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Nous verons cela quand nous nous verons.


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No I copied the statement and pasted it here, it was in an email from an artisan. Perhaps it was misquoted?

Edit: It just occurred to me, could it mean something like "we will be there when we will be there"? Sadly sounds about right. [:(]

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A lot of artisans dont have or need a very high standard of literacy, an electrician that oversaw my first installation reluctantly wrote a letter for me asking for a Consuel inspection, even though I could not string a sentence together at the time I knew better than to send it, in retrospect I was ashamed to have put him in an embarrassing situation.

Anyway I think we can assume that he has mis-spelt verrons, they would not be saying nous nous verrons so I think it should have been nous vous verrons, which makes me think that it means - "we will see (about?) that when we see you".

Difficult to know without what dialogue had preceeded it.

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Thank you very much. I guess that makes sense. He is coming to re-solder the zinc gutters that didn't seem to take the first time around last winter and he also said he will clean up a mess his brother has left.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Anyway I think we can assume that he has mis-spelt verrons, they would not be saying nous nous verrons so I think it should have been nous vous verrons, which makes me think that it means - "we will see (about?) that when we see you".[/quote]

I think Chancer has cracked it - sounds right to me.

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I think it sounds about right but unfortunately for me a little vague. In any case a much better translation than Google, I was beginning to think he was talking about dance. Google translation:

We verona it when we verona. [:D]

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I was thinking along those terms I knew the phrase ça se voit but hadnt realised that se voire was actually a verb prenominal.

Maybe it means "we will see about that when we show up" se voir being to show. Hey! it could even be "show ourselves up" [;-)]

At least they didnt use the conditionnel.

Languages are fascinating.


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