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So how do you say MaccyD's are bitchin?

just john

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[quote user="just john "]

So, despite all the tractors across the entrances and protests  France is now the second most profitable market in the world for McDonald's. La Belle France has been conquered by Le Big Mac. Le-Big-Mac-has-conquered-La-Belle-France.html


What's the first most profitable, I wonder?

I love the language in McDos.  Un McChicken avec des Fries, s.v.p. etc


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We occasionally stop at a McDs but always choose the Happy Meal option - good value, 4euros for a burger, chips, small drink and a slice of fresh pineapple.

The other day we went to the drive-in and I asked for "deux Happy Meal svp". The ordertaker looked confused and I repeated it. Still confused so I repeated it again and pointed to the HappyMeal picture on the menu board. "Oh" sighed the now-enlightened cashier "deux 'Apimil'" (I've tried to write it phonetically, Apimil.

We now call them Apimils instead!
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  • 3 weeks later...

I want to weep.

Here I am, a wholesome American with dreams of having a little organic family ferme in the Dordogne, and now the evil McD has followed in the steps Disney :-(

How can this possibly be??!  Who are the customers? It can't be only  Americans; it can't be the French!

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It would be more interesting to see some sales figures.

It may be that McMurders sales are just worse everywhere else.

Quite why anyone would eat that muck defeats me - I have seen the burgers being made - at the time they were allowed 40% fat . It came in frozen blocks and if you defrosted it and unrolled it, it was the shape of a cow skin. It was either blue or green with mold - umm appetizing...

I would prefer to eat cat poo it's cheaper and more nutritious.

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[quote user="Dog"]

It would be more interesting to see some sales figures.

It may be that McMurders sales are just worse everywhere else.

Quite why anyone would eat that muck defeats me - I have seen the burgers being made - at the time they were allowed 40% fat . It came in frozen blocks and if you defrosted it and unrolled it, it was the shape of a cow skin. It was either blue or green with mold - umm appetizing...

I would prefer to eat cat poo it's cheaper and more nutritious.


I would quite like to see that..whereabouts are MacDonald's burgers made and on what pretext did they allow a publisher in to see the process (Thinking they may just be living a little dangerously with these green mouldy blocks of fetid meat)
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I remember a report on McD's and they left the complete burger to rot. The bun decayed as did all the lettuce and trimmings but the meat did not. It apparently contained so much connective tissue that it simply did not breakdown in the time scale of the report.
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