feel that total media coverage over all channels was a little OTT, as the "other" channels were supposed to be there to give alternative choices ... still in these days of political correctness we will not see his like again. 

I too am in receipt of a DoE award, though I only did do the Bronze award, it would be in the 60's not that long after they were founded.  His support of youngsters, promoting playing fields for them, his DoE award, his support of conservation long before it became fashionable, and his support for the Queen and his family remind me very much of my father, born only 2 years later than Prince Philip, but he sadly did not live quite as long.  But he was also a supporter of youth (as in youth club leader), giving service to the community (as a Rotarian until his death, as was Prince Philip too), served in the war, and like Prince Philip, the base of family life.

May they boht rest in peace.

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I was saddened to hear of Prince Philip’s death. He did so much to provide facilities and opportunities for young people and took a huge interest in the environment, passing his support on to Prince Charles and his grandsons.

I’m another who who took part in the DofE award scheme and who benefitted hugely from it in many ways.

Coming from an impoverished family, the opportunities it offered were amazing. I learned so much, particularly enjoying the adventurous parts with hikes and sailing and volunteering in a children's’ home after school after school.

I was extremely proud to meet Prince Philip when he came to a DofE display we put on in Durham. My flower arrangement of peonies suffered when his helicopter arrived and needed quick first aid, as did my hair. He was very complimentary about my flower arrangement and this very shy 15 year old found him very easy to chat to.

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I don't think you should feel bad about that. What is more revealing is that you should express it! People, many people feel quite strongly about his death and are quite saddened by it. Did you really need to say "I don't care', are you really that hard that you don't care for other peoples feelings?

If you are anti royal then O;K; but have respect for other peoples feelings.
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