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Self-weighing of fruit and veg - mnemonics


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My local SuperU requires customers to weigh their own bags of fruit and veg and stick the emerging price tag on.  Trouble is, faced with all those rows of little pictures in haphazard order above the scales, I used to have to dart my eyes backwards and forwards, line-by-line to find the right button to punch for each item - with a steadily-growing queue forming behind me.
Then it dawned on me that the price label above the bin for each veg bears a number, and - a grain of logic at last - that the images on the scales are arranged in numerical order. [:)]

But how is an aging brain to retain half a dozen or more numbers?  
Call me weird, but I think I have cracked it.  [I]    For some reason I can remember many of those departement ID numbers from the beginnings of postcodes and ends of old-style number plates.  I now can think "Cabbage - Sarthe", "Carrots - Isere", "Apples - Morbihan", "Tomatoes - Pas de Calais" etc.  [geek]

My fingers can punch those buttons as fast as those of any French housewife now!


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I agree wholeheartedly Loiseau, when buying all the veg and fruit for a week or at least several days, it is hard to remember those numbers. I would have problems too, but as I was known, I was often helped, especially  by one of the ladies and she would put mine through for me no problem. The very same lady who showed me how to look for female melons, as they are the sweetest and how to test if a pineapple is ripe.




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[quote user="Loiseau"]

My local SuperU requires customers to weigh their own bags of fruit and veg and stick the emerging price tag on.  Trouble is, faced with all those rows of little pictures in haphazard order above the scales, I used to have to dart my eyes backwards and forwards, line-by-line to find the right button to punch for each item - with a steadily-growing queue forming behind me.
Then it dawned on me that the price label above the bin for each veg bears a number, and - a grain of logic at last - that the images on the scales are arranged in numerical order. [:)]

But how is an aging brain to retain half a dozen or more numbers?  
Call me weird, but I think I have cracked it.  [I]    For some reason I can remember many of those departement ID numbers from the beginnings of postcodes and ends of old-style number plates.  I now can think "Cabbage - Sarthe", "Carrots - Isere", "Apples - Morbihan", "Tomatoes - Pas de Calais" etc.  [geek]

My fingers can punch those buttons as fast as those of any French housewife now!




But how does that help Loiseau? Well it has obviously helped you, but I couldn't do it  especially as the fruit and veg don't actually seem to marry up in any way with the dept nos. I did realise that you go by the dept no, but tomatoes, pas de calais, I could never remember that, as I never associate tomatoes with Calais.[:D]

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It's only that I can remember "62" easier than "Pas de Calais", Idun!  [EDIT:  Doh!  I mean the contraire:  I can remember Pas de Calais easier than 62, of course.]  Of course, it would be a doddle if, say, chicory were labelled 62, melons 32, new potatoes 85, apples 14 etc, but hey, life is not designed to be too simple n'est-ce pas?

Now come on - how do we check for female melons?  Do tell.


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One of my pet hates is arriving at the weighing machine and finding someone working their way through about 10 different bags of fruit and veg.[:@]  Why can't everyone just do a few at a time, and then there would be only a few numbers for them to remember as well.  Mind you, in our Leclerc, you now have to choose between "Fruit, Veg or Exotics" and then find the category of fruit, say, "Pommes" and then pick the actual type, eg "Granny Smiths", making the whole process three times as long.  I'm amazed how many people haven't yet realised (after 6 months) that the categories are in alphabetical order.........I find myself having to resist ripping the bag from their hand and doing the weighing for them.  How sad is that!!

Yes, I know, we're in the south of France and we all have hours and hours to spare, so shouldn't get frazzled................yeah, right.............[:)]

Chrissie (81)

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Buy and weigh one item at a time?[/quote]

Good idea - after I have weighed my first tomato it is easy to remember the number to punch for next 10. Bit slow though? And uses so many more bags.

Or I could buy on a market stall where I just have to select, bag and hand over.


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Our village had a market stall and one could get royally robbed, diddled out of bits and bobs of money each week, if one chose to keep shopping there. Needless to say that even in spite of me wanting to keep local entreprises going, including the market, I stopped doing just that and would buy a little fruit or veg in our hugely expensive Casino, but at least I knew what to expect to pay there. I prefer honest dealings.



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[quote user="Chrissie"]

I'm amazed how many people haven't yet realised (after 6 months) that the categories are in alphabetical order.........I find myself having to resist ripping the bag from their hand and doing the weighing for them.


I didn't know that [:$] [:D]

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Our Super U has lovely scales have a touch screen that start with two picture catagories - Fruit or Vegetables. Whichever one you press then shows all the items under that catagory, for instance if you have some apples - Press Fruit, press Apples, press Golden/Pink Lady/Canada or whatever and hey presto the weight and price are shown and your ticket gets printed [:)] No need to remember any numbers.

By the way Coops I hate Mr RR doing the shopping.[:-))]

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In response to Chrissie:  I have just returned from a quick SuperU foray, and indeed you are quite right about the Veg and fruit being listed separately.  But what can one make of, under Fruits, the Citrons appearing between two types of Poire.  No logic there that I can see.  [:@]


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[quote user="Judith"]Even better solution, go to somewhere where they do it for you at the check out, for you..... I do....


Intermarché do the weighing for you at the till.

I also go to SuperU and Carrefour - I find SuperU more complicated -  they seem to have more items.

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In spite of everything, I do prefer the shops where I weigh my own rather than queue up for service.
Funny how in the UK you just put the stuff in bags and the checkout staff weigh it and price it as they put everything through.  (Or is that just Sainsbury's?)


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