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I like this photo not because of Lily but the ivy is so real and I love the old lock on the pig house,I had never noticed it before, but because this part of the forum has made me really look at photos, I have always just taken snaps, but all of a sudden I want to make a good photo,thankyou to everybody on here for the inspiration, just need to get a decent camra now and study the tips you all give.image
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Renaud are your dogs brother and sister,they look as though they have greyhound noses, are they as quick as whippets, my sister had a dog with greyhound in it once , she lived on a  farm and it used to catch anything, even birds in flight regrettably,she was amazing, she had a bit of corgi in her as well and was so intelligent.

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They are both lurchers and as I understand it, a definition of a lurcher is that they are half greyhound (or similar like saluki). Rocco, he of the ginger eyebrows (our dog), came from Evesham Saluki Rescue and is thought to be half saluki.

Ziggi his black and white friend spends quite a bit of time with us as his owner is a single mum and has to juggle quite a few committments. Ziggy came from Battersea and has quite a bit of greyhound in him.

Greyhounds are very fast but they have problems when trying to turn at speed, so gypsies crossbred them with dogs that can jink and turn thus creating the lurcher breed, for their hunting. Another advantage of this mixture is that they combine sight and sent hounds.

Rocco is thought to have been abandoned by gypsies as he has no killer instinct, indeed if he chases a rabbit or squirrel and catches up with it he will do a little prance to let it get away. Ziggy is more ruthless.

Neither will chase or fetch a ball or stick, 'you threw it you get it' is their attitude. Alternativly - 'let the cats get that'.
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Hi Renaud.  Lovely photo of Rocco and Ziggi !  I thought they looked like Lurchers but wasn't sure.  Some friends have one called Poppy.  She looks like a miniture pony and when she wags her tail it bashes everything in sight (including my legs !)  Lovely natured dogs.  Must take my camera along and snap her next time we visit ! [:D]
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[quote user="Lindnarden"]must.......eat.......cat



Now threatening behaviour like that calls,for my wild side, I don,t want to scare you,but as you can see here,I do not hold back,just gotten myself a juicy cricket,so if your passing my neck of the woods, watch out,I,ll have your tail,yum yum!!! Hey I,v got CATTITUDE

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What happened to the lovely Lurcher photo ??

Anyway, let me introduce Sparky who lives with my son and family and two other feline friends.  He's getting on a bit now and has always been a bit of a Tyrant (or protector whichever way you look at it !)  Not sure if you can see all the nicks on his ears from fighting !!  He has also come through a 'hit and run' road accident which left him with a broken pelvis and had one of his toes amputated.  He's definitely got through a few of his nine lives !  He is a cross Siamese/Tabby with blue eyes and 'talks' to anyone who will listen and is very loving. He was a stray who found a loving home thank goodness ! [:D]




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Thought you all might like to see our cats!


Frisky - between 15 & 20 yrs old!


Topsy - originally from Gidea Park!


Ilargi & Spot - two Basque cats.


Sammy - sadly no longer with us.

All have a lot of history; Frisky, Topsy, and Sammy all moved to France with us, and the other two were our son's in Spain, and came to us Christmas 2005 on a "temporary" basis!

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Here is our boy.


Here he is playing in the garden.


Here he is at Christmas with his present.  He'd never had one of these dog bones before.  He really didn't know what to do with it.


He insisted on taking it outside.  I thought he wanted to bury it, but I have never seen him bury anything.  Turns out, he just wanted to sit outside with the thing hanging out of his mouth....


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Love all of the photos of the kitties, they all look like real characters. So sorry about Sammy Valleyboy he was beautiful.

Lori your boy is also gorgeous. It is hard to tell if he is a Sheltie or a Collie but if he gets the hang of chewing on a bone, you may have to keep it up [:)].

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have absolutely no idea how to post a photo on here, but I have been inspired by everyone else.  Following someone's advice I have opened an album on picasaweb, and my photos can be seen here:


There are photos of Eddie, sadly no longer with us, and our new dog, Rocky, who as you will see is a bit freaky!  Both happen to be Greyhound x German Shepherds - but Eddie was more GS, and Rocky is more GH (although there are some who think there is a bit of kangaroo in him!)


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Yes the photos are mostly my own (the one of me and Ed - my avitar was taken by my daughter, and the one of Eddie in the car mirror taken precariously by my husband whilst driving!).  I'm certainly not a particularly good photographer, but it helps when your subjects are photogenic!



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Bugbear, I used to have a cat that did exactly that. He also preferred drinking from the tap instead of his water bowl, he knew how to turn it on to drink from but never bothered to turn it off [:D].


Diane, as others have said they are wonderful photo's, now that you know how, I hope to see more in the future. Rocky is definitely gorgeous and a very lucky boy to have found you [:)].

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  • 3 weeks later...

Our friend's Gordon Setter...Albert, sporting his new hat from Africa (actually it was mine but he like it more)[:D]


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