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Alcohol Free Wine


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Does anybody know where it is possible to buy alcohol-free wine, retail or internet, particularly in the Poitou-Charente region. I know this sounds blasphemous, but for drink drivers at parties, it sounds ideal. There seem to be any number of websites in the UK, selling French wine, but of course they don't deliver outside the UK. If the French produce this stuff, surely they sell it as well !
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[quote user="Phil"]Does anybody know where it is possible to buy alcohol-free wine, retail or internet, particularly in the Poitou-Charente region. I know this sounds blasphemous, but for drink drivers at parties, it sounds ideal. There seem to be any number of websites in the UK, selling French wine, but of course they don't deliver outside the UK. If the French produce this stuff, surely they sell it as well ![/quote]

I don't drink alcohol any more, and when in restos ask for sans-alcool, I've never been offered wine, only fruit juices in various gaudy combinations. I know someone who has found some sans-biere biere, but not wine. The mere idea would probably bring on a national crise cardiaque.

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I do not like red wine.  I sometimes drink red organic grape juice from the supermarket. Lovely. It does shut  people up from having a go at you for not drinking. I get totally fed up at being laughed at for not liking red wine.
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This guy in the village used to spend every waking hour in the cafés before driving himself back to his house.

He's finally been caught by the gendarmes and had his licence suspended.

He announced he was no longer drinking alcohol and has been on water and juices for the last few months, although he still drinks wine with his meals...

When I suggested that he had not really stopped his drinking, everyone present said as one: "mais il ne boit plus de pastis ou d'eau de vie, et le vin, quand on mange, ça ne compte pas!" [:P]

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[quote user="Clair"]
When I suggested that he had not really stopped his drinking, everyone present said as one: "mais il ne boit plus de pastis ou d'eau de vie, et le vin, quand on mange, ça ne compte pas!" [:P]

Spoken like true "alkies."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Never seen or tried alcohol free wine.

I had an alcohol free beer by accident last year, not that I minded, and it was nice . Much better than awful stuff that ex football manager used to advertise many many years ago [+o(]

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[quote user="Will"]Makes me think of our neighbour - when asked what he would like to drink he often replies 'no alcohol - just beer or cider'. Rather worryingly he seems to count pommeau as being non-alcoholic too.[/quote]

Reminds me of each pregnancy when I tell the Breton family that I'm not drinking alcohol, they promptly offer either beer or cider. Since I will have a small glass of champagne for celebration, my father-in-law has convinced himself that champagne is OK during pregnancy.

I agree that finding something nice but non-alcoholic in france isn't easy. I like fruit juice but, there's a limit to the amount my digestive system can take, water is boring after a while, most sodas are very sweet and I'm allergic to coca cola. When there are aperos at school, the non-alcoholic selection is limited to orange juice and coca cola. No water unless there is pastis.

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Someone proudly - and kindly - brought me some non-alcoholic champagne (that's what they said!!!). I looked at the bottle, it's called "Petillant de Listel", made with "petillant" de raisin, Manzane verde flavour.

I poured myself a glass and downed it... then I started to feel really weird (I am practically a teetoaller since any alcohol makes me feel really ill).... looked at the bottle again, and sure enough, the small print reveals.... 3.5% alcohol...

So much for non-alcoholic! I might as well drink real champagne!

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[quote user="Dotty "]The OP lives in the Poitou Charente, so do I.  The Hyper U and Super U near me have a promo on rose, white and red wine sans alcohol.  Can't think of anything worse myself, but there you go.  What ever floats your boat.[/quote]

Boat floating! I knew there had to be a use for the stuff.

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Definitely a different attitude 'en France'.  Our plumber was around last week (giving us a quote for the dreaded new boiler).  I asked if he would like a drink, he looked at his watch determined it was after six and announced that an aperitif would be nice (being English I was actually thinking more along the lines of tea or coffee!).  He proceeded to pour himself a substantial pastis, downed it in one and got into his car and drove off!


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  • 2 weeks later...
This reminds me os a similar situation. My wife asks the waiter for an omlette as she says that she does not eat meat. "Ah Madame, then I will bring you chicken"! "No!" she replies, "I do not eat anything with legs or fins!" The waiter ponders,  "Would Madame like a sausage roll!"

You couldn't make it up!

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In the offshore industry we get nowt, not even Brandy in the "Brandy "sauce at Chrismas nor Sherry in the "Sherry" trifle, I'm thinking of suing.

Thats a nasty prolapse you have there BTW Cassis., I hope you're having it attended to...[:P]

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Worryingly, his brain is prolapsing too..... I never sausage a terrible thing.  Boom Boom!  [:-))]

Alcohol-free....... well, it's a while since I've been in a French supermarket, but the last time I was in High Peru there was certainly a section devoted to non-alcoholic drinks.   It may just have been aperitif-type things though.   That's where I get my alcohol-free Pastis. 

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