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Gordon Ramsey "Cauchemar en cuisine"


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I have finally found a way to watch and appreciate his talents on Tv without having to suffer a barage of obscenities.

I am currently watching him on the French channel W9 and his foul language has dissappeared with the French dubbed soundtrack, occasionally the gros mots can be heard on the secondary (original) sound channel but they are not intrusive.

He speaks good French as well, he was talking to a French chef and I was surprised to see English sub-titles appear.

All in all a very enjoyable programme (they are showing several back to back) without the in my view unecessary vulgarity.

Do they really pay £70 for un plat de fruits de mer in Abergavenny?

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Yes, they will pay that in Abergavenny.

Not only are the folks there well-off (at least relative to the rest of South Wales) but they like to be seen to be well-off!

Now I'm ducking beneath the parapet in case someone from Abergavenny reads this!

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Whilst not from Abergavenny very near and yes the good folk from 'Aber' are in parts well heeled.  But when I moved to Chepstow over thirty five years ago it was a wonderful place but Franco running the Walnut Tree and when the cooking was fantastic but the prices equally.  Was bought some years ago with an investor in the Ivy putting up the money.  Like everyone else now struggling so I am not sure this is the place for the £70 meals.  Might be at the ChainBridge pub of the other guy who now appears on the Market Kitchen programme and seems to have shot up from nowhere.

Again like most places in SE Wales would not go out on a Saturday night there and there is a quarter dedicated to drugs.  It is one thing to go into the wonderful market and another to see the other side but equally relevant part of life.

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Hmm.  I don't watch cookery programmmes much but I love the swearing and find it very funny.  Not sure it would be quite the same without.  Some of the apalling restaurants he encounters and the terrible business practices would make me swear too.

My 86 year old mother, with whom I agree about very little, is a huge fan and doesn't mind his swearing either.

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I agree on what he encounters and of course swearing is pretty de rigeur for Chefs but when I was unfortunate enough to watch a programme called The F Word where celebreties were lining up to be let into his restaurant to be verbally abused I was not amused.

The coup de grace for me was when he tried repeatedly to get the god fearing Cliff Richard to say "F*ck off" a total lack of respect for the values and beliefs of others.

I like and admire Ramsey and agree with his judgements on most of the business owners and practices but a Sir John Harvey-Jones he is not, I am genuinely glad that I have now found a way to watch and enjoy his programmes.

Cooperlola if they turn off the swear filter for a while I could give you some of what you enjoy [6]

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Coo, JR, what an offer!

I worked for British Transport Hotels years ago.  I have never heard such a vast quantity and quality of "gros mots" as I did in the hotels' kitchens.  Nor a more self-opinionated and bossy bunch as the head chefs.  They could make me blush, and that is saying something.

GR is pretty astute and his observations about some of the businesses he tries to rescue, ring true to me. I think his marketing skills and instincts are bang on. 

I never saw the F word (I try to avoid anything I'm told features "celebrities" as I've rarely heard of these people and don't much care what they think or what they are "really" like.)  I can kind of identify with a desire to get the over-pious Mr Richard to swear though, even though I wouldn't have done it myself.  But one is bound to ask why Cliff wanted to be on the programme in the first place.  Surely he knows what GR is like?  Why volunteer to be subjected to his kind of trademark treatment if he's so against it?  I have very little sympathy for any of the publicity-seeking types who volunteer for these programmes, whether they be famous or utterly unknown.  If you don't like the heat, and all that.....

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