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christmas decorations


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The Marie took down the street lights yesterday, most homeowners followed suit, although some are still up. Amazing quite a number leave the lights and decorations up all year, obviously they don't turn them on, but it does make me smile to see a little Santa hanging onto a ladder in July, but I think this is just pure laziness.

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We took ours all down here in Germany on the correct day, the eve of the Feast of the Ephiphany which marks the official end of Christmas. We don't put them up until Christmas Eve.

As this was our first Christmas here we were interested to see what they do here and it seems that they put their outside lights up etc from Dec 1st on but the Christmas Tree goes up on or just before Christmas Eve.  Quite a few people here still put lighted candles on the tree. V.dangerous as as we were driving to Midnight Mass we saw a house on fire and although we can't be certain it was probably down to the tree catching alight!

Decorations seem to have all been down by the begining of this week and today the local recyling people came and collected everybodys tree.  In a recyling mad country like Germay that was not a surprise and certainly saved us a job, is it collected in France too?



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My tree goes back in the garden, I bought one with roots 4 years ago and have dug it up each year.

The house where I work finaly took their decs down on Friday........the tree had been nearly bald for about 10days, it was burnt on their open fire whilst I was there.

One house in our village has had decorations at the windows since we bought our house (about 6 years). I too find it scruffy/tacky when houses still have Santas etc up mid year............Mind you I did hear on the telly that some major supermarkets in the UK had Easter eggs on sale on the 2nd of jan[:-))]

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[quote user="St_Jacques"]

We took ours all down here in Germany on the correct day, the eve of the Feast of the Ephiphany which marks the official end of Christmas. We don't put them up until Christmas Eve.


Dale - That was what traditionally the British used to do and the Queen still does - decorate the tree on Christmas Eve and take it down on the Twelfth Night (when the Magi reached the stable).  My mother thought it bad luck if you did it before or after.

As for the French custom, I would love to know.  I spoke to my neighbour and she said that there is a festival tonight (Sat 12th) in the village and after that, everyone takes things down.  However, I don't know if this is what just happens in our village.  I await hearing from others with interest.


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We went to the UK for Christmas , the first time in since we moved to France in 2003. As 4 of us decended on my dad we decided that we would do all the food shopping. As we got to the Bakery dept in ASDA quite a few heads turned as i said louder than I thought..........HOT CROSS BUNS! I have to admit I was almost tempted but resisted the urge to buy some.
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"That was what traditionally the British used to do and the Queen still does - decorate the tree on Christmas Eve and take it down on the Twelfth Night"

I knew she and I must have something in common, now I know what it is.

What is it about us that makes us leave our traditions behind and then blame someone else for undermining our culture ?

Easter Eggs on sale in M & S on January 2nd here too.


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I feel a bit of a twit. After asking the question in the first place , it has suddenly occurred to me I probably know the answer. Me, in holy orders too.


I think the answer is the decorations are kept up until fourty days,after Christmas day. Which is;

The presentation of the child Jesus at the temple;  The purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

I make that to be 2nd February. 


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Cathy wrote

"I spoke to my neighbour and she said that there is a festival tonight (Sat 12th) in the village and after that, everyone takes things down.  However, I don't know if this is what just happens in our village.  I await hearing from others with interest."


Fête des rois


I suspect that mostly the decorations are left up after 12th night because people are too lazy to take them down.

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[quote user="Clair"]The Fête des rois or Epiphanie always falls on 6th January (12th day after Christmas).


Thanks Clair,

I thought that Cathy's festival in the village was probably to celebrate the Fête des rois, and that maybe they had just chosen to do so on a different day.[8-|]

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