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Terrified - wrongly accused of downloading XXX

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Hello everyone -
My life is not good at the moment - to cap it all I've received this -
hope it downloads -
It seems I've been summoned, and threatened with police arrest, due to downloading child pornography.
Which I have not done - never would - never have - don't understand.
I thought at first this was a scam, and forwarded to 'abuse@orange.fr' -
but now, because I'm stupid, I had to have another look - and I'm now absolutely terrified out of my wits.
I have never, ever downloaded anything sordid.
I don't understand this at all.
I've sent a copy to British Consul in Bordeaux, but because they're all WFH the e-mail has had to go through the UK gov offices - so goodness knows when I'll get a reply.

Anyone got any advice, at all;  I'm innocent of anything mentioned in this 'official' document - and I'm now really frightened of a 'knock at the door'.   Honestly, not joking......


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I tried to download copy - this is best I can do;  my computer won't do screen shot and paste - and I'm really frightened and can't think straight.......I'm sorry - Chessie

commissaire générale

police fédérale,
directrice d'Europol " Brigade
protection des mineurs (BPM)
police judiciaire est prévue
menaces la
personne d'un enfant

L'article 227-
Code pénal 
cinq ans d'emprisonment
infiltration pour :

_ Pédopornographie
_ Pédophilie
_ Exhibitionnisme
_ Cyber pornographie
_ Trafi.
En cas de non-respect de la procédure et du délai, la lettre de
vous sera envoyée par courrier postal.

Mme Catherine De Bolle, commissaire générale de la police fédérale, élue au poste de directrice d'Europol" la brigade
de protection des mineurs (BPM)"
Adresse : RUE ROYALE 202 À ,1000 Bruxelles, Belgique
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Chessie ..........

I’ve just seen this and it must be terrifying and horrible.

Two things. First, the best scams can seem to be entirely plausible and won’t be asking for money ‘upfront’.

Second, law enforcement officers would not send a notification of this nature by email. They would arrive on your doorstep with proper identification.

If it is of any help or consolation, I received an email of a not dissimilar nature a few years ago (a suggestion that I had been viewing pornography and the threat to circulate the details to my ‘contact’ list). I took advice from several close friends and was advised to ignore the email. I took that advice and never heard another thing.

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Oh Norman - I love you, love you, love you XXXXX - thanks for posting out scam letter in full - hope it might warn others - very helpful
And Gardian as well - love you, love you, love you.....

Golly - I feel so, so relieved by your comments - you have no idea just how relieved.

Thank you both - so much;  your quick replies, and helpful advice - are wonderful.
It's why I love this forum.

I'm not normally taken in by any of these 'scams' - but this just looked the biz, with the official heading and the addresses at the bottom.   What is really worrying, though, is that an on-line check along the lines of  '...wrongly accused of downloading---.' and it appears to be remarkably easy for any of us, totally innocent, to fall prey to 'sordid' downloads because of the malware and viruses that are out there - totally unseen and unknown.
This is why I hate 'cookies' so much; we're invited to 'tick box' to accept all cookies; but when you go through the 'choose cookies' and want to say 'no' to them all it's not possible.   I'm damn sure in those cookies there's 'stuff' that shouldn't be there, and although my PC runs the Avast virus check I don't feel terribly confident.

But oh chaps - thank you  - really, really big thank you's - and a couple of hugs as well.
Love this Forum

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Chessie, it must have been dreadfully frightening for you - the people who perpetrate these crimes are just disgusting. I guessed as I read it that it was a nasty scam, but how very frightening to receive!

My husband had a similar message to Gardian a couple or so years ago and was truly shocked; when he told me I immediately said that it had to be a scam. It was - I checked, it was rife.

I hope that you’re feeling calm now - I think you could do with lots of TLC, maybe a lovely bath with candles might be a good idea. ?
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I could happily choke these people who prey on everybody with their scam e-mails. They are filth!! I have had similar messages wanting payment in bitcoin or my parents would be sent my webcam porn footage............duh!!! no webcam and no parents for the last 30 years! Not just these, but I regularly receive e-mails from various banks that I have no account with asking me to update my details - of course this is why we (the decent people) have to jump through hoops just to log in these days. Sickening!!!!
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Scams are anything between irritating and scary. The first thing to do is to stay calm! Then look at the 'from' address of the email you have received.

The most common scam is "your account has been locked". I got such a message a couple of days ago, but it came from " purporting to be from Amazon (no-reply@amazon.com), but obviously not, so deleted and moved on.

Always look beyond the scam "no-reply@amazon.com" for the real address.

The particular arnaque targeted at you has been noted, for example: https://www.signal-arnaques.com/scam/view/342945

You will probably find other examples by Googling "Catherine DE BOLLE commissaire générale

police fédérale, directrice d'Europol " Brigade

de protection des mineurs (BPM)."

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Gardengirl - thank you - feel much better now - amazing what a glass or two of the vino can do.
La-Martin - oh I agree.
Can you imagine the damage such a letter could do to a couple; one who receives it and the other half who might not believe it a scam and starts making accusations.......?  It's dreadful the fall-out that could be caused by such a vile letter.
Thinking more clearly now, I am surprised that I was so frightened.   I have checked on-line about such scam e-mails; it seems that it isn't too difficult for one's PC to pick up malware which can infect your computer and link it to these sordid obscene sites.  You can be totally unaware that your PC has become 'linked' to those sites.   But then like many who use YouTube one never really feels confident about not picking up any malware along the way.

I wish I had thought more clearly; Chessfou2 - good advice; I usually do check but this one didn't give a rubbish e-mail address which is what really threw me off balance.  But your link to the signal-enarques and NormanH and AnOther's links are wonderful.

Note to Mods - do you think it might be a good idea to put these links in the 'stick' section as permanent references for us all.

You see - again this wonderful forum, and the wonderful helpful people here have worked their magic - I am now feeling extremely relieved, much happier and relaxed;  very grateful for everyone's kind help and advice - and commenting on the interesting personal experiences you've had with these ------------- scammers.

Thank you everyone - so much -


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The thing to remember is that in such circumstances the relevant authorities will absolutely not operate by email, they will turn up unannounced and mob handed on your doorstep at 4am in the morning!

BTW I found the link in under 30 seconds by copy/pasting the entire address at the bottom into Google.
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Here is the latest I just received this afternoon.

'support client' emailed me a 'notification de suspension' for my Netflix account. The phisher hopes that I will click on 'PROLONGER L'ABONNEMENT' (even though it is in CAPS).

A closer inspection reveals that the email address from which this comes is:


Therefore I now hit the delete button.
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Just to say, I received an email from Madame de Balle this morning. It was sent to my old wanadoo address which was harvested along with thousands of others in a data breach a few years ago. I ignore anyone who contacts me using that old address as a matter of course.

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Antonia - well Madame de Balle must be extremely busy at the moment -
I've received yet another e-mail from this busy 'person' (would be using censored words to describe her - I'd be banned !!).
I've forwarded this scam letter on to 'abuse@orange.fr' - which is what I do with all thse scum letters.
But - apart from 'orange' - are there any other organisations to whom we can forward on these scum letters in an attempt to get some of them blocked ?
Anyone know ?

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I guess the scam has reached a lot of folks.  Along with a few others listed at the bottom of the article.


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