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I hate RYAN air

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KLM/Air France are companies with long histories, and not the best kind of profitability and hence currently dragging a bit of millstone round their necks.
The come lately's started with a relatively clean sheet, whilst I wish any enterprise well especially one of some use, customers are likely to choose one's that are likely to look after them a bit as well as a bit of a deal.
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Ryanair do lose custom by their behaviour. I don't go as far as saying that I won't ever travel with them again, but if I'm travelling at the weekend when it's easy for me to get a lift to Birmingham, I use Flybe.

At least two of my fairly regular visitors refuse to fly Ryanair ever again. My OH gave up on them when he felt he was being diddled over exchange rates - the steward told him he didn't understand. To a man who is a borderline genius with numbers this was exceptionally insulting. We can laugh about it now - I hope the OP can in time, but there's no denying that Ryanair staff lack charm and manners. I think repeat custom is not one of their aims.

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I use whichever carrier suits my purpose and budget at the particular point in time and fortunately that means I usually fly KLM, Air France, or BA.

If circumstances so dictate I will use RA, and have done on many occasions, not just to fly to/from France either, but for sure they will never ever make it onto my favourite airline list.

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I obeyed there rules in so much as I re packed every thing in to the one bag.My bag then fitted in to the bag sizer. So what rules was then broken ?

The fact that I did not and would not be forced to pay to pay £30 to load a bottle of wine and a new camera in to the hold seemed to irritate the staff.

I for one am not in the habit of just given money away when I don't need to.

The issue I have was the way I was dealt with. The fact that the staff seemed to be on a power trip.

Was I late arriving at the gate NO, was I rude to the staff prior to not being able to take my flight most definitely not. I was however after the smug girl said your too late, I have now closed the gate.

RYAN air may be a low fair air line, however that does not give them the right to treat customers with total contempt.
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I went to a meeting a couple of weeks ago given by BAA Stansted and their staff training provider and I must admit it changed my view of things (and given my views have been built up following years of prejudice – they rarely change). 

The audience were asked what frustrates us about travelling through the airport.  We all gave examples of what frustrates us (you can add your own pet hates here) and we were told of what they call airport mentality where usually reasonable people seem to lose their common sense and manners in airports. 

Then came the bit that changed my attitude.  If I get frustrated at “idiots” ahead of me in a 20 min queue a couple of times a month, how frustrated must an airport employee get dealing with this for an 8 hour shift – every day.  100% of airport employees are verbally abused every day and over 90% are physically threatened at least once a month. 

BAA and the trainers are working with staff, doing touchy feely HR things to alleviate the pressures they face.  

There are 2 things from the OP which don’t quite ring true to me (please OP don’t take offence) which makes it difficult to understand the situation.  Firstly I have got away with murder in airports with a smile, a bit of self depreciating humour and a pathetic look.  You may not have been rude but I bet you could have handled it better.  Secondly I have been in many of those queues.  Unless you were at the very back – how long can it take to take 2 coats out of a bag and put 2 items in it.  It happens every day at every queue. Surely less than a minute if it was so trivial as you suggest.  I am struggling to see what made your event so different and time consuming.   

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[quote user="Mel"]

Iceni - I am sure that if KLM brought in all the charges that Ryanair impose, their profits might well close that gap. But thankfully there are still companies who actually want to give a good service as well, treating people with respect as they do so. And that certainly was not the case for Nubeginnings was it?


You seem to be suggesting that making as much profit as possible is not the aim of KLM management - what a strange business concept.


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Interesting story today in the papers which throws some light on the culture problem that it appears some low cost airlines are creating. A letter from a senior manager at Servisair has been published stating that in the case of Easyjet to whom they are contracted as ground handling staff at some airports, they come under huge pressure to strictly enforce the luggage and other Easyjet rules, to the point that Easyjet frequently use undercover employees as secret passengers to check up on them. Any failure then identified leads to Servisair suffering financial penalties, so huge pressure in turn is placed on Servisair staff who face disciplinary action for not strictly enforcing Easyjet's rules.

Problem with this is that it promotes a confrontatial atmosphere to passengers as they end up acting as policeman enforcing Easyjet rules according to Servisair.
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I was in the middle of the queue. Got to the front presented the boarding card, was then sent to another desk to have my bag weighed.

The weight was just over, re opened bag took out jackets put them on took out batteries for the two video cameras that were in the bag un boxed the new camera I had brought stuffed it in to the bag.

Back to the desk, then tried to fit it in to the bag sizer, was just to tight. Re opened re jigged the stuff. Bag now correct size, informed gate closed. Time wasted waiting for the ryan air staff member to actually weigh the bag may be a couple of minuets. Time to re pack to re pack etc about 5 mins at a push.

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So: now an overweight and oversize bag enters the scenario.

If you care to revisit your original post you said:

[quote user="NuBeginnings"]Arrived at the air port (Stansted), on time with a small hold bag only (that fitted in the bag sizer). I decided to do a bit of duty free shopping, brought a camera and a bottle of wine.[/quote]

But I'm getting confused now, was your duty free bag in addition to this and did it contain 2x video cameras, a camera, and a bottle of wine?

If so it's hardly surprising that you got pulled up !

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[quote user="AnOther"]

So: now an overweight and oversize bag enters the scenario.

If you care to revisit your original post you said:

[quote user="NuBeginnings"]Arrived at the air port (Stansted), on time with a small hold bag only (that fitted in the bag sizer). I decided to do a bit of duty free shopping, brought a camera and a bottle of wine.[/quote]

But I'm getting confused now, was your duty free bag in addition to this and did it contain 2x video cameras, a camera, and a bottle of wine?

If so it's hardly surprising that you got pulled up !


Hold bags go in the hold not in the size gauge [8-)] Cabin bags go in the gauge.

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[quote user="AnOther"]

So: now an overweight and oversize bag enters the scenario.

If you care to revisit your original post you said:

[quote user="NuBeginnings"]Arrived at the air port (Stansted), on time with a small hold bag only (that fitted in the bag sizer). I decided to do a bit of duty free shopping, brought a camera and a bottle of wine.[/quote]

But I'm getting confused now, was your duty free bag in addition to this and did it contain 2x video cameras, a camera, and a bottle of wine?

If so it's hardly surprising that you got pulled up !


My normal bag, had two video cameras (from home) two jackets and batteries and my lap top. Total weight 11kg.

Duty free shopping 1 SLR and a bottle of wine.

My small bag fitted in to the bag sizer with the above items in it.

Removed the jackets removed the video camera batteries, as they went in to my coat pocket. Re packed bag with the two duty free items plus the other items.

Bag was the correct weight plus fitted in to the bag sizer.

Clarification, hand luggage !
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RA is a constant source of gripes but one is given to wonder what people expect for 30 odd squids.  Tours is my nearest airport and my o/h has used it once in the seven years we've been here.  The service did what it was supposed to - it got him to Stanstead and back on time.  However, I would recommend the train if you want a better choice of departure and destination locations and you don't want to be told how much luggage to take. 

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Of course they are in business to make a profit Iceni, but providing a 'good quality service' is obviously part of their business ethos. Have you never carried out any work for a 'quality company'?

Nubeginnings - you will not win. It's a bit like being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves! (or jackasses...)
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[quote user="Mel"]Of course they are in business to make a profit Iceni, but providing a 'good quality service' is obviously part of their business ethos. Have you never carried out any work for a 'quality company'?

Nubeginnings - you will not win. It's a bit like being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves! (or jackasses...)[/quote]

I agree !
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[quote user="NuBeginnings"][quote user="Mel"]Of course they are in business to make a profit Iceni, but providing a 'good quality service' is obviously part of their business ethos. Have you never carried out any work for a 'quality company'? Nubeginnings - you will not win. It's a bit like being torn to pieces by a pack of wolves! (or jackasses...)[/quote] I agree ![/quote]I'm not sure it's a question of winning - simply that RA don't sell themselves on their polite and pleasant service but on price.  Thus I reckon your blood pressure might be better served by just letting this one go.....  and taking the train next time - I can highly recommend Eurostar.
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"wonder what people expect for 30 odd squids"

I think I can explain. I guess that most people would like to be treated as civilized human beings and customers. It really doesn't cost any more to speak to or look at people in a pleasant manner.

For example. my daughter-in-law, travelling with three children under eight installed them in their seats, and sank into her own. She suddenly realised that she had left her mobile switched on. The plane hadn't started to move so she stood up to retrieve her bag from the overhead locker. She did not stand in the aisle. The steward barked at her, "Sit down" in the manner of a sergeant-major. She started to try to explain that she had left her phone on, but he just walked by and ignored her.

He turned what could have been a perfectly ordinary exchange into something unpleasant. However little you have paid you are still a customer.


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[quote user="cooperlola"]

  However, I would recommend the train if you want a better choice of departure and destination locations and you don't want to be told how much luggage to take. 



Not quite true Coops

Eurostar T&C - rmember now, always read the T&C otherwise you'll end up like the OP!!

. Permitted Quantity of Luggage


You may take with you without charge when you travel on Eurostar trains up to two (2) large suitcases or rucksacks plus one small piece of hand luggage (handbag, small rucksack, folding baby's buggy etc.), provided you can easily carry such articles and they can be fitted into the luggage spaces provided.  If you wish to take any items you cannot easily carry and/or additional items we may, at our discretion, either levy a charge in respect of such items or require you to pay to send them through our registered luggage service.
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[quote user="andyh4"][quote user="cooperlola"]

  However, I would recommend the train if you want a better choice of departure and destination locations and you don't want to be told how much luggage to take. 



Not quite true Coops

Eurostar T&C - rmember now, always read the T&C otherwise you'll end up like the OP!!

. Permitted Quantity of Luggage


You may take with you without charge when you travel on Eurostar trains up to two (2) large suitcases or rucksacks plus one small piece of hand luggage (handbag, small rucksack, folding baby's buggy etc.), provided you can easily carry such articles and they can be fitted into the luggage spaces provided.  If you wish to take any items you cannot easily carry and/or additional items we may, at our discretion, either levy a charge in respect of such items or require you to pay to send them through our registered luggage service.


On the other hand, I've never seen this one enforced whereas RA seem to do so by default from what I read.


Hoddy, I know what you mean and I do get it, but I think the mindset has been well explained in this thread by the regulations enforced upon the staff as well as the customers.  The only way to get round this is to boycott them and vote with your feet. 

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Or go totally by Ryanair rules! We have never had anyone who was off-hand or rude on any of our many flights with Ryanair over a number of years. I do have a problem with some of their flight staff not having very understandable English, and with almost all their flight staff who don't speak French, giving rise to French passengers occasionally having concerns.
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[quote user="Sprogster"]

Any failure then identified leads to Servisair suffering financial penalties, so huge pressure in turn is placed on Servisair staff who face disciplinary action for not strictly enforcing Easyjet's rules.


As it should be - the world would run far more smoothly if all rules were applied all the time. Zero tolerance strictly enforced ensures that we all know what is expected of us (provided that we are truthful about having accepted the rules before ticking the box and booking our tickets).


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You're banging your head againt a brick wall expecting much sympathy on this site, Nu. There are some real wind up merchants here.

My own moment of Ryanair-induced spluttering rage was some years when I spelt my companion's surname wrongly on the online booking. Although I realised the mistake after ten minutes and rang straight away to make the correction I was told I'd have to book a new ticket - which had nearly doubled in price. I imagine that Ryanair went on to sell the seat that I had already paid for to someone else. Rules are rules, as someone says above.

Ever since I've used an alternative airport, to the inconvenience only to myself. I don't think Ryanair's noticed.

The points on this thread about speed of turnaround and price rather than customer service are right, of course. But I do wonder how many hundreds or thousands of customers like me there are permanently lost to Ryanair and whether this stops them being even more profitable.

Rules and courtesy aren't incompatible. Other organisations manage it. Why this airline makes such a fetish out of treating its customers with contempt beats me. Where's the business sense in it?
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[quote user="JandM"]

My own moment of Ryanair-induced spluttering rage was some years when I spelt my companion's surname wrongly on the online booking. Although I realised the mistake after ten minutes and rang straight away to make the correction I was told I'd have to book a new ticket - which had nearly doubled in price. I imagine that Ryanair went on to sell the seat that I had already paid for to someone else. Rules are rules, as someone says above.


Once again someone loses out and feels aggrieved yet has not read the rules. From Ryanair FAQ's

Passenger names can be changed via the following methods:

Up to 4 hours prior to the schedule flight departure time via the Manage My Booking section of the website at a discounted rate. Please note - A passenger name can only be changed via this method before a passenger has checked in online.

Alternatively a Ryanair call centre (subject to opening hours) can change a passenger name up to 4 hours before the scheduled flight departure time (Full rates apply). Please note - A passenger name can only be changed via this method before a passenger has checked in online.

At the airport a passenger name can be changed up to 40 minutes prior to the scheduled flight departure time (Full rates apply). Please note - A passenger name can only be changed via this method before a passenger has checked in online.

Name changes are not possible if any flight sector in the booking has been flown.

There is a name change fee per person. No fare difference is charged when changing a passenger name only.

Do it online name change fee only. Phone up - full rates apply.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

Why this airline makes such a fetish out of treating its customers with contempt beats me. Where's the business sense in it?


Because that's the way M O'L treats the world.  Hence he treats  his customers in the same way.

I'm one of those who've walked with my feet - RA is my last choice these days, only when needs must is my motto.

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