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I have had one baby here two years ago; my experience was not great even though I stayed in a private clinic. Could not believe the mothers being allowed to smoke in the rooms! Checked out after 2 days despite the protests of the staff. Anyone had a baby here using the local general hospital? I'd be very interested to hear your experience!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Does my experience count as I am French?

I had my baby in a clinic and the staff was really informative and helpful, and no one could have smoked in the rooms![:-))]

The birth was very complicated, I lost a lot of blood, I had a caesarian and had to be transfused ( is that the right word??)

I stayed in the maternity ward for 12 days...........

But I was never scared( could have been, I had a " toxémie gravidique" ) , but they were all so supportive and reassuring.

Here in Niort the local hospital is fine, no problem with the " maternité" , many of my friend were happy having their babies there.

I chose a clinic because I was pregnant with twins and I wanted the epidural, which was said to be rare in hospital ( Now it s just the same here, you can have it anywhere)

Too bad I'm 42, Id go for a little girl if I were younger........... Already got the name   LOL  but it will remain a fantasy !

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Go for it Frenchie !!! My eldest daught had her fourth baby last year at the age of  41  and he is absolutely gorgeous and she said although she has has very little sleep for  the last 9 months he is worth it.Her eldest daughter is 21 and she married when the baby was  7 months old so my daughter had a baby and her eldest marry all in the same year  How wonderful is that !!!!!.
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My gran had her first baby at 40 and her second at 43 - and that was in the late 30's / early 40's - after she had a long successful career!!

PS - Her hubby was also ten years her junior - I reckon he must have been one of the first 'toy boys' [;-)] - I had  lot of time for my gran....a lady ahead of her time [:D]

PPS She outlived her 'toy boy' by 20 years....living to the grand old age of 93.

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Does anyone remember Debra , the poster who bought some fishing lakes?  She already had 2 children who had been born in the UK and had a baby in France.....from what I recall, she was not impressed with the way her baby was birthed.
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Frenchie you should have a try for at least one more...42 is not 'old' in any respect. Where I had my last baby I was told in the clinic here - at the last minute! - that epidural was the one and only form of pain relief available...they had no idea about gas and air or TENS; your other choice was to scream...which I did as junior was making his exit in the car park...and I was too far gone for the spinal option.

I saw the Mums leaning out their room windows, some attached to IV lines, puffing away on fags like mad throughout the day. And the meals were only fit for people like Posh Spice...tiny portions, I mean REALLY tiny, and not even a drink of water with a meal. Breakfast was just a dry breadroll with a pre-packed jam portion which to me is starvation rations - that was at 7.30am and lunch (if you could call it that) did not appear until 1pm. Not exactly a nutritional diet for a new mother intending to breastfeed and needing those extra calories. Boy was I glad to get home!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello Jura and everyone, I had 3 in France in a general hospital. I came here especially to have them. It was great! The first 2 were in Lons-le-Saunier and my son was born in Pontarlier. I had my own room with a shared changing room for the baby. There was a midwife who was learning English, so she'd come by my room and we'd have very nice conversations in my broken French and her excellent English.

The food was outstanding! I couldn't wait for meal times. I didn't want to go home!!

The one in Pontarlier is next to a Nestlé chocolate factory so I had the gorgeous smell of chocolate wafting in my room. My son was my 5th baby and the midwives left me pretty much alone. Except the time I was 'caught' sleeping with my son in my bed. I believe in having your newborn next to you almost all the time for the first few months, bit like how African mothers keep theirs on them in a baby carrier most of the time. This is what I wanted and at first it caused some hoohar with a few nurses, till they finally turned a blind eye. I know why it caused a bit of a stir, so no lectures please? : o )

I was married before and had a baby in the UK and my other in Germany. Both were fine, but not nearly as good as my French hospital experiences.

Frenchie, I'm 41 and was actually considering for one more, but common sense prevailed. I shall have to wait for grandchildren then?
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Yeah, I ve made up my mind, waiting for the grandchildren too, and  the sooner the better  ( will have to wait a bit though , my son is 14!!)


I know some women at work, who couldn't stand the idea of becoming grand mothers, I'm very different, I love children and I can't wait ti be a gran and read stories, spoil them [;-)] , tell them about my life, ( how boring will that be !!).. Play with them, ( I LOVE dolls ..) [:$]

I envy you to have had all those children, unfortunately mt divorce prevented me from having a larger family and now it s too late.

Anyway, .. still happy [;-)]



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Ahh work! How I miss a proper job!

I'm more telling my kid's/Grandkid's when I was a lass. Although my daughter has got me reading a chapter a night of The Golden Compass trilogy.

Yeah, my divorce was quick and easy (I let him have the lot rather than cause stress to our children). We married when I was very young, they're grown up's now.

I had my 3rd with Philip when I was 29, then came the 4th at 30, then finally #5 at 32. I call 'em the Wham-Bam-Bam kids, LOL

Happy too !
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  • 3 months later...
hi Petra - glad to hear the hospital in Pontarlier is OK. we have bought an old ferme Comtoise nearby  (I wass born and bread in area, but have been living in UK for 37 years, married to Brit) and are waiting for the move (OH retired last year)- but I must say every time we drive by it we think it looks awful - so thanks for reassuring us. Perhaps we will meet in Pontus one day. I was at the station there a couple of years ago very early am, waiting for TGV- nobody else there- then suddenly I heard Sybill, and there they were: Timothey West and Prunella Scales. I was dying to say something, but held my tongue (that makes a change!) to respect their privacy.

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I love being a grannie! and I don't care about being called 'grannie'. Some of my friends hate it and want to be called by their first name, or some modern new invented name. My daughters always called my parents 'grand-papa + grand maman' (still do..) And of course my little grandson, 2 + 3 months, is the best, loveliest, brightest++++ (not that I am biaised or anything. By the way I'm in my late 50s (sp error), not my large 50s!!

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  • 3 years later...
[quote user="opas"]Does anyone remember Debra , the poster who bought some fishing lakes?  She already had 2 children who had been born in the UK and had a baby in France.....from what I recall, she was not impressed with the way her baby was birthed.[/quote]Nooo - I certainly wasn't.  They were efficient but rough, to say the least and as an epidural never works on me, even though they insisted on trying, I had no pain relief as they weren't even happy with me using the gas and air for long.  I was 42 back then, Frenchie, and my third son is a joy to us all.  Now my eldest is 14 and I'm pregnant again, not sure it will go well at age 47 and the reason I'm in this forum and on this thread is I'm looking for positive stories of giving birth in France!

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Thanks, Cendrillon.  I expect I'll be hearing that a lot if the pregnancy continues but I'm really not sure how likely that is.  I've been reading that there is an 80-85% chance of miscarriage at my age so I'll just have to wait and see.  I've also been reading that I had a 1 in 10000 chance of conceiving - or 1 in a million according to some US sites! 

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