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biker sticks leg out ?


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Over here when motorists see a biker in their mirrors they usually pull over as much as possible to allow overtaking this is very usefull & helpfull on a continous white line road . It is the bikers way of saying thank you also done when bikers overtake each other. If bikers are travelling in opposite directions they stick two fingers up, as a form of greeting not abuse as in the UK.
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I wonder if it has come about because of which side of the road we drive now!

Back in the uk, the usual greet/thankyou when overtaking is a wave of the left arm. Try that here and you would have to use your right arm - hand off the throttle when overtaking, not good. So maybe thats why the right leg is used.
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The motorcyclist greetings vary as said above depending on which side of the road you drive on and what kind of bike you ride.

In France the left arm stretched out at 8'0clock (your body being the centre of the clock) is a biker's known sign when passing another biker. As you know, in England the sign is a nod of the head thus avoiding lifting your arm/hand too high (although cruiser riders still use their hands one to another). You will notice that bikers overtaking and stretching their legs out as a thank you are in majority "Ninja" drivers of powerful beasts and not cruiser drivers.....try to hold your bike steady whilst accelerating with your left hand up in the air on handle bars no further apart than 35cm could be quite hazardous.

Many years ago, a friend colleague of mine (the kind that would speed time oneself on a full run of the Peripherique in Paris, usually around 03h00 at the weekend) used to do wheelies at every encounter. He crashed a few times and i'm not sure if he is still alive to-date.
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