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Next strikes


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What I've done is booked a 2nd return ticket for a couple of days after the 2nd on the same route. A bit of an extravagence but with Ryanair having a sale (until midnight tonight) it cost just over £20 and is a good insurance policy....Accommodation will not be a problem as I'm staying with my sister. If the first flight is cancelled then I'll get my money back.
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My understanding is that 2nd will be demonstrations, with people who didn't join in last Thursday ading to the numbers. 12th will be a proper strike, which they are hoping will be even bigger than last week's.

We went to Avignon on the last strike day. Never has it taken us so long to get there. A police van had blocked off the road into town, with traffic backed up way beyond Villeneuve; the only way was toutes directions, to the TGV station etc. We did a u-turn immediately afterwards, parked on a side road (free legal parking!), and walked all the way to the restaurant. Missed out the potter about and cup of coffee, but bang on time for the  meal - which was delicious! [:)]

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  • 2 weeks later...

No information, Judie. However, some of the unions want their strikes to be open-ended. I think a lot will depend on the turn-out today. There is still a fight ahead against further raising of pension age, plus I think they are looking to the next elections.

There are also still blockades on refineries, which must mean fuel shortages if they continue.

Our local march this morning was very loud, with plenty of banners, but I would say a good half were young teenagers.

I've still got my fingers crossed for our flight tomorrow!  [:)]

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Most of the SNCF unions are conducting a rolling 24hr strike.


tey are on strike for today, but during the course of the day they will ballot their members whether to go on strike tomorrow.  If they do, then tomorrow they hold another ballot for thursday and so on.

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One effect of the blockades; our local Carrefour has run out of petrol. No idea when there will be another delivery. I assume people have been topping up just in case, esecially if they have a long journey coming up. My neighbour went to fill up ready for a journey to a wedding tomorrow, but had no luck.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]What is needed is a load of cold, really wet rain to chase the greedy little bug*ers back to their places of work or study![/quote]

Spoken like a true Thatcher brown noser, nice to see the working classes sticking together, oh sorry Wooly you don't work do you?

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