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How do you pronounce the @ symbol?


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Yesterday I had to telephone to ask someone what their e-mail address was. The person spelt it out for me but I had no idea what they said when it came to the @ bit and just guessed. Must have guessed right because they received the mail but would appreciate any help on how to pronounce it ready for when I have to spell out my e-mail address.

Thank you in advance
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Nah, Allanb, I got all the bit about @.

Have you ever been on one of those really annoying computers (in Spain) which refuse to type @ - unless you know the secret which I have now forgotten?

Cost me a fortune in a Cyber cafe a couple of times.

I was referring to the last bit of Chancer's post.

And the pooing reference from Sweets refers to the custom of giving up shampoo and keeping a full head of hair!!! - affectionaly called "no poo".

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[quote user="Benjamin"]All my French friends look at me strangely when I say courriel electronique but appear quite happy when I say email.[/quote]I have a theory about that.  Courriel presumably means courri[er] él[ectronique], so saying "courriel électronique" is like saying "electronic e-mail."

Well, it's a theory.

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[quote user="allanb"][quote user="Benjamin"]All my French friends look at me strangely when I say courriel electronique but appear quite happy when I say email.[/quote]I have a theory about that.  Courriel presumably means courri[er] él[ectronique], so saying "courriel électronique" is like saying "electronic e-mail."

Well, it's a theory.


I often confuse my French friends by what I say!  [:-))]

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  • 2 weeks later...
I always swear that I passed my French O level because I worked the work crépuscule into my essay - my dad told me that word and I loved it so much that it stuck, which is more than could be said for most of my grammar at the time!

I think they thought, well, she must be good if she knows crépuscule and has clearly forgotten everything else due to exam panic...
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My experience is similar. Our French teacher made us learn certain words and phrases by rote and insisted we use them in every essay. "Crépuscule" was one. Another was "Ce n'est qu'une averse. Ca passera vite." I once had a perfect opportunity to use the latter in France but I could not make myself say it! However, I did once have a conversation with a Frenchman which involved "crépuscule".
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