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Another terrorist attack.

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Le sociologue, auteur de l’ouvrage Les Territoires conquis par l’islamisme, réagit

suite à l’attaque islamiste menée vendredi contre une policière à

Rambouillet. Spécialiste du Moyen-Orient, Bernard Rougier estime que «l’idéologie djihadiste voit dans la police le symbole par excellence de l’autorité mécréante qu’il convient d’abattre».

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There is a distinction between 'terrorist' actions with a specific political aim, such as advancing the cause of a particular group of people; and those of religious 'fanaticism' which may just be there as a gesture, of revenge for an insult to the prophet for example.

The second sort are often linked to psychiatric problems, and are more likely to be spontaneous, and so harder to track and prevent.

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Out of interest, since 2012, 263 people have been killed in 23 different Islamic terrorist attacks in France. I cannot compare with other countries. But this number just brings home the viciousness of these extremists.

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My views on terrorist attacks and how terrorists should be treated are very much in line with views already expressed here. In fact my views are stronger than most.

There is however, always an 'however',

I just wonder how many people here, including myself, would invite someone into their home knowing full well their religious beliefs, mode of dress and more importantly their sensibilities. Then proceed to insult them?

Would people here, just for example, knowing the person is jewish; offer them pork for a meal or ask them not to come to visit wearing their traditional robes or perhaps more pertinently, knowing their sensibilities, allow someone in the family to blatantly insult them through showing caricatures or other material knowing it to be offensive to the guest?

I doubt there is one person here that would do such a thing! yet when governments do it by , in effect, inviting immigrants to come and live in Europe these same people are , once they arrive, expected to conform to our way of life. They are not told, before they come, that insults to their religion are allowed or that they cannot wear certain dress as is their custom.

My point being: Is it right that I ask or allow people to come into my home (or country) and then demand they change their dress because it is the law or allow insults because I consider it to be free speech or should I warn them before hand that these things occur so if they come they must change their way of life and beliefs?

It's too late anyway of course and governments do have a lot to answer for but will never be held responsible. Only the 'terrorist' is 100% wrong!!!!
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Everyone is missing the point.

Forget extreamists and islamists. That is just one problem.

France has become a very violent country in recent years. Beating up women, homophobia, drug crime , driving !!! ...etc.

France is probabaly the most violent country in Europe.

The question is why.

Why are people so angry in France ?
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]Everyone is missing the point.

Forget extreamists and islamists. That is just one problem.

France has become a very violent country in recent years. Beating up women, homophobia, drug crime , driving !!! ...etc.

France is probabaly the most violent country in Europe.

The question is why.

Why are people so angry in France ?[/quote]

I was probably regularly visiting, even living in France before you were born.

It seems to me that you have just begun to notice what goes on here.

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