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A Danger of Civil War in France?

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On Dimanche en Politique yesterday, Guillaume Peltier (V.P. Les Républicains) was advocating an instantaneous stop (d'un jour à l'autre) to absolutely all immigration (no exceptions!).

Surely ALBF can't be right. Are we really following down the horrible route after the UK, but with a typical French twist?
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[quote user="NormanH"]
With these chaps there is a real danger: 


Especially when you get idiotic comments like this:


On parle beaucoup de "guerres raciales" dans un

sens ou l'autre. On oublie le sujet ESSENTIEL de ces derniers 12 mois.

La fausse crise sanitaire actuelle. Désitinée en France à museler, au

propre comme au figuré les GJ, chefs de cliniques et retraités qui

commençaient à rouscailler trop fort. Après être passés d'une terreur

organisée de guerre nucléaire, nous sommes dans la terreur de la guerre

bactériologique, en attendant la suivante, la guerre cybernétique, déjà


Wonder if he is gasping for breath he will still see it as La fausse crise sanitaire

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]On the new French forum for dummies they are arguing how long their CDS lasts. ?

You could not make it up.


What a stupid post which has no relevance to the serious theme of this thread.

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Geordie, ALBF's experience of France may not be yours, but I recognise much of how my life was and what my french friends and my son tells me now.

And all the details about CDS's is easily available, people just have to use official french web sites to find out, so why ask on a board. It is not other posters who will deal with the fallout if these people are badly advised.

How ALBF words his posts, well, he has his own style, it's fine with me.

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Still a stupid post and no relevance to this thread. Your past life is of little interest, also not relevant to this thread.

90% of the information discussed on this site and the other mentioned is public domain easily accessible via Google. For example "buying a used car in France", "Another terrorist attack.", "Imports to the UK from the EU",Fish name","Form 2042 Section 6 Charges Déductibles" to name but a few but all interesting to someone and the reason a forum exists.

Are you saying that if the information exists online then people should not post a question on the forum?

Now that is the last of the irrelevancies I will respond to on this thread.

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I do not understand where this red herring about the views of ablf   comes from. That pôster aims simply to irritate, and divert the discussion,  and never gives any useful information or evidence.

The article I linked to was signed by 20 past and present Generals and their view is supported by MLP who is likely to be one of the two final candidates for President next year.

That strikes me as creating the  potential danger of a climate in which a coup might be considered even if unlikely.

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The generals are attempting to preempt and control the debate in the run up to next year’s election, IMHO. Given the noisy voice of Le Pen and the easy appeal of the extreme right, it is to be hoped that Macron listens, at least.

It was interesting that the text specifically excluded les gilets jaunes from the attack, concentrating amongst others rather on the black blocs or extremists who laid into the police/ gendarmes/ CRS, thus not alienating that disadvantaged group and enabling Le Pen to appeal to them.

The appeal to nationalism is not surprising.
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What they stand for is chaos! The original idea was sound reasonable protest but then it got out of control as usual. We are not allowed to burn garden waste yet the police stood by and watched as tyres were burnt in the middle of the road. We witnessed long lines of traffic at a roundabout when we going for a ferry, nearly missed it. They were letting one car at a time across the roundabout and loads of disgruntled drivers were risking their lives crossing onto the other side of a dual carriageway to escape the hold up. An ambulance with its siren and lights going was even held up. As I passed them I told them exactly what I though and sped off quickly (cowardice!)

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Yes Geordie, I am  saying exactly that, that in general people should check up with official sources about official stuff.

I understand about used cars, buying cars in France can be odd to say the least.  AND asking about say paint or good bricolage things........ yes, but official things, especially post brexit so anyone moving will have to check very carefully to do things properly and until we have a poster who has been through it with some astuces. Until then, this board, IMO is NOT the best place to ask.

AND my past life in France, well, remember it still is sort of, as our income comes from France, so we will always be linked........ plus friends and family. I am well aware of what is happening AND 'I' know how to get all the info I need, always did, even with little french and no internet!

AND France and their destructive manifestations have always been like that, so often the gendarmes simply let them get on with it. So whinge away, you will not change it.

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[quote user="idun"]
AND France and their destructive manifestations have always been like that, so often the gendarmes simply let them get on with it. So whinge away, you will not change it.


Just because something has always been like that doesn't mean it is right. It is so wrong and should be changed. Just think, women didn't have the vote at one time and it was always like that until protests changed it.

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Alert! I think you are trying to confuse the issue here.

These people are protesting to change what they perceive as injustices. We may not agree with them, but they believe that that is their right to do such things. And the gendarmes intervening often does not help, or stop them.

Even the most mild mannered of my french friends will say that the government knows that if 'the people' get pushed too much that they will rebel.

Me, I could think of lots of things in France for people to man the barracades and fight against, but that never happens. My sense of injustice is not quite 'french'.

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Going back to the Generals,  TF1 cited a poll this lunchtime which found that six out of ten French people agreed with what they had written in that "letter".

Which suggests that for politicians to simply try to suppress this "situation" may not be the best policy.   "Don't shoot the messenger" comes to mind.

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As I have often posted before, the past history  with  Algeria is often the key to understanding what is just under the surface in France, particularly in Naitionalist circles.

The letter was published last week on the 60th anniversary of a failed

coup d’état by generals opposed to France granting independence to


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The French army and public still bear the scars of Vietnam and Algeria deep in their culture, probably inevitably. Which explains their and the general public’s attitude to North African Arabs in general, enhanced doubtless by the attacks of terrorists on les forces de l’ordre as well as innocent others such as the Jewish lady who was done to death a little while ago, the staff of Le Canard Enchainé for example.

The serving officers who signed the tribune will probably all be retired but that does not mean that the issue will go away.

I think it has shaken the political establishment badly.

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