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World Cup exit for England?


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Don't think so.............

"At least two centuries of Rugby’s history are written in the stones and other monuments to tradition that stand around the School Close - where in 1823 a local lad called William Webb Ellis first ran with the ball and invented the game of rugby football. Then, the players were more numerous: in 1839, when Queen Adelaide visited the School, it was School House (75) versus The Rest (225). Today, innumerable tourists visit the ‘home of the game’ and rugby teams from all over the world can be seen training against the distinctive backdrop of Butterfield’s Chapel. "


Ellis was supposed to be playing football.

League came much later when Northern players who could clearly not be classed as "Gentlemen", formed their own Northern clubs since they were excluded from Union clubs: and later on Northern industrialists set up their own "Works" teams and started paying really excellent players as workers in their mills etc, despite the fact they were always at the ground playing and practising!

I do agree however that players of League are absolute hooligans: but, sadly, so are far too many Union players now.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

Los argentinos van a tener mas culo.[:)]


So what were you saying Mr Pachapapa, could you just remind me what the above means. France your old love gone, Argentina your new found love gone,  what are you going to do now then? [:D]

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="pachapapa"]

Los argentinos van a tener mas culo.[:)]




In the context    culo=luck.



The word culo is similar to the word cul in french meaning backside.

The translation of los argentinos van a tener mas culo would literally be the argentinians are going to have more backside which does not mean over much. it would appear that SS has used google translator. Of course everybody knows that software translators get poor results for idiomatic use of language.

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

The word culo is similar to the word cul in french meaning backside.

The translation of los argentinos van a tener mas culo would literally be the argentinians are going to have more backside which does not mean over much. it would appear that SS has used google translator. Of course everybody knows that software translators get poor results for idiomatic use of language.


Nothing to do with translators Google or otherwise. Just getting a little cheesed off with your smart ass contributions  !

Is English your first language ? If so why the use of language more akin to a barrister, or is law yet another of your pastimes ? Why the use of Spanish ? Other than to show how gifted you are in linguistic skills perhaps ?

It's interesting to note there appears to be a fair number of other forums where your contributions have been unwelcome, but still you persist ! 

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I agree Salty Sam that ppps offerings are usually indecipherable. I believe he comes from the Scottish Highlands.

But being charitable, perhaps he's dyslexic, and if so he does very well. [;-)]

(just teasing ppp.)

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I enjoy his postings.

I have lost nearly all the Spanish that I learnt whilst travelling and his riddles get the old grey matter going. Ditto the Bantu and Afrikaans that he also sometimes uses.

Pachapapa, there was another really programme on Bolivia last week on Arte which I missed (les montagnes du monde or something) but Free.fr now have a function to watch selected programmes from the last week, there was nowt else on and I was very pleased to stumble on it.

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[quote user="Gardener"]Doesn't the 4.0 thrashing of Argentina put the performance of England into slightly better context now?

At least England scored a goal and they hadn't got Messi the wonderkid.[/quote]

I don't think so. England were awful all tournament and have never looked like a team under Capello.

Argentina would have destroyed England as well.

Germany have the best team in the tournament by far. They might not have the best players, but they sure have the best team.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="pachapapa"]

The word culo is similar to the word cul in french meaning backside.

The translation of los argentinos van a tener mas culo would literally be the argentinians are going to have more backside which does not mean over much. it would appear that SS has used google translator. Of course everybody knows that software translators get poor results for idiomatic use of language.


Nothing to do with translators Google or otherwise. Just getting a little cheesed off with your smart ass contributions  !

Is English your first language ? If so why the use of language more akin to a barrister, or is law yet another of your pastimes ? Why the use of Spanish ? Other than to show how gifted you are in linguistic skills perhaps ?

It's interesting to note there appears to be a fair number of other forums where your contributions have been unwelcome, but still you persist ! 


A good example of the use of the spanish word that upsets you for some inexplicable reason and in the context of the world cup and the argentinian side and the coach maradona is given by the news report of the 24th june 2010.


The fifth paragraph in the link above is the target.

El ex jugador del FC Barcelona y el Sevilla reconoció haber llegado a la albiceleste "en el momento justo". "Hay una camada de jugadores argentinos que se han juntado para darle una alegría a la gente. Tuve el culo de tenerlos a todos juntos. Quizás a otros técnicos les faltaba uno o se le quedaba otro, y yo los tengo a todos sanos, con un arranque explosivo. Tengo bien a los defensores, al medio campo y a todos los goleadores del fútbol mundial", añadió.

And within that paragraph the third sentence.

Tuve el culo de tenerlos a todos juntos.

The fifth paragraph and the third sentence in particular emphasise Diego's supercalifragalisticexpialidocious fortune of being at the right place at the right time with the right people.[:D]

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I enjoy his postings.

I have lost nearly all the Spanish that I learnt whilst travelling and his riddles get the old grey matter going. Ditto the Bantu and Afrikaans that he also sometimes uses.

Pachapapa, there was another really programme on Bolivia last week on Arte which I missed (les montagnes du monde or something) but Free.fr now have a function to watch selected programmes from the last week, there was nowt else on and I was very pleased to stumble on it.


Will try to view it later but super busy at moment with folks arriving for Bastille week.

The programme is available as last item on list in URL below.


Please if you have time check the second video "les fardeaux des paseros".

I know the border region between Bolivia and Argentina well and particularly the frontier between La Quiaca and Villazon.

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