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LyGomme - Bon Appétit


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An incredible gummy product made without any milk in it at all, to top pizzas amongst other foods.

The report on french news tonight showed all sorts of terrible things in food sold and bought in France. I'd never heard of ly gomme before. Ofcourse these things are done to food elsewhere, but France, La Belle France crows about it's gastronomie, it's cuisine, the art de la table, and yet ordinary french folks buy these awful products.

Let us hope that the horse meat scandal will mean that everyone will look at what they are eating, whether their country has a reputation for food or not and people end up on a better diet.

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It was on TV2 news at 20h...


There were also examples of products where the amount of fish was well under that stated on the label, and meat in cottage pies (Hachis parmentier) of such stinking quality that it had to have glucose added to mask the taste

As you say very ironic given the fierté mal placée of many French people about their food.

For once it was an interesting bulletin with an item about the real rôle of the resistance, another eye opener, and the success of Free mobile as well as an item by a move to limit the salaries of  business leaders in Switzerland.

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Shocking report, thanks to Idun and Norman for the info.

I did hear one chiffre clé, the French spend 80% of their food budget on les plats preparés [:-))]

They may claim to be the gastronomic capital of the world but it doesnt look to be the case in their homes.

Initially I didnt believe it but a couple of things sprung to mind which makes me reconsider, I saw the contents of my neighbours recycling sac, he is one of the few that actually puts them out, they were full of empty choucroute tins and plats preparés, also at the Lycée when we take the new intake of 14-16 year olds on a camping trip, a sortie d'integration we have to teach many of them how to eat at a table using cutlery as they are bemused and have never done so before.

Finally the crowning glory in yesterdays Mail on line (OK the UK this time) the woman that was buying cheeseburgers and puréeing them to feed to her baby as she didnt know what else to feed it [:-))]

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Ofcourse these plats prepare are cheap and many people haven't got much money.

I noticed that some of the food charities had agreed (not all) to accept this food that had been taken from the rayons as their clients were happy to have it as long as it was deemed safe for human consumption. I'm glad it is being used, until recently it had been on sale, so why not.

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[quote user="idun"]Of course these plats prepare are cheap and many people haven't got much money.[/quote]

They may not be expensive but they are not that cheap, only from what I have glanced at, you would not find me eating any of it.

An onion, couple of carrots, stock cube, 500g cheap beef, cut up small and minced up or whizzed up in food processor, 2 kg Potatoes plus a bit of seasoning, oh and of course.....a bit of effort,   enough to feed a family of FOUR (4) easy

Cost against buying 4 prepared cottage pies, Hachis parmentier. I would guess at least half price plus the added bonus................you know what your eating.

Me, I've always made my own mince and I tend to mix meats pork and beef which I think gives a better flavour.

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