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Has your English spelling gone to pot?


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[quote user="5-element"]

[quote user="ericd"] So don't knock the British teacher of French language, just make sure he/she is suitably qualified for the job.[/quote]

And what makes your wife even more suitable to teach French, Eric, is that she is married to you, a French-born person! Not only she is a bilingual qualified teacher, but she is also likely to be bi-cultural - very important. [/quote]

You have hit the "clou sur la tete" 5-pieces after 26 and a bit years of having been married to me, the bi-cultural influence is as important as knowing the word "demi-livre"....A term still used today for loose goods (= 250gr)....Une demi-livre de viande hachee svp.

We met in Paris many years ago and after having lived there herself for 6 years, she brought me back to Geordieland. We still speak Francobrit at home and our girls have been brought up bilingual.

As for the accent you are correct, I have kept mine and she most likely keeps hers when talking French but let's be honest boys and girls....You are not to be dropped behind ennemy lines at any moment so speaking the language with a foreign accent is not a negative point by all means.

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''Incidentally, if it's not a rude question , what were you doing up and about at 4.50- Dictionary Search???''

Suej, a dictionary search would be a very good reason!

Sadly, I seem to begun returning to being noctural!  [:(] So it was catching up on emails, reading my Kindle, doing Soduko and looking at the forum!

As for having a French French teacher rether than an English French teacher, I wouldn't be too keen on the latter. I'm thoroughly enjoying the time spent with our current teacher - a French woman, who taught at schools in England for a few years, and who taught English and French in France before retiring. The group is made up of mostly Dutch people, with a pair from Denmark and us, an English couple.

I admit to being rather bored when there's stuff on verbs etc, as I feel I've done so much of it over so many years, but many in the group didn't learn French at school, so haven't any idea about where pronouns etc should go. It's great to learn more about the government, the French Foreign Legion (her son's an officer), various sayings, cultural matters etc.

Maybe an excellent well-qualified and experienced English teacher could also be good, but I'd need one who had a huge background in French life, as your wife would have, Eric, and also an excellent French accent.

Sweet, I'm with our local AVF group for French; there's a beginners' group and an advanced group; it's proving very useful and interesting. Maybe there's one near you. Somehow I can't imagine AVF having an English person teaching French; I would guess they'd feel somewhat affronted!


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[quote user="gardengirl "]

Sweet, I'm with our local AVF group for French; there's a beginners' group and an advanced group; it's proving very useful and interesting. Maybe there's one near you. Somehow I can't imagine AVF having an English person teaching French; I would guess they'd feel somewhat affronted!


My AVF French teacher is German - lived here a long time though - and she's good!

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When I was a kid Whitley Bay was Northumberland, it was a lovely treat to have a day out there. Who couldn't have loved the Spannish City all those years ago.

I'm not so keen on all the new 'county' boundaries that were 'made' in the 1970's.

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[quote user="idun"]When I was a kid Whitley Bay was Northumberland, it was a lovely treat to have a day out there. Who couldn't have loved the Spannish City all those years ago. I'm not so keen on all the new 'county' boundaries that were 'made' in the 1970's.[/quote]

I remember the Spanish city so well - it was such a treat to go there!  [:)]

And I try to ignore the so-called county boundaries!

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Well the rides have gone (thank God for that!!) the white dome has been refurbished, the front of said white dome is to be pedestanised and the traffic re-directed inside w.bay. Whitley Bay Playhouse has also been refurbished and looks very modern now in its lovely glass surrounds. Any pics you would like to see, don't hesitate to ask.
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