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Fosse Septique


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Living as we do, in the more ‘rural’ bit of our Commune, we’re not on mains drainage and therefore a fosse septique.

Been here for 17 yrs and never a problem. One inspection (SPANC) some years ago, and the report said that it didn’t conform. Various things.

Notification for another inspection a few weeks ago. I thought it prudent to have ‘things emptied. Done, but it cost €300.

SPANC Inspector turned up today. A rather scruffy nondescript looking young man, wearing kit (including his full plastic visor) that didn’t look as though it had been changed or washed since last Pancake Tuesday. TBH, I kept my distance.

It was hissing with rain at the time. He asked where the ‘access’ was and I told him. I also said that if he thought that I was heading down there to give him a hand when I was paying €90, then “Sorry”.

Bedraggled and soaking young man returned shortly afterwards and after a few ‘flushes’ of the loo and runs of the tap, he said that everything was OK.

It was all a complete nonsense. I know how hard it is to lift those covers and he had nothing with him equipment-wise to enable that. He didn’t do it. Still ......it all passed, which is perfectly reasonable, because there are no problems.

Never a dull moment eh?

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A Fosse septique works best when it is full. Having it emptied was probably a waste of time (and money!) unless the 'sludge' at the bottom was extremely thick and deep you needn't have bothered.

In respect of non-conformity: More than likely it is a lack of a 'recognised' filter system. The best you can hope for is that the same 'scruffy nondescript man shows up next time!

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We had the Fosse inspection about 5 years ago, it was deemed non-conforme, only 2000 litres and breathing pipes not correct. As we had been told at a meeting in the town hall they would have a list of artisans I spoke to the Mayor asking for the list, "why" he asked, "Fosse is non-conforme" I replied, "everybody's fosse in the village is non-conforme" was his comeback. "They said I will be fined if I don't remedy it" I said, he said "they SPANC don't fine you, I do, if I fine you, I must fine everybody in the village including myself, is it working alright", I said yes, then leave it alone was his answer. Wonderful French practicality at it's best.
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[quote user="Ken"]A Fosse septique works best when it is full. Having it emptied was probably a waste of time (and money!) unless the 'sludge' at the bottom was extremely thick and deep you needn't have bothered.

In respect of non-conformity: More than likely it is a lack of a 'recognised' filter system. The best you can hope for is that the same 'scruffy nondescript man shows up next time![/quote]

We had ours inspected about 10 years ago. It was working ok but did not conform because, as you say, lack of recognised filter system. It's a 5000 litre tank for 2 of us (most of the year) and has been emptied twice in the 20 years we have been here. It conformed in 1972 when it was installed so that is good enough for me.

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The 'older' types of Fosse septique tanks didn't have any filter system. The 'sludge' simply settled on the bottom and the 'water' trickled out through an overspill system into pipes that allowed the 'water to dissipate into the ground and into a fosse.

Because it has been deemed that this system is contributing to pollution; filtration was introduced. The cost of installing a filtration system is very expensive but depending on one's views regarding pollution, necessary.
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We've seen a few houses for sale (in our search) that say the Fosse does not conform.  So, if you are selling, I presume you are required to tell potential buyers that the Fosse does not conform, but you are not required to make the changes to make it conform (prior to sale)?

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When you are selling you are required to have the diagnostics done and also,separately, a control of the fosse septique.  These have to be available to the buyer.

If the fosse does not conform, the purchaser has a year to correct this.  This can obviously be a bargaining point.

We have just accepted an offer on the house and, pleased to say, the fosse conformed.

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