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I hate RYAN air

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There seem to be a few people popping in to say things like 'you can't win', and that comments are being made by 'jackasses'. It's not a competition, and I can't see how anyone's become a jackass by commenting on here. Resorting to name-calling  is offensive!

A poster had a bad experience with Ryanair. Others have chipped in to tell of their good or bad experiences with that airline. What on earth is wrong with that? That's what a forum is for.

And for the person who says there's no sympathy on this site, many on here can tell you that's just not so!

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gardengirl - no offence intended, and yes, some regulars on here are very thoughtful and sympathetic when appropriate - I hold coops up as an excellent example of that.

But there are jackasses on here as well...

And if you read a few of the responses nubeginnings has received, you will see that people are analysing nub's original and subsequent posts trying to find discrepancies and challenging the accuracy of nub's posts. Why can't we just trust and believe what the poster has said?
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It has always seemed to me that RA try any and every way to get money out of you and seem to delight intrying to break the rules that they are governed by, for example compensation during the Icelandic volcanic ash, but not allowing any passenger to break any of their rules. And their charges are unbelievable, for example slightly mis-spelling a name.

On here are the RA lovers and RA haters - I fall in to the latter camp.

I am sure that the staff do not have a pleasant job for two reasons:

The travelling public. My OH works for a hotel and whilst there are nice guests some are totally obnoxious yet she still has to smile at them (she does hint that her last day before retirement will be interesting as some will be told home truths).

If RA treats its customers the way it does how does it treat its staff.

The other things that get up my nose are:

The cabin crew exude an amazing air of superiority why? - BA seem business like whilst Easyjet that work is fun

The adverts for scratchcards etc that are played louder than any Alice Cooper concert I have ever been too.

And what are the toppings on those pizzas to make them smell the way that they do

Simply, if you are going to travel RA you need to expect attempts to charge you for anything and everything and for a poor customer experience.

As for price, from my experience they can be dearer than BA and Esayjet.


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I have mixed feelings about Ryanair.

On the one hand, as a transport operator it is efficient and its equipment is new (compare with bmiBaby whose fleet is entirely secondhand and has an average age of about 12 years) and, if you hunt them out, its fares can be very low. In addition, the arrangement it has with Hertz means that car hire is cheaper than going direct and, quite often, than using a broker like Holiday Autos.

The journey experience does leave something to be desired. Cabin interiors are utilitarian, overhead lockers plastered with adverts, and the cabin crew's primary role seems to be to extract money from captive passengers. And I hate the jingle that is played when the plane lands. Perhaps - for me anyway - the most bizarre aspect of the flight is that the cabin crew hand out magazines displaying a notice that that these may be taken away by the customer and then ensure that they are all collected back in when the aircraft lands.

I've flown to France with bmiBaby and FlyBE and on each occasion the experience has been much more pleasant than with Ryanair. But it's only a glorified bus trip - an hour or so - so why do we expect any more? I don't like being treated contemptuously, but it does meet my needs. I think that the secret is to ensure you have read every screen when booking and to doublecheck before pressing the final key.

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[quote user="Judith"][quote user="Chancer"]

Why this airline makes such a fetish out of treating its customers with contempt beats me. Where's the business sense in it?

Because that's the way M O'L treats the world.  Hence he treats  his customers in the same way.

I'm one of those who've walked with my feet - RA is my last choice these days, only when needs must is my motto.

You have quoted someone else, not me Judith.

I know exactly why MOL and most (I didnt say all) French companies do it, because they can get away with it and dont know any different.

I have never flown Ryanair, I did once with Easyjet, I agree with the comment about it just being a bus ride and hence that is what my expectations are, after having taken numerous bus rides in 3rd world countries I doubt that MOL could dissapoint me.

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[quote user="Judith"][quote user="Chancer"]

Why this airline makes such a fetish out of treating its customers with contempt beats me. Where's the business sense in it?

Because that's the way M O'L treats the world.  Hence he treats  his customers in the same way.

I'm one of those who've walked with my feet - RA is my last choice these days, only when needs must is my motto.

You have quoted someone else, not me Judith.

I know exactly why MOL and most  French companies do it, because they can get away with it and dont know any different.

I have never flown Ryanair, I did once with Easyjet, I agree with the comment about it just being a bus ride and hence that is what my expectations are, after having taken numerous bus rides in 3rd world countries I doubt that MOL could dissapoint me.

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Ive used Ryanair a few times, although not recently. Being flexible, I have managed to travel for 9.99 each way including taxes.

Ive never had a problem with the staff.

Costs me more to travel to London on a packed train, with no seat.

As for the jingles and adverts, Im deaf with a cochlear implant, so just tell the cabin crew in case of emergency, switch myself off and read in silence - heaven
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Sorry to misappropriate the quote - but the sentiment is still the same .....

whilst ever MOL can get business (not necessarily repeat) from newcomers and those who must get somewhere, cheaply, quickly, etc, his business model will continue to thrive.  I suspect that for each person who decides "never again", there will be at least three others whose first time it is ......  such is the air travelling public today.

How he deals with his business partners (aiports, car hire etc), may be a different matter, but is not the same thing at all, as it seems some are beginning to fight back!.

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So if I have understood correctly the victim (and I do have sympathy when you get a major delay in travelling) would have preferred that the plane took offwith her in it even though there was a problem with the engine(s).[8-)]


I have flown enough to have experienced a few incidents and no way would I want them to fly me if there was a technical defect with the engine.

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[quote user="Mel"]Really funny, bettyboop...

How great that you are able to turn a negative into a positive with your hearing problem![/quote]

It does have its advantages sometimes, no screaming kids, listening to others on mobiles,or hubby when hes moaning lol just turn myself off - bet others would like to do that sometimes.
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So the great RA debate rolls on, having used them fequently for the last six years i like many other have only praise, my gripes are the passengers travelling alone who persistantly hog  middle seats, and when boarding grab the first seats available insted of moving to the middle of the plane with the intent of not only getting on first but also getting off first.So like others i have little sympathy with fellow travellers who reach the departure gate knowing the rules but ignoring them.
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And to add to my last post whilst i,m on my soap box about the travelling public, the couple obviously travelling together occuping the nearside and aisle seats leaving the middle empty on  a busy flight........... words fail me 
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[quote user="Shoop"]And to add to my last post whilst i,m on my soap box about the travelling public, the couple obviously travelling together occuping the nearside and aisle seats leaving the middle empty on  a busy flight........... words fail me [/quote]

Maybe they didnt want to sit next to a misrable git moaning all the way there
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It's amazing how mention of Ryanair can spark so many posts!!

We fly with the Ryanair several times a year and have never had any trouble with the service or staff. I appreciate that in exchange for a low fare I am not going to get anything more than a basic seat that will get me to my destination safely and, in all probability, on time. We always check that we have cancelled all the option boxes when making the booking, pay with a card that doesn't attract a surcharge, arrive at the airport in good time, and take our food and drink on board with us (in our single cabin bag).

As for the staff being discourteous, I once noticed cabin staff being a little abrupt with someone when they stopped the safety announcement and walked down the cabin to ask two women to stop talking. I thought this showed a comforting regard for safety rather than a lack of customer care. On the route we use the cabin staff normally have to look after an almost full plane for 90 minutes and then get them off and the plane reloaded in 25 minutes. It must be stressful and it surprises me that they stay as cheerful as they do.

The taxi we take to Luton is normally a new Mercedes, the driver is very polite, smartly dressed, and carries my bag, but he does charge more than the Ryanair fare to France. You get what you pay for.

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You get what you pay for

Actually Opifex I think you are mistaken, it doesn't cost anything to be courteous and the fact that many RA staff feel that pleasantness is an optional extra surely speaks volumes for the way they feel they are regarded by their employer and the pressure they are put under.


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