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stopped by gerdarme


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I was stopped today. The first time ever in my years of driving. It was just a routine check. I never drive fast, or dangerously, and always feel a bit smug that I don't. To my horror I had committed two offences. My controle technique should have been renewed in Oct 2007. Then when the nice young man was checking my  carte gris, he finds I hadn't changed my address from the gite I stayed in when I first came over here nearly five years ago. I was mortified, absolutley no excuses, ignorance or forgetfullness is not an excuse. I am glad they stopped me or I may have gone on until this October, I was sure it was then. So my little drive on a nice day has cost me 180 euro in fines.

I shall have to tie a knot im my hanky. I feel such and idiot, and hopefully will be more humble in the future.

The gendarme also mentioned that as I had the facility to pull a trailer on the back of my car, he hoped I had a license for the trailer.

I hadn't I really didn't know I had to. He said it was definate and licence cost 48 euro. Could someone confirm this.

We all waved goodbye as I drove away, but do I feel a criminal.

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Snap!  I was stopped on Monday (first time in 25yrs here) and had THREE infractions: (1) insurance out of date; (2) plaque d'immatric. a bit bent so it wouldn't be picked up by the radars; (3) carte grise 'unavailable'.(lost under the groceries, sons dirty laundry and general car debris).A figure of €190 was tossed into the conversation and when I shreiked M**DE[:-))] he lay his hand on my arm and told me not to worry, but not to drive through town until I was 'en regle'. Now that was what I call a sympa gendarme............

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Evening, criminal....[:D]

Not sure what he was talking about concerning the licence for the trailer - I assume you produced your driving licence, so he should have been able to tell that you've got the right entitlement for towing.

In simple terms, you can tow light trailers and caravans on a category B car licence and heavier trailers if you have category (E)B.  If you've had your licence a few years, you will have both of these categories.

You'd be no use as a getaway car driver....[;-)]


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Relevant legislation coming up....[;-)]

If you have a category B licence, then you may tow the following combination:

PTAC of trailer less than or equal to 750 kg, even if the sum of the PTACs is greater than 3500 kg  (eg, a 3500kg camping car towing a 750kg trailer)

PV of towing car greater than the PTAC of the trailer and the sum of the PTACs is less than or equal to 3500 kg.

Anything outside this requires a category (E)B licence.


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I tried the flirt bit? But I hadn't combed my hair washed my face. I looked like something dragged through a hedge backwards.

I had a enormouse holey, dirty jumper on too, sadly holey not holy. What a bloody mess I must have looked. I had just had an enjoyable hour in Emmaus yard. Great.

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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Not sure what he was talking about concerning the licence for the

trailer - I assume you produced your driving licence, so he should have

been able to tell that you've got the right entitlement for towing.

In simple terms, you can tow light trailers and caravans on a

category B car licence and heavier trailers if you have category (E)B. 

If you've had your licence a few years, you will have both of these



If you (not you SD) have changed your licence for a French one then I would double check what categories have been stamped.  I changed mine over 5 years ago and only realised last autumn that I no longer had all the categories I had on my UK licence.  Unless you actually specify that you want them all  transferred they probably won't be. Thanks to some nice people at the DVLA and my Prefecture my licence is currently being updated so that I can tow a double horse box or drive a larger horse wagon.

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I was stopped for the first time ever in my life for, apparently, giving way at a junction rather than stopping.  I had seen the (three) gendarmes in the distance and was therefore on best driving behaviour and had stopped at the junction.  It was my word against theirs so I had no choice but to pay the fine.

I didn't have 90 euros in cash nor any credit cards on me.  The chef said that he would have to impound my car and did I know anyone who could come to get me?  I said that I could telephone my husband in England to come and get me (you should have seen their faces....).  We reached an impasse until I said that I wanted an interpreter, mainly because I started to get frightened of their intimidating nature.  At that point, obviously not wanting any more fuss, I was given 8 hours to call at the gendarmerie and pay.

I wrote to President Sarcozy about gendarmes now being tax collectors and not crime solvers.  I reminded him that, because of my evidence, two hardened criminals are behind bars (a true story for another post one day) and that I was unlikely to ever telephone the gendarmes again to report a crime. His office replied politely, saying in essence nothing.

What saddens me is that the gendarmes need the respect of the community to report and solve crimes and this is not the way to get it.


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I have to go to the Tabac today and get stamps to stick on the paper they gave me. I have an appointment with controle tecnique on friday, then to the gendarmes? Then to prefecture for change of address, and french driving licence. I have no problems with this. I was wrong.

Hagar, I always take the consequences of my actions seriously. Can't blame anyone else, but, and I quote

"a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down"

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Hagar, my insurance wasn't invalid - I had just neglected to post the vignette on the front of the car. I would be interested to know what age the gendarme was (+/-) who stopped Mooky. The gendarme who stopped me was 'of a certain age' and had nothing to prove except humamnity as I am 'of a certain age' also.  Perhaps I had just become a bit too complacent but the episode certainly made me think and my papers are now in order (until my next senior moment..........)[Www]

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They were around 18/20 age, and where very nice. I went and paid my dues this morning. The man in the tabac, tutted and look down his glasses at me with dissaproval. This made me have a fit of the giggles.

These poor young gendarmes; what they must have thought ar bra and dog collar together in car.

I am a slob and bra has been there for ages. Its a lovely 100C.


"Why do you carry that bra on your front seat Madame"?

"It is for my  melons, monsieur"

Gendarme blushing;  "Ah yes, I know this"

Me: "Ah, so you hang your melons, in the garden,  in the bra from the Madonnna with the big boobies too, don't they make better support than netting?"

I always carry my legit clerical dog collar with me; you never know when it may come into use. Valuable for wearing in planes, trains, noone ever sits by you!

sorry just couldn't resist that. I will calm down now.

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Are we saying that the mere fact of having a towbar obliges one to have the neccessary category for towing on ones licence even though one might not actually own a trailer or have any intention of ever towing one ?

Most people will have this anyway but just as a point of law ?

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i believe it was not that long ago that you were meant to remove your towbar when not in use.  i dont know if this was a "law" or and insurance company requirement - insurance company i suspect.  i was told about it and checked with my insurance company (agf) and they said "yes, you should remove it when not in use".  surprised i explained it was sort of bolted-on and they said "not their problem", then she checked with a colleague who said that they don't tend to worry about it these days.


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[quote user="mooky"]


These poor young gendarmes; what they must have thought ar bra and dog collar together in car.

[I] Mooky. they probably thought you were on your way to / from a Tarts and Vicars party! LOL[:)]

I always carry my legit clerical dog collar with me; you never know when it may come into use. Valuable for wearing in planes, trains, noone ever sits by you!

sorry just couldn't resist that. I will calm down now.

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There is no specific provision in the code de la route which requires towballs to be removed when not in use.

However, Art R317-23 states:

Any motor vehicle or trailer, with the exception of vehicles or machinery for agricultural or public works, must be arranged so as to reduce as far as possible the risk of injury in the event of a crash, both for the occupants of the vehicle and for other road users......



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