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i,m surrounded by huge leylandii hedge

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I have a problem with my neighbours leylandii hedge and am trying to find out if there is a law in france that will make him cut them.I have been told a few conflicting things by french friends and the marie.There are ten trees in total they are all two meters away from the border and ten meters away from my house they are about  twelve meters high.I have spoken to him about it and he said he has no money to pay for them to be cut down the roots dug up and the hedge to be replaced.He does have money to pay a gardener and a window cleaner runs two cars and lives in a large house(on his fathers land).He also said to me he has no objection for me to cut them.The sun drops behind them very early in the day which causes a shdow over my whole house, in winter it traps in humidity between the house and hedge and is turning a decked area between them green.

I don,t really know what to do about it i don,t have enough experience to cut them myself and have had a devis off a tree surgeon for one hundred and fifty euros per tree,i don,t want to pay that sort of money but i do want them gone before this summer.If anyone can help i'd be grateful.Thanks

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If the trees are planted at a distance of 2 m from the boundary, your neighbour is in the clear.

If the roots invade your land, you can cut them off at the boundary.

If the branches hang over your land, you cannot cut them, but you can make your neighbour cut them.

If he is in the clear and has told you he has no objection with you cutting the trees, then it's down to you to decide how much of a problem they really are.

Frankly, how he chooses to spend his money is nothing to do with you...

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[quote user="offshoreartist"]

 i don,t have enough experience to cut them myself and have had a devis off a tree surgeon for one hundred and fifty euros per tree,i don,t want to pay that sort of money but i do want them gone before this summer.If anyone can help i'd be grateful.Thanks


Then your only option is to gain the experience on the job as it were, wishing them gone by the summer is not going to make it happen.

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150 euros per tree dirt cheap? We obviously move in different circles.

I and two equally inexperienced mates felled 30 of the damned things of similar, if not greater, height in a day, last summer. Cost me a chain saw and a rope (200 euros for the two and I still have them of course) plus a meal for mates and several drinks in bar after.

Still have to pay local farmer for carting it all away but will be very surprised if that comes to 100 euros.

We did work up a sweat, mind....

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Some years back I planted 6 leylandii to annoy my french neighbour, of course respecting the 2 metre rule.

The trees conform with the relevant Codes and are inviolable.

I note that he says, "He also said to me he has no objection for me to cut them.".

Perhaps you have lost something in the translation and he may have been referring to cutting the portion of branches encroaching over your property; I would suggest you clarify  before chopping down his trees.

The french neighbour has long gone and their successors, an english police couple have recently sold out to another english couple.



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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]

150 euros per tree dirt cheap? We obviously move in different circles.

I and two equally inexperienced mates felled 30 of the damned things of similar, if not greater, height in a day, last summer. Cost me a chain saw and a rope (200 euros for the two and I still have them of course) plus a meal for mates and several drinks in bar after.

Still have to pay local farmer for carting it all away but will be very surprised if that comes to 100 euros.

We did work up a sweat, mind....


ah but, you dont have to pay cotisations, taxes or insurance like wot the tree fella does!


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I accept that but you pays your money and takes your choice. It wasn't worth it to me to engage a professional - not at 150 euros a tree at least - but I found a viable alternative.

And the farmer is going to use the bucket on the front of his tractor to scrub up the roots. I have to take down a gate pillar to get the tractor up the drive - but a bit more sweat and it will be done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did the 100€ include your protective trousers, gloves, boots, hard hat, etc Alan??

We have had our 82 laylandies topped out and reduced to 4 meters high. Cost, 550€ including clearing everything away by a professional French gardener. Now pruning them just takes me a couple of days.

I suppose it is a good idea to get along with your neighbours by planting the awfull things? How to make friends and influential people is the book that comes to mind.

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Whoever does the job, make sure you or they have insurance cover.

One of our neighbours had a group of treefellas topping his leylandii the other day, as I watched from a distance. The one up the tree cut off the top 3 or4 metres, and as it slowly toppled, the other two who were casually chatting below had to leap a few metres out of the way. It was a close thing.

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Just as well it wasn't this suiside merchant wot was cutting 2 of our parasol pines a few years back. Up a ladder with his chainsaw just in front of his THROAT! One handed of course...


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Edit: Was supposed to quote from Jonzjob


Already had everything except the protective trousers. And a very fetching sight I was, too.

That price for 82 of the beggars seems more like it. I didn't want ever to see mine again so the plan is to plant some very slow-growing beech in their place - and to flog the hedge trimmer.

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Hey Alan you don't start flogging the hedge trimmer around here! That's ME [:-))]

Come on now Teapot. You know what they say, it ain't the dropping that hurts, after all free fall idiots with parachutes do it by getting out of perfectly servicable airoplanes before they are on the ground, it's the stopping at the bottom that can sting a bit!

Just as well that you had the harness! I would much rather talk to you than about you mate![:D]

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  • 3 weeks later...

We had some leylandii   'cousins'   (lawsonii)  chopped down and the roots ground down by a hugh machine.  They were taller than the house (double storey) and quite close to it too.

The tree man (qualified insured etc) also cut up the wood into slices, and ground down the smaller branches, greenery etc for compost & mulch.   We paid nothing like 150 euros per tree, even in Wiltshire, and presumably this was not an under-counter transaction as we got all the paperwork and paid via a cheque.  

It's a while back now, but I don't think the whole thing cost more than £400 for 10 trees.

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