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Do you care where your food comes from ?


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I have stayed out of this very interesting discussion as I did not want to stimulate the disagreeable aspects, however, I thought I would just mention that for those who drink wine the fining process normally, though not always, uses eggs to clear the liquid.  So vegans beware this is not always obvious and is never on the label.



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Not only eggs Simon.....For hundreds of years OX Blood was used to clarify red wine...It gets rid of harsh tanning in young red wines .....Even though it is now supposed to be no longer used and regulated against  no doubt some will remember that not so long ago a French wine producer was found to have bags of dried blood on his premises ....Its only used to screen out particles  not to colour and all traces are filtered out like your eggs .....before it is bottled ..

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[quote user="chocccie"][quote user="Dog"]

At no point had I denied being a vegetarian. The discussions were mainly on fish and meat which account for more animals being killed. I have no wish to draw you into a prolonged discussion into your ethics and exactly how you run your life. I have never said I was perfect we all fail at times.

As I am sure you realise you can only start with the basics and work your way along the path. How long have you been vegan?

In India there is an argument for keeping cows - what are your thoughts on the vedic tradition?

I apologise for only beging vega - 98% vegan. I have not eaten meat or fish for over 30 years - now I have to remove the 4 or 5 pints of milk a year and the odd cheese in the summer, I don't wear leather.

I do check for isinglass, gelatine and rennet. As I hope you do. I would be surprised if in all honesty you can say you have been 100% vegan throughout ?

I think if I had sat back and not made counter arguments in this thread you would not have made the effort to. At what level do you consider you can agitate or comment?

My temper is zero - my colourful language is mistaken - I can only be myself it's useless pretending to be someone else.


I've been vegan for close to twenty years (vegetarian for some years before that), so I know pretty much what to look out for in products to avoid.  Yes, becoming vegetarian is a beginning to a path ... but's it's not helpful  (or healthy) to have that path include the aggression and hypocrisy that you've shown in this thread.

I have no thoughts on the vedic tradition - not something I'm familiary with.... possibly because I don't live in India, or know anybody who follows the vedic tradition.

You seem to be intrestested in having a prolonged discussion into the ethics of how others and how they choose to live their lives in this thread.  In my view, you've done so in an unecessarily agressive way.

I'm not meaning to attack you personally - I'm sure you're an absolutely smashing fella, who I would enjoy eating a meal with and sinking a bottle or two ... but you have come across as really high-handed and quite unpleasant in this thread. 

Passion is a wonderful thing, but it can sometimes send one a bit overboard.  I think you could have used different language and the thread could have been a really interesting debate and sharing of information, perhaps previously unknown to some.    

And to the meat eaters  .. there really are better things to eat than fish or meat .... please do so with a thought to what you're eating and where it came from.  And you don't have to eat meat/fish every single day.  Times are tough financially for a lot of people right now ... what a great way to save some cash, eat less meat! [:P]

Anyway, I shall now drop out of this thread now - what seemed to start out as a thread about the ethical sourcing of foods has long turned into something else. 

Enjoy your dinner tonight Dog, I'm sure it will be delicious - and try to be a little less aggressive, who knows, you might even make some converts then [;-)]


Full respect Choccie, I hold a lot of admiration for people like you and we would have never known if it weren't for this thread.

 However, Dog hasn't put me off at all in fact he has me thinking even more and I like a passionate person with a spark anyway.[:D] For anyone that claims that Dog has put them off giving up meat IMHO of course, is complete nonsense and perhaps enjoy using this as an excuse.

In any case, some of these same people have admitted to eating foie gras and veal so why they would even look at this thread is beyond me, unless of course they were looking to start something with someone that feels strongly about it. Sadly as offensive as some say Dog is, I see through it completely.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Dog, you let mosquitoes bite you, fair enough, that s your choice,

But Dog; if you got bitten by a " tique" ??


I have been bitten by ticks - my companion dog get them nearly daily.

I don't mean to let mossies bite me - I really find the affects nasty.

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[quote user="Cat"]I imagine that you only drink vegetarian wine then dog? [/quote]


It's a by product problem as you don't actually ingest the isinglass as it falls to the bottom of the wine with the sediment and is not bottled. Isinglass is expensive and mostly they use chemicals these days.

I certainly have drunk wine that I do not know what's in it.

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Dog you have hit me on the most difficult day that I have ever endured.  Today I have lost my dog Jean Claude who believe me although a 'dog' would lose you from a thousand standpoints. He was loyal did not wish for much save for my love and attention and to be fed and not pulses but as a hound things that have been fed to hunting dogs for all of their lives.  By example take say a National Hunt Racecourse.  Whether you agree with it or not is not for this forum.  But a horse comes down then the green surrounds come around it and the vet takes over.  What do you think the horse ambulances do..............take it to the local hunt.  Do you agree or not with National Hunting Racing or do you too believe that putting horses over the jumps is to be argued against.

Also you have dived for want of a better word into the Rhone Valley and its wine and believed what you are seeing.  Although not Parker the Rhone has been my love for over 40 years have been there for that time met and developed relationships with the growers from Father to Son.  With Clape in Cornas to Guigal in Cote Rotie then to Rayas in Chateau neuf du Pape and then Beaucastel.  Then to Gigondas and to Sablet.  Before I left the UK I had over 4000 bottles in my cellar.  That is not boasting for I researched the product and it was my passion.  I do not believe in spraying in the garden buy all bio seeds and if blight comes along to the toms then so be it.

You know nothing whatsoever are probably possessed of spots and lack of hair and teeth brown from pulses and the like.

That is your right and I do not deride that I respect it but today you truly have got on the wrong side of me and today I am mounting a battle and I will find you out for what you are a bigot who wishes to push down the throat of others a belief .  I do not have a problem with that but with the way you are trying to organise the defence of your system.

I will be open I have asked today for you to be taken off the air for without oxygen you poor sad and without balls character will not live.

Please do not respond for if you do I will come hunting bear.

Today is not a good day for you.

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Come on Dog show your balls or lack of wedding gear you have never responded on South Africa are your views totally restricted to the animal kingdom.  You are a poor pathetic individual who is esconced somewhere thinking how can I hurt everyone else on this plantet because they do not agree with me.  I think as a lawyer that this forum because of its origins has a duty under the Freedom of Information Act thus I will tomorrow be making an application .


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D O G ; I do wonder what the acronym is, maybe Digitally Originated Graphic, or Department of Oil and Gas, even Daily Oral Going-over[:)], well you really have picked a loser on this occasion, how many happy animals do you believe would survive after the arrival of vegetarianism? who would husband them? Why? the cows would end up like those in Milton Keynes and Pigs, sheep, geese and goats would be as Unicorns! The Bears would still eat the Salmon and Whales consume all the plankton and schools of fish! Never has there been so much interest in animal welfare to keep them happy and productive for our food chain, your alternative doesn't bear thinking about! 
Hey Ho time to Dance Off Gracefully for my  thai-green-chicken-curry[8-|]
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I am very sorry to hear your friend has passed away - I can share your grief as it has unfortunately happened to me on more than one occassion.

I wish you strength and many good memories of your companion.

I am always here if you need someone to talk to.

Best wishes.

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[quote user="dragonrouge"]

Come on Dog show your balls or lack of wedding gear you have never responded on South Africa are your views totally restricted to the animal kingdom.  You are a poor pathetic individual who is esconced somewhere thinking how can I hurt everyone else on this plantet because they do not agree with me.  I think as a lawyer that this forum because of its origins has a duty under the Freedom of Information Act thus I will tomorrow be making an application .



Look back a bit - I did respond.

If it helps have a rant, I am sympathetic - I have broad shoulders and a six foot three skinhead and a Belgian Shepherd for security.

Don't worry about the law it's too expensive - what do you want to know about me?

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[quote user="just john "]D O G ; I do wonder what the acronym is, maybe Digitally Originated Graphic, or Department of Oil and Gas, even Daily Oral Going-over[:)], well you really have picked a loser on this occasion, how many happy animals do you believe would survive after the arrival of vegetarianism? who would husband them? Why? the cows would end up like those in Milton Keynes and Pigs, sheep, geese and goats would be as Unicorns! The Bears would still eat the Salmon and Whales consume all the plankton and schools of fish! Never has there been so much interest in animal welfare to keep them happy and productive for our food chain, your alternative doesn't bear thinking about! 
Hey Ho time to Dance Off Gracefully for my  thai-green-chicken-curry[8-|][/quote]

It's boring really I was bumped off the site some years ago and had to reregister and France Forum gave me the name. It was not what I would have chosen but it could have been worse - and it happened to be my next door neighbours nickname in UK as he had twelve Siberian Huskies.

A friend of mine wrote the following poem:

Milton Keynes

Look; the concrete cows

and they're moving.


He also wrote:

Beachy Head

Beachy Head, Beachy Head

Jump off and you'll be dead.


Ask Chocccie - it's better that farmed animals do not exist than are abused.

In the future if man is to continue - especially at the current rate of expansion - meat eating has to end.

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Well I, for one, am really glad that some of the posts attacking Dog have eased off a bit.

I did hope that once Christine (one of the most regarded members on the forum) called a truce, a truce is what we will get.

I do respect the stance that Dog has adopted although I am too lazy and too apathetic to follow some of his links.  Also, I suspect I was too scared to read about things that would trouble me.

Dog, why don't you post some of the recipes of meals that Wifelet Dog (your name for her) prepares for you?  Perhaps many on here would like to try them.

You see, Dog, as they say, there are more ways of killing a cat than stuffing it with cream (or something like that anyway!)  And, before anyone can protest, I adore cats; I believe that they are superior even to dogs.....

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Yeth I thdid tho for Dhog who hath trubbleth with hith haitches[/quote]

Well, you're not even lisping in the right places, Wools, so I can't comment on your post as I don't understand it.[:D][:P]

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