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Sunday lunch under the wisteria covered pergola was transformed into mild, no major hysteria when three big couleuvres dropped from the wisteria to join us.

Normally they stay quietly in the rockery minding their own business but this was altogether a new dimension.  Does anyone know how to repel couleuvres or have any astuce for preventing them getting to the pergola in the first place as I really don't want to eat inside until the autumn. I should mention that they missed the vegetable jalfrezi by centimeters[:-))]

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Lucky[:-))]!!?? Well, they were green and yellow and pretty long - over a metre and when they dropped out and landed on the floor they were I think rather surprised.  I do have lots of lizards so perhaps they were after those.
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OMG, Gem, I'd have died of fright immediately!

My previous neighbour used to reassure me that they were not poisonous and nothing to be worried about as they weren't viperes but I do think they are plenty aggresive as they can rear up and hiss and I am also terrified that the dog might have a go at them and get bitten.

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I've had them rear and hiss at me too, especially the one who likes to bask near my kitchen door. I really don't like them even though they aren't poisonous.

I'm nervous now - we have a wisteria covered terrace where we eat. If all three fell at once I'm wondering if they were fighting over a mate. It seems odd if they all landed at the same time.

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I thought they ate rats and mice but according to Wikipedia, they eat other snakes so if that's the case, why don't they just eat each other and then they'll disappear[:D] 

They might have woken up when we arrived to eat under their bedroom[Www]. Apparently they don't like noise so in order to avoid this happening again I'm going to play Cadillac Ranch by Bruce Springsteen fifteen minutes before we eat and see what happens.

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[quote user="Gemonimo"]

Apparently they don't like noise so in order to avoid this happening again I'm going to play Cadillac Ranch by Bruce Springsteen fifteen minutes before we eat and see what happens.


Better still - 'Des O'Connor's Greatest Hits'.  Sorted.

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[quote user="Gardian"][quote user="Gemonimo"]

Apparently they don't like noise so in order to avoid this happening again I'm going to play Cadillac Ranch by Bruce Springsteen fifteen minutes before we eat and see what happens.


Better still - 'Des O'Connor's Greatest Hits'.  Sorted.


My son suggested Julio Iglesias, that way they will remain comatose while we eat[:D]

On a more serious note, this year does seem to be a 'snake year' as my neighbours have really been infested with them.  Being a card carrying, palombiere owning frenchman, he dealt with them in the only way he knew how. Yuk.

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[quote user="Gemonimo"]

I thought they ate rats and mice but according to Wikipedia, they eat other snakes so if that's the case, why don't they just eat each other and then they'll disappear[:D] 

They might have woken up when we arrived to eat under their bedroom[Www]. Apparently they don't like noise so in order to avoid this happening again I'm going to play Cadillac Ranch by Bruce Springsteen fifteen minutes before we eat and see what happens.


You made me giggle !!!!!!

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The same happened to us a few weeks ago.  We were eating outside and one suddenly dropped from the roof with a bong.  He seemed a bit stunned, but managed to crawl away and hide.

Now how was he daft enough to fall from the roof?

I said that means they can crawl about and come in bedroom windows left open and J-P said someone told him her daughter went into her bedroom to find one cosily curled up on her duvet!


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[quote user="Gemonimo"] I'm going to play Cadillac Ranch by Bruce Springsteen fifteen minutes before we eat and see what happens.[/quote]

Good choice to get everyone buzzing, but just before sitting I'd suggest The River to chill a bit[:)] if you've got the CD why not bring it along to July Lunch Meet just in case they're in the tree's by the river at Aubeterre[;-)]

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

The same happened to us a few weeks ago.  We were eating outside and one suddenly dropped from the roof with a bong.  He seemed a bit stunned, but managed to crawl away and hide.


Thank you for that Mrs A.[:D]

I now have this vision of a reptile making a helluva noise as it comes sliding down the roof....gong-a-bonging (like the old geezer in the yes no interlude in Take Your Pick), before crashing to the ground whilst (we) sat there forks mid-way to open mouths watching in stunned silence as the beast shakes his head (had to be a he), blinks a few times, before crawling away dragging his gong?? Betcha he couldn't resist returning a few minutes later to peep through the bushes to see what sort of reaction he caused.

Perhaps it's just me[8-)]

Reminds me of years (and years) ago when my grandma used to bong her gong to call us to lunch. Actually quite a few things remind me of grandma.

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He did cause quite a reaction with his bong as J-P rushed to keep the dogs away from him after his unexpected drop from a high roof on to the cement below.  But didn't you know they never go up on the roof without their bong.  Maybe that's what makes them lose their balance and fall.



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[quote user="pachapapa"]La couleuvre de montpellier, the largest of the tribe, is poisonous with nice round pupils.[:-))][/quote]

True, but seeing as it's back-fanged, you'd have to stick your finger (or whatever) in it's mouth to get bitten ... [:-))] [:D]



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Say that to boomslang in South Africa![:D]

Always regarded as one of the deadliest of the snakes because it hangs out of a tree and strikes you sideways on the neck so the poison goes straight to the brain.

No time to get your finger out.!!

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