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Raymond Blanc's programme


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Lovely comté cheese. To be precise I love comté extra and that is what I always ask for, when I can ofcourse. There are some awful comté cheeses too, that I wouldn't even cook with. With cheeses as with wine, sometimes one has to pay a bit more to have something good.
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I've proper gorn orf RB. I think it was that last series of his other wotsit that did it, sort of an X-factor-meets-hell's-kitchen, where he appeared to choose the most controversial no-hopers with little going for them but floppy fringes and a rather "city broker meets Hugh Grant" approach to running a resto. If RB is so desperate for publicity AND prepared to prostitute his reputation for a sham like that, then I can't be bothered with him.

I should really stop holding back and say what I truly think, shouldn't I.[:D]

He speaks English like my old MD. I even remember him having a similar problem (I think it made Youtube) pronouncing "focus", which luckily aired after the watershed...

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I saw the program advertised as a feature on the daily mail with many French residents writing in to state and concurring with each other as to how bad shops and restaurants ( not Michelin starred ones) are in France. Sadly they got a hammering from those who knew better- holidaymakers!
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Go for it Betty, say what you think [:D]  I happen to agree with you totally.

For sure maman was the star, she managed to upstage him beautifully.

The recipes were interesting, the sections on the local food and producers were good, but the 'chief' character had to keep reminding us how wonderful he was, a common factor in many of his recent offerings sadly, while yet again proving his inability to cook without a legion of sous chefs to do the work for him. If you think I am being harsh, watch it again!

All the above notwithstanding, I will watch the rest of the series for the good points [6]

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Well, I did say straight off, in my very first post that I didn't much like him though I put it more politely as "not my favourite anglisized Frenchman".

And, as stated earlier, the commentary was irritating as the woman had an execrable accent and I had to leave the subtitles on just to understand which places she was talking about.

However, I loved the photography and, for me, the real star of the show was the French countryside though Maman came out a very close second.

Now, Burgundy, I WOULD love to see as I have heard that it's very beautiful.

Gengulphus, if you are lurking out there somewhere, I hope you are paying attention.  Perhaps you could watch it on iplayer?

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Those eggs looked really mouthwatering.

BTW, JJ, I sent you an email this evening.

One of the nicest red wines I'd ever drunk was a Beaune so I think of you stopping off in Beaune and glugging the stuff, GG!

Lyon next week should be interesting, don't you think?

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I have to say that in the past I was not exactly a fan of Raymondo, thinking him the usual egotistical self-important chef.  Well, how wrong was I?  This series has been wonderful and he comes accross a a really nice person with a passion for his craft and his country.  His Mum is a real star too!
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Did anyone catch what the blade is called in French?  I mean of the cow for making boeuf bouguignon?

That commentator and her dreadful "French" accent is still irritating the hell out of me! 

BUT, the countryside, the buildings, etc continue to be magnifique [:)]

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Another fan here. Paleron, I think, was the cut of meat he was using. Anyone else remember the name of the rural restaurant where he cooked the meal. I think that I heard La Rochotte, but can't come up with anything via google. Regards Hester.
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We enjoy the programme (although I find it a bit over the top) but as others have said it makes Burgundy look like a place spending a bit more time in on the way to the south.

We were great fans of Le Manoire when we lived in that part of the country - beautiful place, although watching one of the Spice Girls trying to devour her boyfriend during our last visit was a little unsettling

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As one who lives in Burgundy, I would suggest that the shots are carefully edited to demonstrate the stereotype rather than the reality.  Unless, like us, you live deep in the countryside (which was well represented on the prog) parts of Burgundy can be a touristy nightmare in the holiday periods - if you really want to be ripped off have lunch in Beaune in July.  Having said that, there is no doubt that the standard of food, once you get away from the tourist traps, is remarkable both for price and quality.  

Am I the only one who thinks M Blanc rather over-eggs the French accent for the benefit of viewers?

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I've just watched the programme with Expatshield. As with last week, I really enjoyed it, especially the photography of the food and countryside. I love Burgundy, and especially the area around Beaune. It was good to be in Alain Hess' wonderful cheese shop - my favourite! We sometimes call in for cheese on the way south. I love seeing his big cheese chopper in action, saves the backs of the assistants when cutting the very hard cheeses.

We did stop over in Beaune on the way down recently, Sweet, but the weather wasn't at all like in the programme! It was nasty and drizzly, and I got quite wet walking in to the centre to a restaurant in the evening, so we could drink without worrying about driving back. The one we wanted to eat at was shut - our own fault for not checking - so ate at another nearby - not a particularly good experience. Normally our chambre d'hote host suggests which ones are 'correct', but as she was shut, we were just heading for one we normally find reliable; I'll definitely check opening days next time! I also love wine in the area, so many favourites!

I also heard the restaurant as Auberge La Rochotte, but can't see it on the internet - maybe just a word of mouth place.

What a pity Maman Blanc couldn't have been transported for the programme!

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