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Fuel Shortage?


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Last Thursday the card only filling station at the roundabout by the ferry terminal at Cherbourg was out of Diesel.  I dont know if they have had a delivery since .Those wishing to fill up before leaving France or on arrival may be better served heading for the Auchan hypermarket to fill up .

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Casino and Supper U near me had shut off their pumps today ...I do not know if they have any fuel.

"Transport Minister Dominique Bussereau told Europe 1 radio that with 10 out of France's 12 oil refineries shut down by strike action, panic buying had led to a 50 percent jump in petrol sales last week and hundreds of stations running dry."

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We are travelling from Roscoff to Civray tomorrow morning.


Obviously make sure you are well filled up in the UK (if you are coming over on the ferry). Would a tankful last you to your destination? You might not be the only person leaving the UK to think of that, so perhaps stop a bit short of the port, rather than try and find a petrol station as near to it as possible - which might have been drunk dry.

But if you are only on a short trip, you might have difficulty getting enough fuel to return on...

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I saw Francois Fillon on the box tonight saying that there is not and will not be a penurie of carburant, whilst the respecting peoples right to strike the government is not allowing it to happen, he would not be commenting on the how and when for obvious reasons but I can guess:

The C.R.S

And definitely well before the Toussaint holiday.

I did quite a bit of driving today and every fuel station I saw was dispensing fuel from all the pumps (many were 24 hour pumps) and not noticeably any queues, some had run low/dry in the week but deliveries must have come through.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I did quite a bit of driving today and every fuel station I saw was dispensing fuel from all the pumps (many were 24 hour pumps) and not noticeably any queues, some had run low/dry in the week but deliveries must have come through.


Dept 22. No queues here either, all the pumps have run dry!

Not surprised after seeing many stocking up with jerry cans etc.

 Fortunately I rely on pedal power for transport.


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Just done my usual half tank fill up after shopping today.  More queues than usual - I had to wait in a queue of 3 cars instead of perhaps one, but all quite OK.  Suspect people are keeping more in the tanks than usual.  No jerry cans in evidence when I was there. 

And I was able to fill up OK last Wednesday on the A9 autoroute near Beziers for a trip over to Provence.

It's amazing how a rumour, however well founded, makes people change behaviour. 

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My lady postal worker informed me this morning of the two small service stations in Parthenay with fuel but I already have several jerricans full already. The two stations had exhausted their supplies before lunch. France Bleu Poitou is giving updates to service stations WITH supplies in both the deux sèvres and la vienne as listeners phone in. Back to la factrice, I was surprised to learn that postal delivery vans are no longer classified as "prioritaire" by the french authorities.
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Does anyone have any views (or knowledge) regarding availability of fuel at Autoroute Service stations?

I need to travel from near Toulouse to Calais on a motorbike, and with a range of only 200 miles per tankful (before reserve), I need to plan carefully!

Are Autoroute Services  more likely to be kept 'topped up'  than, say, supermarkets or town petrol stations? 



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I dont know about more likely to be topped up but given the extortinate price of the fuel there plus one has to pay to go on the péage to fill up there then they will be the last to run dry.

The supermarkets will be the first to run dry, Esso stations will be one of the last as they also charge silly money.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I dont know about more likely to be topped up but given the extortinate price of the fuel there plus one has to pay to go on the péage to fill up there then they will be the last to run dry.

The supermarkets will be the first to run dry, Esso stations will be one of the last as they also charge silly money.


Try to find company owned sites. They will get priority. The Hypers and owner-managed sites buy spot, and won't get supplied when fuel goes on allocation. Try to find which depots/remote terminals are not being bloque, they will be able to make deliveries. (5 years of working supply-chain logistics for an oil major.) When all else fails, ring the sales order centres, they will be able to tell from their Vectis systems the schedules for deliveries that day, and where the hauliers are on the road.

On another note. The Govn isn't being entirely honest with the public when they are making statements about the availability of stocks. The intervention stocks are being inflated by the crude stocks at the refineries. And they are on strike! The strategic stocks are being inflated by the demurraged ships in the Med. At best there is about 7-10 days of fuel, plus if the Govn released the military stocks that might be another 1-2 days.

Currently, we are on shutdown, as we cannot deliver. That is having a knck on effect with other industrial plants. The GDP figures will be completely shot. Hopefully, the Hypers can find fuel, or stuff will be disappearing off the shelves.

No panic though, it's Toussaints. That'll get the fuel sorted.

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[quote user="David_Janet"]

Are Autoroute Services  more likely to be kept 'topped up'  than, say, supermarkets or town petrol stations? 


Don't rely on it.

Suggest you buy a set of 3 boxes to fit on the back of your bike and fill those. Surely that is their purpose?

Now is the hour for all of us to remember the posters of Lord Kitchener "Is your journey really necessary?"

The fuel shortages have brought some good news - the French Air Force no longer practice tree pruning up and down our valley.


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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]If France has 3 months of reserves, why are all the petrol stations running out?[/quote]



1.  What is in the refineries cannot get out due to blockades

2.  Most of the reserve is not in refined fuel

3.  Much of the reserve is in crude oil

4. The Total refineries are themselves on strike and therefore not processing the crude.

5.  Much of the oil reserve is in places where it cannot get into the refineries that are working - notably in ships waiting to dock in the Marseille / Fos sur mer area, but that cannot because of the strike.


Those in the know are panic buying - along with those not in the know.


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[quote user="Mr Coeur de Lion"]That's what I thought.

So why are the government not stressed about it then?[/quote]

C'est normal, hein?

I'm keeping everything crossed for Sunday as have already had my boss email me threatening dire consequences if not back at work on Monday morning. Have enough to get to the BP on the motorway near Caen (and back here if they don't have any) but not enough to get to Calais.

Dilemma is whether to use more of what I have looking for somewhere to top up before then?

By the way - shouldn't BP be reserved for Brits in these circumstances????

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I'm supposed to be going to watch my son in an Athletics competition at Mulhouse this weekend. 8hr round trip in the car, which I can just about do on one tank. (No fuel problems in Luxembourg at the moment!). Is it just France or is there a knock on effect in Switzerland/Belgium/Holland/Germany etc. ?

Mind you, they are talking about cancelling the event tonight due to the blocades etc. which would seem such a shame to all the cadet(tes)/Juniors who have trained all year to take part.

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[quote user="crazyfrog"]I'm supposed to be going to watch my son in an Athletics competition at Mulhouse this weekend. 8hr round trip in the car, which I can just about do on one tank. (No fuel problems in Luxembourg at the moment!). Is it just France or is there a knock on effect in Switzerland/Belgium/Holland/Germany etc. ?[/quote]

There is a pipeline from Marseille/Fos to one of the main German refineries, but this refinery also has an alternative pipeline feed which is not from France.



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[quote user="crazyfrog"]

I'm supposed to be going to watch my son in an Athletics competition at Mulhouse this weekend. 8hr round trip in the car, which I can just about do on one tank. (No fuel problems in Luxembourg at the moment!). Is it just France or is there a knock on effect in Switzerland/Belgium/Holland/Germany etc. ?


Yes I can confirm that there are no fuel problems in Luxembourg or Belgium at the moment.  Mind you, I went past one of the major filling stations on the Lux/France border (on the A3) and I have never seen so many trucks fuelling and parked up, many more than usual. 

There is no need to use the first filling station you see in Lux as the maximum price is given by the State so it's the same price everywhere in the country.

Today diesel is €1.01 per litre

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We are going to our house in Burgundy at the weekend and we have a tankful of red heating oil (diesel ?). Obviously I am not going to use it to ensure we get home.

But could I ?

Is it standard diesel with a red dye ?

Hopefully the situation will ease over the next week and we won't need to consider becoming a criminal, but just in case .............
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