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Hunting Season


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I've spent quite a bit of time today reading up on the hunting season in the Vaucluse.  Found a lot of very interesting history on the Fédération Chasse Vaucluse website (wildlife I had no idea was in this department), but I didn't find the answer to my basic question.

So, if any of you folks know, I'd be grateful for you help.  We walk every day.  Most of our walks involve some streets in town, but a lot of our walks are on paths through vineyards or on sections of GR paths.

I have not seen any signs indicating that hunting is prohibited, so I presume it is not. Are there hours or days that the hunt is NOT allowed?  Are there any general rules about hunting near or on a grande randonnée path?

If hunting is allowed in these areas, what should we do to try to protect ourselves?


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THIS goes some way to answering the 'where' and 'where not' hunting is allowed.

If we head out of town and up into the hills and forests for a ramble on a Wednesday or Sunday, during the season, we always adorn ourselves with plenty of bright red clothing.

Treat them all as maniacs on the loose with a lethal weapon.

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Agree with Cajal !!!

The first thing to say is that the starting & finishing dates vary from place to place, but broadly speaking you’re looking at mid-August to mid-February ...... ish. The days here are Weds & Sat / Sun. Around here, there have been completely out of season ‘allowable days’ because of the perceived sanglier threat.

Incidentally, I know all about it. One evening in late October a few years ago, I was hit by a sanglier. Never saw it coming, it just smashed in to the side of my car and careered off. €2k of damage.

Anyway, they do tend to put up signs saying “Chasse en Cours” and you’ll see blokes standing around in hi-viz with their shotguns primed and ready to shoot the ***** out of anything that moves.

I do think that you’ll be aware if they’re ‘at it’ where you might be taking a walk. The parked vehicles by the side of the road (most of which have seen better days) and the Rambo bods looking bored are the giveaway. It ranks with fishing (yawn) for me, but who am I to say?

You’ll be alright, but just check on the local Chasse days of activity if you’re concerned.

Oh, and they are insured, so if you did get blasted, you or your beneficiaries would get compensation. Reassuring, eh?

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This site can be quite helpful, after you have declined or otherwise their cookies ..


Scroll down and choose your department. Always remembering that if you have wild boar (we do hereabouts) then they have the right to organise a cull on any day of the week.

Edit .. sorry I am using an Android tablet .. you will have to copy and paste.
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Thank you all for the replies.  I've read both the links.  Some of it was down right funny.

The part about the vines:

Qu’en est-il dans les vignes et des vergers? Par principe, la chasse

n’est autorisée qu’à partir du moment où les récoltes sont achevées.

Ya think !

And I'm not sure I fully understand this part:

Cependant, depuis la loi Verdeille de 1964, un propriétaire qui dispose

d'une parcelle d'au moins 20 hectares d'un seul tenant est dans

l'obligation de céder son terrain
à l'association communale de chasse


Yet there is also this saying it is not allowed without owner permission:
  • sur un terrain privé de plus de 20 hectares sans l'autorisation du propriétaire
And this part:

Qu’en est-il pour les voies privées non ouvertes à la circulation

publique ou les chemins d’exploitation appartenant à des particuliers ?

Dans ces cas de figure, la chasse demeure possible. Deux conditions

s’imposent toutefois :

  • obtenir, au préalable, l’accord exprès des détenteurs du droit de chasse
So, I really have no way of knowing where or when anyone will be hunting.  As if it is the owner's property, he has the right to hunt at any time.  And, if it is not the owner, I would have no way of knowing if the owner has given his permission to others to hunt on his property. 

The part about putting up a sign.  Wow, I think I saw that once or twice on the paths of Mt. Ventoux when I lived in Bédoin. There were many accidents on the Ventoux involving hunters. 

I hear gunshots often when I am out walking here. It can be unsettling as I have no way of knowing in what direction the shots are being fired. I know of two homes where I hear it frequently and I now avoid those homes. I'm fairly certain this is some sort of target practice and I have no idea what the laws are on that.

Gardian - You could be right.  We are mostly surrounded by vines, but I do see Sanglier droppings (particularly in the vines) and there are signs along several roads here warning of deer crossing.  Also a variety of birds in the vines.

I guess I will have to adapt to more road walking....  :-(   during hunting season.

I will ask what the primary days of the week are, but since there are so many exceptions to that rule, I don't know how secure I'd feel on the other days.

The 150 meter from a habitation rule was frequently broken when I lived in Bédoin.  Our property was fully closed (one side cement wall, the other 3 sides heavy duty fencing).  However, the surrounding land was a farm and my neighbor frequently had to run off hunters who were shooting very clearly within 20 meters of MY home.  They were frequently inebriated.  Calling the gendarmes always met with laughter on their end of the phone.

Just trying to stay alive while I walk..

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